Vorstellung Trade and Barter DV


Bin beim stöbern mal wieder auf eine Mod gestoßen, die mir gefällt und hier noch nicht vorgestellt wurde. Idealerweise wurde diese bereits übersetzt, ich zitiere einfach mal die Beschreibung:

Handeln in Skyrim ist sehr einfach, langweilig und uninteressant. Ein bestimmter Händler hat immer dieselbe Menge an Septim (Gold) und bietet seine Waren zu genau denselben Preisen an, wie ein Händler für dieselben Waren in einem anderen Teil des Landes.

Trade & Barter will das ändern. Wie tiefgreifend die Veränderungen sind, liegt an Euch!

Kryptopyr hat die Mod von Anfang auf vollständige Anpassbarkeit entwickelt. Jede Variable kann ein- oder ausgestellt werden. So können alle gewünschten Einstellungen vorgenommen werden und unerwünschte Faktoren können entfernt werden.

Man kann wirklich allerhand einstellen, Preisunterschiede zwischen Händlern in Großstädten und Händlern in Dörfern, verschiedene Preise für verschiedene Typen (mögen euch die Händler, seit ihr in der selben Fraktion, steht ihr nackt oder mit gezogener Waffe vor ihnen, ...) und noch vieles mehr.
Hier die Originalbeschreibung vom Autor:
Trade & Barter introduces many optional factors that can influence the prices you'll get when buying and selling items. Again, every one of these is optional. Any of the options can be set to zero or toggled off if you do not wish to use a particular feature.

STATUS - Use your status as Thane or Guild Leader to your advantage and get better prices when dealing with another member of your faction.
  • Thane - Applies to merchants in the primary city within any of the holds where you are Thane. Options: 5% or 10% better prices.
  • Faction Member - Includes Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Companions, College of Winterhold, Imperials, and Stormcloaks. Options: 5%, 10%, or 15% better prices.
  • Faction Leader - Includes Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, the Companions, and College of Winterhold. Options: 5% or 10% better prices.
RELATIONSHIP - All those silly little fetch quests and other tasks that people ask you to do? Now doing favors for merchants and winning their friendship actually has some impact and can have long-lasting benefits for you.
  • Friends - Any NPCs with a relationship rank of either 1 or 2. Options: 1-10% better prices.
  • Allies - Any NPCs with a relationship rank of 3. Options: 2-20% better prices.
  • Lover - Any NPC with a relationship rank of 4 (i.e. your spouse). Options: 5-40% better prices.
Not sure who your friends are? Listen for comments like "You've been a good friend to me" or "It's a fine day with you around." You can also check using the console, just select the NPC in question and enter: player.getrelationshiprank Be aware that not all favor quests result in an increase in your relationship with the person. You can use this mod to help fix some of those relationship oversights.

RACE - Racism is ugly, but it's also an unfortunate fact of life in Tamriel. Most races have some inherent bias against one or more other races.
  • Default - These are preselected values. See the Race Relationships chart in Images to view what the default race settings are. There are also some locational differences. As the cosmopolitan capital, residents of Solitude express less racism than elsewhere in Skyrim. However, Nords who are residents of Windhelm or part of the Stormcloak faction express stronger racism. I've also built several exceptions into the default settings to reflect individual character traits present within the game. Also, your personal relationship with a merchant is more important than any general feelings they may have toward your race and will override any general racial bias.
  • Custom - You can also choose to set your own preferred racial settings. Use this option if you are using a custom race. Friendship will still cause the merchant to ignore any racial bias, however the custom settings will not include the built-in exceptions and will not distinguish for merchants located in Solitude. Options: -15% to 15% effect on prices.
LOCATION - Prices are lower in smaller towns, but merchants also can't afford to pay you top septim for your goods. Cities are expensive, but there is more money to be made there. Merchants in cities charge higher prices when selling their wares, but they are also willing to pay more for premium goods in order to make sure that their shops stay well-stocked. The five major cities can now have their buying and selling rates set individually to reflect their size, wealth, access to supply and shipping routes, or status as a trading center.
  • Selling prices - Options: 5-15% higher prices.
  • Buying prices - Options: 10-50% higher prices.
KNOWLEDGE - It pays to know your merchandise. The more knowledgeable you are about the goods you're selling, the better prices you'll get when dealing with a similarly knowledgeable merchant. When you understand your product, you know it's true worth and you can negotiate better deals.
  • Blacksmiths will respect your skill at the forge and give you better prices the higher your Smithing skill.
  • Apothecaries recognize your knowledge of alchemical properties and will give you better prices the higher your Alchemy skill.
  • Spell merchants respect your knowledge of the arcane and will give you better prices the higher your Enchanting skill.
  • Fletchers recognize a fellow marksman and will give you better prices the higher your Archery skill.
In each case, you'll receive 1% better prices for every 10 skill levels for a maximum 10% bonus at 100 skill level. For example, if you have a Smithing skill of 100, you'll receive 10% better prices from when trading with other smiths.

STOLEN GOODS - Don't expect any favors from Fences. Selling stolen items is going to cost you, so don't expect to get top dollar for ill-gotten goods. Tonila is exempt (actually all Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood fences are exempt, but in the vanilla game this just applies to Tonila). Any mod-added merchants who have been made members of the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood faction will also be exempt. Options: -25% to -5% worse prices.

ETIQUETTE - Approach a merchant with raised fists, hide your identity behind a hood or helmet, or forget to dress yourself, and you may well discover that the prices you receive reflect the impression you're sending to others. Once again, if the merchant is a friend, they will forgive your quirks and ignore these factors.
  • Naked - Nakedness is determined based on wearing a body item (clothing or armor). Options: -10% to 10% effect on prices.
  • Weapon Drawn - Applies if you have any weapon or spell raised or even just your fists. Options: -10% to 10% effect on prices.
  • Wearing a Hood or Helmet - The Thieves Guild hoods and the Masque of Clavicus Vile are also exempt. Options: -10% to 10% effect on prices.

Hier gibts die DV: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40198/
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Reaktionen: Lillyen
Das kommt davon, wenn man einfach nur kopiert und nicht mehr drübersieht :oops:

Wurde korrigiert, danke für den Hinweis :)