Construction Set Skriptthread zum Construction Set

Vampir Krakheit ist einfach:

Frag einfach die Global PcVampir ab:

0: No Vampire (Default)
1-4: Stage of Vampirism
-1: Player was healed from Vampirism.

1 müsste eigentlich heißen, das der Spieler infiziert ist. Wenn du sicher gehen willst, lass dich infizieren, öffne die Konsole und geb ein:

GetBGlobalValue PcVampir

Ich werd es einmal probieren und berichten.

Ich hätte da noch etwas. Timer jedweder Art sind meine Nemesis. Ich kriegs nicht zum laufen.

Könnte mir jemand ein TimerScript schreiben, welches Tage hochzählt? Ich brauche GamesDayPassed für die Begleitdauer in der Statistik, also wie lange ich mit meinem Companion zusammen bin. Ähnlich wie bei Alba.


Funktionier nicht.
Vor dem Infekt >> 0.00
Nach dem Infekt >> 0.00

Bei den Stufen 1-4 bist du ja schon ein Vampir. Ich will den Infekt haben. Also BEVOR du dich zum knacken hinhaust und ein Vampir wirst.

VölligRatlosIchBinDaNixFunktioniert :huh::huh:
hej, wir könnten ein änliches problem haben, nämlich beim abfragen:-D

ein zauber-script, welches nur auf tote npc anwendbar sein soll:

scn 21problemspell
ref getroffen
float tot
float tier
Begin Scripteffectstart 

	set getroffen to getactionref
	set tier to getroffen.GetIsCreature
	set tot to getroffen.getdead

	if  tier==0.00
		if tot==1.00
                   ; irgendwas, was passiert^^


zur verdeutlichung des problems:

scn 21problemspell
ref getroffen
float tot
float tier
Begin Scripteffectstart 

	set getroffen to getactionref
	set tier to getroffen.GetIsCreature
	set tot to getroffen.getdead

	if  tier==0.00
		if tot==1.00
			messagebox "beides funzt"
		messagebox "npc ist nicht tot"
		if tot==1.00
			messagebox "tot aber nicht ncp"
			messagebox "ziel ist nicht tot und nicht npc"

die variablen betragen immer 0:(
heisst: alles ist creature==0 und tot==0
auch wenn man keine variablen benutzt, sondern direkt die befehle GetIsCreature usw eingibt
wo ist der fehler?
Mal eine ganz andere Frage zwischendurch. Es gibt auf 'Ei der Zeit' eine sehr schöne Skriptliste. Da ich aber nur ein 56k Modem besitze (ja-gibt es auch noch ;), wäre meine Frage, ob es so eine Liste auch offline zum Download gibt?

Ich danke mal hier allen Moddern für ein am Leben gehaltenes und vor allem verbesserter Oblivion!!
scn Blubb

ref target
short tod

begin ScriptEffectStart
Set target to GetSelf

If target.GetisCreature == 0 
     If target.GetDead == 1
           Message "Beides Wahr"
           elseif target.GetDead == 0
           Message "Nicht Tot"
Message "Ist kein Npc"

Versuch es doch mal so.
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Reaktionen: _Sam_
Ich hätte da noch etwas. Timer jedweder Art sind meine Nemesis. Ich kriegs nicht zum laufen.

Könnte mir jemand ein TimerScript schreiben, welches Tage hochzählt? Ich brauche GamesDayPassed für die Begleitdauer in der Statistik, also wie lange ich mit meinem Companion zusammen bin. Ähnlich wie bei Alba.


Hust hust. Habt ihr mich vergessen? :oops:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich hab mal eine kurze frage bzw. ein problem mit messageboxen. ich hab hier ein script, das ich übersetzen möche, allerdings ist der text in der messagebox vom ursprünglichen ersteller irgendwie mehrzeilig angelegt worden. das ganze sieht etwa so aus:

MessageBox "Beschreibung 1. Zeile
Beschreibung 2. Zeile
Beschreibung 3. Zeile", "Auswahl 1", "Auswahl 2", "Auswahl 3"

ingame funktioniert das ganze einwandfrei. wenn ich jetzt jedoch dabei gehe, und das ganze übersetze und speichern möchte, meldet mir das CS, daß "Beschreibung" kein gültiger befehl sei.

wie bekomme ich das jetzt gespeichert, ohne mir das ganze layout zu zerhauen, indem ich alles in eine zeile quetsche? :?
das original sieht in der art genauso wie in meinem beispiel aus. es handelt sich übrigens um die mod bag of alchemy, hier ist nochmal ein beispiel direkt aus dem scriptfenster:

MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Burden : %.0f
Chameleon : %.0f
Cure Disease : %.0f
Cure Paralysis : %.0f
Cure Poison : %.0f
Damage  Agility : %.0f
Damage Endurance : %.0f
Damage Fatigue : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Burden", "Chameleon", "Cure Disease", "Cure Paralysis", "Cure Poison", "Damage  Agility", "Damage Endurance", "Damage Fatigue", "Back"

Ingame sieht das ganze dann so aus:

da sind zeilenumbrüche drin, und genau deshalb kann ich das script nicht mehr speichern. aber wie hat der die da rein bekommen, und konnte das script trotzdem speichern?
gibt es evtl. ein sonderzeichen, das erst beim speichern in einen zeilenumbruch umgewandelt wird?
naja, da gibts mehrere scripte in der mod, und mit dem übersetzen hab ich noch garnicht richtig angefangen, weil ich das script ja nicht wieder gespeichert bekomme. aber hier ist mal eins der scripte:

Scriptname aaBAGet

float fQuestDelayTime
float Weight
short i
short j
short asked
short choice
short choice2
short n
short n0
short n1
short n2
short n3
short n4
short n5
short n6
short n7
short Alchemy
short Effects
long effect
long e0
long e1
long e2
long e3
long e4
long e5
long e6
long e7
short attribute
short a0
short a1
short a2
short a3
short a4
short a5
short a6
short a7
ref Bag
ref item

Begin GameMode
	if fQuestDelayTime != 0.001
		set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
		Set Bag to BAContainerRef
	set alchemy to Player.GetBaseActorValue Alchemy

	if asked == 1
		Set choice to GetButtonPressed
		If choice == -1
		ElseIf choice == 0
			Set e0 to 1313100354 ;Burden
			Set e1 to 1280133187 ;Chameleon
			Set e2 to 1229215043 ;Cure Disease
			Set e3 to 1095783747 ;Cure Paralysis
			Set e4 to 1330664771 ;Cure Poison
			Set e5 to 1413564228 ;Damage Agility
			Set a5 to 3
			Set e6 to 1413564228 ;Damage Endurance
			Set a6 to 5
			Set e7 to 1095124804 ;Damage Fatigue
		ElseIf choice == 1
			Set e0 to 1162364740 ;Damage Health
			Set e1 to 1413564228 ;Damage Intelligence
			Set a1 to 1
			Set e2 to 1413564228 ;Damage Luck
			Set a2 to 7
			Set e3 to 1347635012 ;Damage Magicka
			Set e4 to 1413564228 ;Damage Personality
			Set a4 to 6
			Set e5 to 1413564228 ;Damage Speed
			Set a5 to 4
			Set e6 to 1413564228 ;Damage Strength
			Set a6 to 0
			Set e7 to 1413564228 ;Damage Willpower
			Set a7 to 2
		ElseIf choice == 2
			Set e0 to 1413698628 ;Detect Life
			Set e1 to 1280332612 ;Dispel
			Set e2 to 1380471878 ;Feather
			Set e3 to 1195657542 ;Fire Damage
			Set e4 to 1213417798 ;Fire Shield
			Set e5 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Agility
			Set a5 to 3
			Set e6 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Endurance
			Set a6 to 5
			Set e7 to 1095126854 ;Fortify Fatigue
		ElseIf choice == 3
			Set e0 to 1162366790 ;Fortify Health
			Set e1 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Intelligence
			Set a1 to 1
			Set e2 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Luck
			Set a2 to 7
			Set e3 to 1347637062 ;Fortify Magicka
			Set e4 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Personality
			Set a4 to 6
			Set e5 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Speed
			Set a5 to 4
			Set e6 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Strength
			Set a6 to 0
			Set e7 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Willpower
			Set a7 to 2
		ElseIf choice == 4
			Set e0 to 1195659846 ;Frost Damage
			Set e1 to 1213420102 ;Frost Shield
			Set e2 to 1230392905 ;Invisibility
			Set e3 to 1414022988 ;Light
			Set e4 to 1163478350 ;Night-Eye
			Set e5 to 1095909712 ;Paralyze
			Set e6 to 1195656530 ;Reflect Damage
			Set e7 to 1129072210 ;Reflect Spell
		ElseIf choice == 5
			Set e0 to 1229214546 ;Resist Disease
			Set e1 to 1229345618 ;Resist Fire
			Set e2 to 1380340562 ;Resist Frost
			Set e3 to 1095783250 ;Resist Paralysis
			Set e4 to 1330664274 ;Resist Poison
			Set e5 to 1213420370 ;Resist Shock
			Set e6 to 1413563730 ;Restore Agility
			Set a6 to 3
			Set e7 to 1413563730 ; Restore Endurance
			Set a7 to 5
		ElseIf choice == 6
			Set e0 to 1095124306 ; Restore Fatigue
			Set e1 to 1162364242 ; Restore Health
			Set e2 to 1413563730 ; Restore Intelligence
			Set a2 to 1
			Set e3 to 1413563730 ; Restore Luck
			Set a3 to 7
			Set e4 to 1347634514 ; Restore Magicka
			Set e5 to 1413563730 ; Restore Personality
			Set a5 to 6
			Set e6 to 1413563730 ; Restore Speed
			Set a6 to 4
			Set e7 to 1413563730 ; Restore Strength
			Set a7 to 0
		ElseIf choice == 7
			Set e0 to 1413563730 ; Restore Willpower
			Set a0 to 2
			Set e1 to 1145849939 ;Shield
			Set e2 to 1195657299 ;Shock Damage
			Set e3 to 1213417804 ;Shock Shield
			Set e4 to 1129204819 ;Silence
			Set e5 to 1380073815 ;Water Breathing
			Set e6 to 1096237399 ;Water Walking
		ElseIf choice == 8
			Set asked to 99
		set i to Bag.GetNumItems - 1
		Set n0 to 0
		Set n1 to 0
		Set n2 to 0
		Set n3 to 0
		Set n4 to 0
		Set n5 to 0
		Set n6 to 0
		Set n7 to 0
		Label 1
		If i >= 0
			set item to Bag.GetInventoryObject i
			set Effects to GetMagicItemEffectCount item
			set j to 0
			If Effects > 0
				set effect to GetNthEICode item j
				If effect == 1413564228 || effect == 1413566278 || effect == 1413563730
					Set attribute to GetNthEIAV item j
					Set attribute to -1
				If effect == e0 && attribute == a0 || attribute == -1
					Set n0 to n0 + 1
				If effect == e1 && attribute == a1 || attribute == -1
					Set n1 to n1 + 1
				If effect == e2 && attribute == a2 || attribute == -1
					Set n2 to n2 + 1
				If effect == e3 && attribute == a3 || attribute == -1
					Set n3 to n3 + 1
				If effect == e4 && attribute == a4 || attribute == -1
					Set n4 to n4 + 1
				If effect == e5 && attribute == a5 || attribute == -1
					Set n5 to n5 + 1
				If effect == e6 && attribute == a6 || attribute == -1
					Set n6 to n6 + 1
				If effect == e7 && attribute == a7 || attribute == -1
					Set n7 to n7 + 1
				If j < Effects && j <= Alchemy / 25 - 1
					set j to j + 1
			set i to i - 1
			Goto 1
			If choice == 0
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Burden : %.0f
Chameleon : %.0f
Cure Disease : %.0f
Cure Paralysis : %.0f
Cure Poison : %.0f
Damage  Agility : %.0f
Damage Endurance : %.0f
Damage Fatigue : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Burden", "Chameleon", "Cure Disease", "Cure Paralysis", "Cure Poison", "Damage  Agility", "Damage Endurance", "Damage Fatigue", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 1
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Damage Health : %.0f
Damage Intelligence : %.0f
Damage Luck : %.0f
Damage Magicka : %.0f
Damage  Personality : %.0f
Damage Speed : %.0f
Damage Strength : %.0f
Damage Willpower : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Damage Health", "Damage Intelligence", "Damage Luck", "Damage Magicka", "Damage  Personality", "Damage Speed", "Damage Strength", "Damage Willpower", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 2
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Detect Life : %.0f
Dispel : %.0f
Feather : %.0f
Fire Damage : %.0f
Fire Shield : %.0f
Fortify  Agility : %.0f
Fortify Endurance : %.0f
Fortify Fatigue : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Detect Life", "Dispel", "Feather", "Fire Damage", "Fire Shield", "Fortify  Agility", "Fortify Endurance", "Fortify Fatigue", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 3
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Fortify Health : %.0f
Fortify Intelligence : %.0f
Fortify Luck : %.0f
Fortify Magicka : %.0f
Fortify Personality : %.0f
Fortify Speed : %.0f
Fortify Strength : %.0f
Fortify Willpower : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Fortify Health", "Fortify Intelligence", "Fortify Luck", "Fortify Magicka",  "Fortify Personality", "Fortify Speed", "Fortify Strength", "Fortify Willpower", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 4
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Frost Damage : %.0f
Frost Shield : %.0f
Invisibility : %.0f
Light : %.0f
Night-Eye : %.0f
Paralyze : %.0f
Reflect Damage : %.0f
Reflect Spell : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Frost Damage", "Frost Shield", "Invisibility", "Light", "Night-Eye", "Paralyze",  "Reflect Damage", "Reflect Spell", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 5
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Resist Disease : %.0f
Resist Fire : %.0f
Resist Frost : %.0f
Resist Paralysis : %.0f
Resist  Poison : %.0f
Resist Shock : %.0f
Restore Agility : %.0f
Restore Endurance : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Resist Disease", "Resist Fire", "Resist Frost", "Resist Paralysis", "Resist  Poison", "Resist Shock", "Restore Agility", "Restore Endurance", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 6
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Restore Fatigue : %.0f
Restore Health : %.0f
Restore Intelligence : %.0f
Restore Luck : %.0f
Restore Magicka : %.0f
Restore Personality : %.0f
Restore Speed : %.0f
Restore Strength : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Restore Fatigue", "Restore Health", "Restore Intelligence", "Restore Luck",  "Restore Magicka", "Restore Personality", "Restore Speed", "Restore Strength", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 7
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Restore Willpower : %.0f
Shield : %.0f
Shock Damage : %.0f
Shock Shield : %.0f
Silence : %.0f
Water  Breathing : %.0f
Water Walking : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, "Restore Willpower", "Shield", "Shock Damage", "Shock Shield", "Silence", "Water  Breathing", "Water Walking", "Back"
			Set asked to 2
	ElseIf asked == 2
		Set choice2 to GetButtonPressed
		If choice2 == -1
		ElseIf choice2 == 0
			Set effect to e0
			Set attribute to a0
		ElseIf choice2 == 1
			Set effect to e1
			Set attribute to a1
		ElseIf choice2 == 2
			Set effect to e2
			Set attribute to a2
		ElseIf choice2 == 3
			Set effect to e3
			Set attribute to a3
		ElseIf choice2 == 4
			Set effect to e4
			Set attribute to a4
		ElseIf choice2 == 5
			Set effect to e5
			Set attribute to a5
		ElseIf choice2 == 6
			Set effect to e6
			Set attribute to a6
		ElseIf choice2 == 7 && choice != 7
			Set effect to e7
			Set attribute to a7
			Set asked to 0
		set i to Bag.GetNumItems - 1
		Label 1
		Set BAAutoMove to 0
		If i >= 0
			set item to Bag.GetInventoryObject i
			set Effects to GetMagicItemEffectCount item
			If Effects > 0
				Set j to 0
				If GetNthEICode item j == effect && ((effect != 1413564228 && effect != 1413566278 && effect != 1413563730) || attribute == GetNthEIAV item j)
					Set n to Bag.GetItemCount item
					Player.AddItem item n
					Bag.RemoveItem item n
					Set Weight to Weight + (GetWeight item) * n
				ElseIf j < Effects && j <= Alchemy / 25 - 1
					Set j to j + 1
			set i to i - 1
			Goto 1
			Set BAWeight to BAWeight - Weight / BAWeightDiv
			Set Weight to 0
			Set asked to 99
	ElseIf asked == 99
		Set asked to 0
		StopQuest BAGet
		MessageBox "Choose a submenu:", "Burden - Damage Fatigue", "Damage Health - Damage Willpower", "Detect Life - Fortify  Fatigue", "Fortify Health - Fortify Willpower", "Frost Damage - Reflect Spell", "Resist Disease - Restore Endurance", "Restore Fatigue -  Restore Strength", "Restore Willpower - Water Walking", "Cancel"
		set asked to 1

Begin MenuMode 1002
	if fQuestDelayTime != 0.001
		set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
		Set Bag to BAContainerRef
	set alchemy to Player.GetBaseActorValue Alchemy

	if asked == 1
		Set choice to GetButtonPressed
		If choice == -1
		ElseIf choice == 0
			Set e0 to 1313100354 ;Burden
			Set e1 to 1280133187 ;Chameleon
			Set e2 to 1229215043 ;Cure Disease
			Set e3 to 1095783747 ;Cure Paralysis
			Set e4 to 1330664771 ;Cure Poison
			Set e5 to 1413564228 ;Damage Agility
			Set a5 to 3
			Set e6 to 1413564228 ;Damage Endurance
			Set a6 to 5
			Set e7 to 1095124804 ;Damage Fatigue
		ElseIf choice == 1
			Set e0 to 1162364740 ;Damage Health
			Set e1 to 1413564228 ;Damage Intelligence
			Set a1 to 1
			Set e2 to 1413564228 ;Damage Luck
			Set a2 to 7
			Set e3 to 1347635012 ;Damage Magicka
			Set e4 to 1413564228 ;Damage Personality
			Set a4 to 6
			Set e5 to 1413564228 ;Damage Speed
			Set a5 to 4
			Set e6 to 1413564228 ;Damage Strength
			Set a6 to 0
			Set e7 to 1413564228 ;Damage Willpower
			Set a7 to 2
		ElseIf choice == 2
			Set e0 to 1413698628 ;Detect Life
			Set e1 to 1280332612 ;Dispel
			Set e2 to 1380471878 ;Feather
			Set e3 to 1195657542 ;Fire Damage
			Set e4 to 1213417798 ;Fire Shield
			Set e5 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Agility
			Set a5 to 3
			Set e6 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Endurance
			Set a6 to 5
			Set e7 to 1095126854 ;Fortify Fatigue
		ElseIf choice == 3
			Set e0 to 1162366790 ;Fortify Health
			Set e1 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Intelligence
			Set a1 to 1
			Set e2 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Luck
			Set a2 to 7
			Set e3 to 1347637062 ;Fortify Magicka
			Set e4 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Personality
			Set a4 to 6
			Set e5 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Speed
			Set a5 to 4
			Set e6 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Strength
			Set a6 to 0
			Set e7 to 1413566278 ;Fortify Willpower
			Set a7 to 2
		ElseIf choice == 4
			Set e0 to 1195659846 ;Frost Damage
			Set e1 to 1213420102 ;Frost Shield
			Set e2 to 1230392905 ;Invisibility
			Set e3 to 1414022988 ;Light
			Set e4 to 1163478350 ;Night-Eye
			Set e5 to 1095909712 ;Paralyze
			Set e6 to 1195656530 ;Reflect Damage
			Set e7 to 1129072210 ;Reflect Spell
		ElseIf choice == 5
			Set e0 to 1229214546 ;Resist Disease
			Set e1 to 1229345618 ;Resist Fire
			Set e2 to 1380340562 ;Resist Frost
			Set e3 to 1095783250 ;Resist Paralysis
			Set e4 to 1330664274 ;Resist Poison
			Set e5 to 1213420370 ;Resist Shock
			Set e6 to 1413563730 ;Restore Agility
			Set a6 to 3
			Set e7 to 1413563730 ; Restore Endurance
			Set a7 to 5
		ElseIf choice == 6
			Set e0 to 1095124306 ; Restore Fatigue
			Set e1 to 1162364242 ; Restore Health
			Set e2 to 1413563730 ; Restore Intelligence
			Set a2 to 1
			Set e3 to 1413563730 ; Restore Luck
			Set a3 to 7
			Set e4 to 1347634514 ; Restore Magicka
			Set e5 to 1413563730 ; Restore Personality
			Set a5 to 6
			Set e6 to 1413563730 ; Restore Speed
			Set a6 to 4
			Set e7 to 1413563730 ; Restore Strength
			Set a7 to 0
		ElseIf choice == 7
			Set e0 to 1413563730 ; Restore Willpower
			Set a0 to 2
			Set e1 to 1145849939 ;Shield
			Set e2 to 1195657299 ;Shock Damage
			Set e3 to 1213417804 ;Shock Shield
			Set e4 to 1129204819 ;Silence
			Set e5 to 1380073815 ;Water Breathing
			Set e6 to 1096237399 ;Water Walking
		ElseIf choice == 8
			Set asked to 99
		set i to Bag.GetNumItems - 1
		Set n0 to 0
		Set n1 to 0
		Set n2 to 0
		Set n3 to 0
		Set n4 to 0
		Set n5 to 0
		Set n6 to 0
		Set n7 to 0
		Label 1
		If i >= 0
			set item to Bag.GetInventoryObject i
			set Effects to GetMagicItemEffectCount item
			set j to 0
			If Effects > 0
				set effect to GetNthEICode item j
				If effect == 1413564228 || effect == 1413566278 || effect == 1413563730
					Set attribute to GetNthEIAV item j
					Set attribute to -1
				If effect == e0 && attribute == a0 || attribute == -1
					Set n0 to n0 + 1
				If effect == e1 && attribute == a1 || attribute == -1
					Set n1 to n1 + 1
				If effect == e2 && attribute == a2 || attribute == -1
					Set n2 to n2 + 1
				If effect == e3 && attribute == a3 || attribute == -1
					Set n3 to n3 + 1
				If effect == e4 && attribute == a4 || attribute == -1
					Set n4 to n4 + 1
				If effect == e5 && attribute == a5 || attribute == -1
					Set n5 to n5 + 1
				If effect == e6 && attribute == a6 || attribute == -1
					Set n6 to n6 + 1
				If effect == e7 && attribute == a7 || attribute == -1
					Set n7 to n7 + 1
				If j < Effects && j <= Alchemy / 25 - 1
					set j to j + 1
			set i to i - 1
			Goto 1
			If choice == 0
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Burden : %.0f
Chameleon : %.0f
Cure Disease : %.0f
Cure Paralysis : %.0f
Cure Poison : %.0f
Damage  Agility : %.0f
Damage Endurance : %.0f
Damage Fatigue : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Burden", "Chameleon", "Cure Disease", "Cure Paralysis", "Cure Poison", "Damage  Agility", "Damage Endurance", "Damage Fatigue", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 1
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Damage Health : %.0f
Damage Intelligence : %.0f
Damage Luck : %.0f
Damage Magicka : %.0f
Damage  Personality : %.0f
Damage Speed : %.0f
Damage Strength : %.0f
Damage Willpower : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Damage Health", "Damage Intelligence", "Damage Luck", "Damage Magicka", "Damage  Personality", "Damage Speed", "Damage Strength", "Damage Willpower", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 2
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Detect Life : %.0f
Dispel : %.0f
Feather : %.0f
Fire Damage : %.0f
Fire Shield : %.0f
Fortify  Agility : %.0f
Fortify Endurance : %.0f
Fortify Fatigue : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Detect Life", "Dispel", "Feather", "Fire Damage", "Fire Shield", "Fortify  Agility", "Fortify Endurance", "Fortify Fatigue", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 3
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Fortify Health : %.0f
Fortify Intelligence : %.0f
Fortify Luck : %.0f
Fortify Magicka : %.0f
Fortify Personality : %.0f
Fortify Speed : %.0f
Fortify Strength : %.0f
Fortify Willpower : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Fortify Health", "Fortify Intelligence", "Fortify Luck", "Fortify Magicka",  "Fortify Personality", "Fortify Speed", "Fortify Strength", "Fortify Willpower", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 4
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Frost Damage : %.0f
Frost Shield : %.0f
Invisibility : %.0f
Light : %.0f
Night-Eye : %.0f
Paralyze : %.0f
Reflect Damage : %.0f
Reflect Spell : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Frost Damage", "Frost Shield", "Invisibility", "Light", "Night-Eye", "Paralyze",  "Reflect Damage", "Reflect Spell", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 5
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Resist Disease : %.0f
Resist Fire : %.0f
Resist Frost : %.0f
Resist Paralysis : %.0f
Resist  Poison : %.0f
Resist Shock : %.0f
Restore Agility : %.0f
Restore Endurance : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Resist Disease", "Resist Fire", "Resist Frost", "Resist Paralysis", "Resist  Poison", "Resist Shock", "Restore Agility", "Restore Endurance", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 6
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Restore Fatigue : %.0f
Restore Health : %.0f
Restore Intelligence : %.0f
Restore Luck : %.0f
Restore Magicka : %.0f
Restore Personality : %.0f
Restore Speed : %.0f
Restore Strength : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, "Restore Fatigue", "Restore Health", "Restore Intelligence", "Restore Luck",  "Restore Magicka", "Restore Personality", "Restore Speed", "Restore Strength", "Back"
			ElseIf choice == 7
				MessageBox "Retrieve by which effect?
Restore Willpower : %.0f
Shield : %.0f
Shock Damage : %.0f
Shock Shield : %.0f
Silence : %.0f
Water  Breathing : %.0f
Water Walking : %.0f", n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, "Restore Willpower", "Shield", "Shock Damage", "Shock Shield", "Silence", "Water  Breathing", "Water Walking", "Back"
			Set asked to 2
	ElseIf asked == 2
		Set choice2 to GetButtonPressed
		If choice2 == -1
		ElseIf choice2 == 0
			Set effect to e0
			Set attribute to a0
		ElseIf choice2 == 1
			Set effect to e1
			Set attribute to a1
		ElseIf choice2 == 2
			Set effect to e2
			Set attribute to a2
		ElseIf choice2 == 3
			Set effect to e3
			Set attribute to a3
		ElseIf choice2 == 4
			Set effect to e4
			Set attribute to a4
		ElseIf choice2 == 5
			Set effect to e5
			Set attribute to a5
		ElseIf choice2 == 6
			Set effect to e6
			Set attribute to a6
		ElseIf choice2 == 7 && choice != 7
			Set effect to e7
			Set attribute to a7
			Set asked to 0
		set i to Bag.GetNumItems - 1
		Label 1
		Set BAAutoMove to 0
		If i >= 0
			set item to Bag.GetInventoryObject i
			set Effects to GetMagicItemEffectCount item
			If Effects > 0
				Set j to 0
				If GetNthEICode item j == effect && ((effect != 1413564228 && effect != 1413566278 && effect != 1413563730) || attribute == GetNthEIAV item j)
					Set n to Bag.GetItemCount item
					Player.AddItem item n
					Bag.RemoveItem item n
					Set Weight to Weight + (GetWeight item) * n
				ElseIf j < Effects && j <= Alchemy / 25 - 1
					Set j to j + 1
			set i to i - 1
			Goto 1
			Set BAWeight to BAWeight - Weight / BAWeightDiv
			Set Weight to 0
			Set asked to 99
	ElseIf asked == 99
		Set asked to 0
		StopQuest BAGet
		MessageBox "Choose a submenu:", "Burden - Damage Fatigue", "Damage Health - Damage Willpower", "Detect Life - Fortify  Fatigue", "Fortify Health - Fortify Willpower", "Frost Damage - Reflect Spell", "Resist Disease - Restore Endurance", "Restore Fatigue -  Restore Strength", "Restore Willpower - Water Walking", "Cancel"
		set asked to 1

ich kann also nichtmal das originale script wieder speichern, weil da ja bereits die zeilenumbrüche drin sind...
Hmm, ich würde jetzt ganz plump mal versuchen, einen html-TAG für Zeilenumbruch zu benutzen, also <br />
Kannst ja probehalber ein ganz kurzes Script machen, zum testen halt. Dann musst du nicht alles ändern und dich nicht ärgern, wenns nicht klappt.

Ich werd es einmal probieren und berichten.

Ich hätte da noch etwas. Timer jedweder Art sind meine Nemesis. Ich kriegs nicht zum laufen.

Könnte mir jemand ein TimerScript schreiben, welches Tage hochzählt? Ich brauche GamesDayPassed für die Begleitdauer in der Statistik, also wie lange ich mit meinem Companion zusammen bin. Ähnlich wie bei Alba.


Äääh Huhu? Hat mein Deo versagt, oder warum werde ich ignoriert? ;)
scn Blubb

flaot startdays
float CurrentDays
float HowMuchDays
short once

Begin Sonstwas
if once == 0
Set StartDays to GameDaysPassed
Set once to 1

Begin GameMode
Set CurrentDay to GameDaysPassed
Set HowMuchDays to CurrentDays - StartDays
Message " Die Dauer bertägt %.f Tage" HowMuchDays, 10

So könnte es z.B aussehen.
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Reaktionen: Eddy Kaschinski
Nicht, ich glaube nicht, das man sie unbenutzbar machen kann, ich kann dir aber einen Script schreiben, damit das Schwert automatisch wieder "Voll" wird^^.

Begin GameMode
If ( Player.GetItemCount IddesSchwertes < 1 )
Player.AddItem IddesSchwertes, 1


Wo genau muss ich das Script, dass du mir gegeben hast denn einfügen? An Pfeilen direkt kann man keine Scripte einfügen.
Du könntest den auf ganz viel Einfügen.

1. Erstelle ein Enchantment mit dem Script

2. Füge dem Spieler ein Item hinzu, auf dem der Script liegt.

3. Ein externer Activator der das ganze überprüft.
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Reaktionen: Nexon
Das als Enchantment hab ich schon probiert, aber das Problem ist, dass ich das Script nicht aus der dropdown Liste auswählen kann, obwohl ich es vorher gespeichert hab. Muss man das vorher noch kompilieren oder so?
Nein, du hast es wahrscheinlich unter dem falschen Typ gespeichert. Im Script-Fenster ist oben rechts ein DropDownbalken, dort must du MagicEffect auswählen.
  • Like
Reaktionen: Nexon
Ok ich hab das Script im Spiel, aber mir ist grad eine bessere Idee gekommen.

Ist es möglich abzufragen, ob der Spieler grad einen Bogen ausgerüstet hat?

Dann würde ich es nämlich gern so machen, dass wenn ein Bogen (irgendeiner, am besten allgemein definieren) ausgerüstet wird, dann wird mein Item automatisch abgerüstet und man kann es auch nicht ausrüsten solange der Spieler einen Bogen trägt.

Wäre sowas möglich?