Problem Open Cities Skyrim - Offene Stadttore DV - German Version

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Zu deiner Frage: nein


Mods which strictly replace vanilla textures or the vanilla meshes are 100% compatible.

Generally speaking, any mod which adds things to the closed cities will be incompatible.

City mods that add some details to the open worldspace will be partially compatible.

The Last Defeat of the Dragon Cult - The mod hasn't been updated since March. It's navmeshes are partially corrupted and must be repaired.

More Dynamic Shadows & Striping Fix - Numerous dirty edits that cause some interiors to cease functioning.

Mods which alter the following quests will not be compatible without a patch:

MS05KingOlafsFestival - Tending the Flames

Mods which edit the following scripts will not be compatible unless patched:

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Reaktionen: Gordon313
Schau mal was bei meinem Post steht! Einzelne Wörter übersetzen würde mir nix bringen da ich, wie ich schon mal schrieb, kein Englisch kann^^