Das ist die aktuellste Fehlermeldung.
Eine der Dateien, die für "Eine der Dateien, die für "%s" benötigt werden, wurde seit der letzten Speicherung verändert. Dies kann zu Fehlern führen. Nach erneutem Speichern wird diese Meldung nicht mehr erscheinen. Dadurch ist aber nicht notwendigerweise der Fehler behoben." benötigt werden, wurde seit der letzten Speicherung verändert. Dies kann zu Fehlern führen. Nach erneutem Speichern wird diese Meldung nicht mehr erscheinen. Dadurch ist aber nicht notwendigerweise der Fehler behoben.
Eine der Dateien, die für "Eine der Dateien, die für "%s" benötigt werden, wurde seit der letzten Speicherung verändert. Dies kann zu Fehlern führen. Nach erneutem Speichern wird diese Meldung nicht mehr erscheinen. Dadurch ist aber nicht notwendigerweise der Fehler behoben." benötigt werden, wurde seit der letzten Speicherung verändert. Dies kann zu Fehlern führen. Nach erneutem Speichern wird diese Meldung nicht mehr erscheinen. Dadurch ist aber nicht notwendigerweise der Fehler behoben.
Eine der Dateien, die für "Eine der Dateien, die für "%s" benötigt werden, wurde seit der letzten Speicherung verändert. Dies kann zu Fehlern führen. Nach erneutem Speichern wird diese Meldung nicht mehr erscheinen. Dadurch ist aber nicht notwendigerweise der Fehler behoben." benötigt werden, wurde seit der letzten Speicherung verändert. Dies kann zu Fehlern führen. Nach erneutem Speichern wird diese Meldung nicht mehr erscheinen. Dadurch ist aber nicht notwendigerweise der Fehler behoben.
Die benötigte Version der Master-Datei konnte von einem oder mehreren Plugins nicht gefunden werden. Während des Ladens oder Spielens können daher Fehler auftreten. Mehr Informationen hierzu finden Sie in der Datei "Warnings.txt".
Object reference "jerian dolbanitte"
missing in master file.
Current file "MW_Children_1_0.esm"
Cell "Gnaar Mok, Jerian Dolbanitte's Shack"
Object reference "senise thindo"
missing in master file.
Current file "MW_Children_1_0.esm"
Cell "Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters"
Cell "Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Mournhold" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Balmora, Council Club" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Cavern of the Incarnate" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Object reference "Dreamer_Talker02"
missing in master file.
Current file "K`renjit, Town of Thieves v.1.00.esp"
Cell "Ald-ruhn, Gindrala Hleran's House"
Cell "Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Dissapla Mine" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Dunirai Caverns" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object reference "breton dancer girl"
missing in master file.
Current file "Laputa2.esp"
Cell "Suran, Desele's House of Earthly Delights"
Cell "Dunirai Caverns" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Chun-Ook, Upper Level" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Indalen Ancestral Tomb" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Balmora, Council Club" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Chun-Ook, Upper Level" not found for dialogue type Greeting
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Skaal Village" not found for dialogue type Voice
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Wolfenhalle" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Ald'ruhn" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Cell "Ald'ruhn" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object reference "in_velothismall_ndoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Vivec Nerevarine Palace.esp"
Cell "Vivec, High Fane"
Unable to find Region 'LoKKen Region' in Load for Cell 'Wildnis'.
Unable to find Region 'LoKKen Region' in Load for Cell 'Wildnis'.
Object reference "in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Warriors Rest.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Dura gra-Bol's House"
Cell "Ald Redaynia, Tower" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object reference "used clutter salesman"
missing in master file.
Current file "GrazelandCastle.esp"
Cell "Clutter Warehouse - Everything Must Go!"
Object reference "lord cluttermonkey"
missing in master file.
Current file "GrazelandCastle.esp"
Cell "Clutter Warehouse - Everything Must Go!"
Cell "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object reference "scamp_creeper"
missing in master file.
Current file "creepers Pad.esp"
Cell "Caldera, Ghorak Manor"
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_NPC_Schloafen' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Ratsmitglied Schloafen´s Haus'.
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_NPC_Scherbe' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Ratsmitglied Scherbe´s Haus'.
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_NPC_Balou' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Ratsmitglied Balou´s Haus'.
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_NPC_Erai' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Ratsmitglied Erai´s Haus'.
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_NPC_XGAME' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Ratsmitglied X-Game´s Haus'.
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_NPC_Finarfin' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Ratsmitglied Pentalaimon´s Haus'.
Unable to locate Ownership NPC 'XMAS_Grinch' for object 'xmas_iglu_door01' in Cell 'Nordpol, Hütte des Grinch'.
Object reference "in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Balmora UnderGround Hideaway.esp"
Cell "Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub"
Cell "Cavern of the Incarnate" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object reference "EX_MH_temple_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Old Eden.esp"
Cell "Mournhold, Temple Courtyard"
Object reference "clagius clanler"
missing in master file.
Current file "Dwemer Ruins Fix2.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Clagius Clanler: Outfitter"
Object reference "arrille"
missing in master file.
Current file "Your Underground Balmora Home.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse"
Object reference "tandram andalen"
missing in master file.
Current file "Your Underground Balmora Home.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse"
Object reference "tolvise othralen"
missing in master file.
Current file "Your Underground Balmora Home.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse"
Object reference "albecius colollius"
missing in master file.
Current file "Your Underground Balmora Home.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse"
Object reference "in_velothismall_ndoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Your Underground Balmora Home.esp"
Cell "Tharys Ancestral Tomb"
Object reference "in_impsmall_loaddoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Tenience's Rare Items V2.1.esp"
Cell "Pelagiad, Guard Tower"
Object reference "in_impsmall_trapdoor_01a"
missing in master file.
Current file "Tenience's Rare Items V2.1.esp"
Cell "Pelagiad, Guard Tower"
Object reference "in_c_door_wood_square"
missing in master file.
Current file "Cyrodiil 15% 31.10.2003 V.01.esp"
Cell "Dagon Fel, End of the World Renter Rooms"
Object reference "ex_common_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Cyrodiil 15% 31.10.2003 V.01.esp"
Cell "Dagon Fel, The End of the World"
Object reference "meril hlaano"
missing in master file.
Current file "balmora_market_stall.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Eight Plates"
Object reference "ex_common_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "BalmoraHighRiseCottagev1.4.esp"
Cell "Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House"
Object reference "cunius pelelius"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Hall-of-Heroes-Expansion v1.1a.esp"
Cell "Caldera, Governor's Hall"
Missing object "Hodlismod Jr" for reference during cell "Caldera, Hodlismod: Armorer" load.
Object reference "gadela andus"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Hall-of-Heroes-Expansion v1.1a.esp"
Cell "Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub"
Object reference "in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "BE_ghetto_BE.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Dura gra-Bol's House"
Object reference "abelle chriditte"
missing in master file.
Current file "Riverside Cottage.esp"
Cell "Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber"
Object reference "in_strong_vaultdoor00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Riverside Cottage.esp"
Cell "Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber"
Object reference "clagius clanler"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Clagius Clanler: Händler"
Object reference "wayn"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Kriegergilde"
Object reference "habasi"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "Sirollus Saccus"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Ebenherz, Garnison der Falkenfalter-Legion"
Object reference "ex_cave_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Malmus-Grotte"
Object reference "in_de_ship_cabindoor"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Prelude-Schiffswrack, Kabine"
Object reference "ex_nord_door_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Zensus- und Steueramt"
Object reference "Ex_V_cantondoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Av,V1.0 (Azuras Dorf)_DV.esp"
Cell "Vivec, Arena, Grube"
Object reference "Imperial Guard"
missing in master file.
Current file "nerv.esp"
Cell "Caldera, Irgola: Pfandleiher"
Object reference "anarenen"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Ald'ruhn, Magiergilde"
Object reference "manis virmaulese"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Ald'ruhn, Magiergilde"
Object reference "masalinie merian"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Magiergilde"
Object reference "sharn gra-muzgob"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Magiergilde"
Object reference "ranis athrys"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Magiergilde"
Object reference "medila indaren"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Caldera, Magiergilde"
Object reference "Orvas Dren Druglord"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Dren-Plantage, Drens Herrenhaus"
Object reference "door_cavern_doors10"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Vassir-Didanat Höhle"
Object reference "malven romori"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Vivec, Magiergilde"
Object reference "trebonius artorius"
missing in master file.
Current file "Roky's_miniMOD1.0.esp"
Cell "Vivec, Magiergilde"
Object reference "lloros sarano"
missing in master file.
Current file "AmalyanTempleRelease1.esp"
Cell "Ald'ruhn, Tempel"
Object reference "shannat pansamsi"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Morag Tong, Gilde"
Object reference "nachael"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Morag Tong, Gilde"
Object reference "gilyan sedas"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Morag Tong, Gilde"
Object reference "ethasi rilvayn"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Morag Tong, Gilde"
Object reference "Angahran"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Morag Tong, Gilde"
Object reference "in_hlaalu_door"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Morag Tong, Gilde"
Object reference "bacola closcius"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "tappius esdrecus"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "onlyhestandsthere"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "chirranirr"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "arathor"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "sottilde"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "phane rielle"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "in_hlaalu_door"
missing in master file.
Current file "The Lair V1.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Südwall-Taverne"
Object reference "ordinator_mh_stationary"
missing in master file.
Current file "ExpandedMoA.esp"
Cell "Gramfeste, Artefakt-Museum"
Object reference "ordinator_mh_stationary"
missing in master file.
Current file "ExpandedMoA.esp"
Cell "Gramfeste, Artefakt-Museum"
Object reference "dreamer worker"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Akulakhans Kammer"
Object reference "dreamer worker"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Akulakhans Kammer"
Object reference "dreamer worker"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Akulakhans Kammer"
Object reference "dagoth_ur_2"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Akulakhans Kammer"
Object reference "door_dwrv_double00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Akulakhans Kammer"
Object reference "door_dwrv_double01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Akulakhans Kammer"
Object reference "dagoth_ur_1"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Höhle"
Object reference "dagoth drals"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innere Höhle"
Object reference "Bonewalker_Greater"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innere Höhle"
Object reference "dagoth rather"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innere Höhle"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innere Höhle"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innere Höhle"
Object reference "dagoth irvyn"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innerer Turm"
Object reference "2jw_g_door_dwrv_ldown01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Innerer Turm"
Object reference "dagoth muthes"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Untere Höhle"
Object reference "bonelord"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Untere Höhle"
Object reference "dagoth gilvoth"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Untere Höhle"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00_uni"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Untere Höhle"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_cavern_doors10"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Untere Höhle"
Object reference "dagoth vaner"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Äußere Höhle"
Object reference "dagoth ienas"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Äußere Höhle"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Äußere Höhle"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Dagoth Ur, Äußere Höhle"
Object reference "dremora_lord"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Endusal, Kagrenac's Study"
Object reference "ash_slave"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Endusal, Kagrenac's Study"
Object reference "dagoth endus"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Endusal, Kagrenac's Study"
Object reference "daedroth"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Endusal, Kagrenac's Study"
Object reference "dagoth goral"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Endusal, Kagrenac's Study"
Object reference "dagoth mendras"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Endusal, Kagrenac's Study"
Object reference "atronach_flame"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Blutendes Herz"
Object reference "dagoth elam"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Blutendes Herz"
Object reference "atronach_flame"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Blutendes Herz"
Object reference "atronach_flame"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Charmas Atem"
Object reference "Bonewalker_Greater"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Charmas Atem"
Object reference "dagoth fervas"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Charmas Atem"
Object reference "bonelord"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Charmas Atem"
Object reference "dagoth daynil"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Charmas Atem"
Object reference "dagoth uthol"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Charmas Atem"
Object reference "dagoth girer"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Pollocks Kuppel"
Object reference "dagoth reler"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Ursos Kuppel"
Object reference "atronach_flame"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Makis Halle"
Object reference "atronach_flame"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Makis Halle"
Object reference "in_strong_vaultdoor00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Makis Halle"
Object reference "dagoth delnus"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Phistos Halle"
Object reference "dagoth baler"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Halle des Wachsamens Gefühls"
Object reference "atronach_frost"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Nabith-Kanal"
Object reference "dagoth ralas"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Nabith-Kanal"
Object reference "atronach_frost"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Nabith-Kanal"
Object reference "dagoth uvil"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Tempel der Todgeweihten"
Object reference "dagoth ulen"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Aerodes Gewölbe"
Object reference "bonelord"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Kogoruhn, Aerodes Gewölbe"
Object reference "dreamer_dead"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "dreamer_dead"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "dreamer_dead"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "dagoth odros"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "atronach_flame"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "golden saint"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "door_dwrv_loadup00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Odrosal, Ausbildungsakademie der Dwemer"
Object reference "door_cavern_doors10"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Panabanit-Nimawia, Eiermine"
Object reference "dagoth fals"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Auge von Duggan"
Object reference "2jw_g_door_dwrv_ldown01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Auge von Duggan"
Object reference "dagoth galmis"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Auge von Thom Wye"
Object reference "2jw_g_door_dwrv_ldown01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Auge von Thom Wye"
Object reference "dagoth molos"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Kagrenacs Bibliothek"
Object reference "dagoth tureynul"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Kagrenacs Bibliothek"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_ld00"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Kagrenacs Bibliothek"
Object reference "2jw_g_door_dwrv_ldown01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Kagrenacs Bibliothek"
Object reference "2jw_g_door_dwrv_ldown01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Tureynulal, Kagrenacs Bibliothek"
Object reference "drireri berano"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Ularradallaku, Schrein"
Object reference "uradras sadalas"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Ularradallaku, Schrein"
Object reference "dagoth vemyn"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Halle der Drehungen"
Object reference "dagoth felmis"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Halle der Drehungen"
Object reference "dagoth soler"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Halle der Drehungen"
Object reference "dremora_lord"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Halle der Drehungen"
Object reference "skeleton_Vemynal"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Halle der Drehungen"
Object reference "dagoth garel"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Äußere Festung"
Object reference "dagoth nilor"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Äußere Festung"
Object reference "Bonewalker_Greater"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Äußere Festung"
Object reference "ash_zombie"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Äußere Festung"
Object reference "1jw_g_door_dwrv_game"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Vemynal, Äußere Festung"
Object reference "assallit assunbahanammu"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Yanemus, Mine"
Object reference "tubilalk mirathrernenum"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Yanemus, Mine"
Object reference "1jw_g_yanemusdoor"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean Ghostgate COM.esp"
Cell "Yanemus, Mine"
Object reference "in_velothismall_ndoor_01"
missing in master file.
Current file "Tombs Expanded.esp"
Cell "Marvani-Ahnengruft"
Object reference "Ex_MH_sewer_trapdoor_sadri"
missing in master file.
Current file "DaggerIslands, elvish city of daggerwood.esp"
Cell "Gramfeste, Haus Sadri"
Dialogue "" type "Topic" tried to become type "Journal".
Object reference "nord dancer girl"
missing in master file.
Current file "Tavern Ambience.esp"
Cell "Suran, Deseles Haus der irdischen Freuden"
Object reference "teegla"
missing in master file.
Current file "Tavern Ambience.esp"
Cell "Vivec, Der Echsenkopf"
Object reference "chargen captain"
missing in master file.
Current file "Black Candle v1 Bandit Cave.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Zensus- und Steueramt"
Object reference "athal nerano"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean The Black Queen Chronicles Ver 2.5.esp"
Cell "Gnisis, Handelshaus Madach"
Object reference "talms dralor"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean The Black Queen Chronicles Ver 2.5.esp"
Cell "Gnisis, Handelshaus Madach"
Object reference "hrisskar flat-foot"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean The Black Queen Chronicles Ver 2.5.esp"
Cell "Seyda Neen, Arrilles Handelshaus"
Object reference "muvis moran"
missing in master file.
Current file "Clean The Black Queen Chronicles Ver 2.5.esp"
Cell "Suran, Deseles Haus der irdischen Freuden"
Object reference "door_cavern_doors10"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Abaelun-Mine"
Object reference "in_de_shack_door"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Eine verlassene Hütte"
Object reference "todwendy"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Balmora, Zum Glückspilz"
Object reference "hingor"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Festung der Buckfalter-Legion, Innen"
Object reference "hinald"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Gnaar Mok, Dreugh-jiggers Ruh"
Object reference "strillian macro"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Gnisis, Baracken"
Object reference "dethresa saren"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Molag Mar, Tempel"
Object reference "tusamircil"
missing in master file.
Current file "Drinking Water.esp"
Cell "Sadrith Mora, Wolfenhalle: Magiergilde"
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 9.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 9.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 11.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 7.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 3.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 0.
Land (-3, -1) unable to load texture idx 4.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 6.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 6.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 6.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 6.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 6.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 6.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 10.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 5.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 10.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 10.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 10.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 2.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 10.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 1.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 8.
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Land (-3, -2) unable to load texture idx 2.
Script 'IOTD_Hs_sBolt_script' is not allowed on Ammo 'IOTD_Hs_silver_bolt'.
Script 'IOTD_Hs_fBolt_script' is not allowed on Ammo 'IOTD_Hs_flame_bolt'.
Unable to find script 'mm_lightscript' on object 'mm_windowlight_orange'.
Unable to find script 'mm_lightscript' on object 'mm_windowlight_arrowslit'.
Unable to find script 'mm_lightscript' on object 'mm_windowlight_orang2'.
Missing Masterfile: 6090-1.0-cerelaRel1esp-TESSource_DV.esp