Vorstellung Medic


Habe mal wieder eine, in meinen Augen tolle, Mod gefunden. :)

Autor: Skycaptain
Version: 1.0

Euer Begleiter ist dem Tode nahe, aber ihr habt nur Heiltränke und keinen Heilzauber für ihn? Dann müsstet ihr normalerweise beten, dass er überlebt, da ihr ihm keine Heiltränke geben könnt. Diese Mod ändert dies! Richtet das Fadenkreuz auf den NPC und öffnet euer Inventar, dann einen Rechtsklick auf den Heiltrank und schon erhält euer Begleiter den Heiltrank. Wenn ihr beim Rechts klicken die Strg-Taste gedrückt haltet, könnt ihr sehen, ob der NPC schon einen solchen Heiltrank hat. Dann brauch er natürlich keinen mehr ;)
Den Heiltrank werden die NPC's dann nutzen, wenn sie normalerweise einen Heiltrank zu sich nehmen. Sollte mit jedem NPC funktionieren.

Benötigt OBSE v0016 oder höher!

Name: Medic!
Version: 1.0
Date: 3/19/2009
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements: Oblivion Patch, Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE)
Author: Skycaptain
Source: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23242
Forum: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showforum=25


Ever played OOO and watched in horror how those legionares get beaten bloodily already in the initial battle of Kvatch, and thinking how to tell your troops that they are all going to DIE come the next battle, given their weak conditions.

Ever played Bartholm, and tried to keep Filthy Fahad from being eaten alive? Or tried to be a good squad leader while your squad died days ago?

Ever just ONCE wished that you could just toss a potion of healing to your random little helper before he rushes unprepared to his death? Or maybe sacrifice your last Shield potion in the mids of the battle to protect Annoying Fan? ;)

They are all fighting on your side, and sooner rather than later they are all calling: "MEDIC!" ...What are you waiting for?


This is a relatively modest yet neat little mod that allows you to give any NPCs any potions at any point in game, by simply opening your own inventory while facing the NPC and Right Clicking the potion.

NO CHANGES TO THE NPCS HAVE BEEN DONE, nor does this mod affect the NPCs or their AI in any way. They use the potion when they would normally feel like it, and your other mods can play their normal role in it.

This is meant to be as-intuitive-as-possible approach to an issue that has been bugging me, I wanted to be able to toss a potion to an NPC when fuelling up myself, instead of just wathing them bleed to death. No spells, no barter screens, no chitchat: "Here, have a medkit." (HL2 anyone? :p)

Now it could not be more simple: I go the NPC, open up my own inventory, and see what I could spare. When I see ANY potion I want to give, I RIGHT click it. There. Done. Or maybe another one? Done.

A BONUS FEATURE (which took most of the work):

Some times you WILL want to check if you already gave some NPC a potion, or if he has any left from those that you gave him.

Hold "Sneak" (default: Left Control) and right click the item. The item is NOT given to the NPC, instead you get info telling you which kind of effects the NPC's potions currently include.

"Example: The Foreign Legionare already has some comparable potions, 1 with Restore Realth and 2 with Restore Fatigue".

while this could mean:

-one with Restore Health AND Restore Fatigue + one with Restore Fatigue
-one with Restore Healt + 2 with Restore Fatigue

it should provide more than enough info for you for these situation, and before anything else allow you to tell which of the potions YOU gave him are still unused.

(!) The script filters out information that is generally not interesting to you.

For example, if you give the NPC a "Restore Health 7p for 30s" potion with a side effect of "Damage Health 2p for 18s", and then check if the NPC has "Damage health" potions, the message will **NOT** tell you the NPC already has "Damage Health" potions.

This is where the word "comparable" comes from in the message. Poisons and potions are treated separately, and effects weaker that 50% of the selected potion are ignored. :)

-NOTE! You can close the information message by clicking ANYWHERE with either mouse button.-

-NOTE2! This mod displays a "tutorial" message on the upper left corner for the FIRST 5 TIMES you access your inventory while facing an NPC and thus being able to give a potion. So don´t mistake it as spam.

1. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE OBSE v16 (or higher)! Get it here: http://obse.silverlock.org/ and READ its README

2. Extract this mod to Oblivion\Data folder.

2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s). (or use Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye bash, either one is recommended)

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the esp that comes with this mod.

Load order does not matter.


No incompatibilites I can imagine.

Known Issues or Bugs

-the effects listed in the info message only check for the first 4 effects for the selected potion. If the NPC has potions with effects included in the 5th or 6th etc effects of the potion, they are not listed in the message. This shouldn´t affect anything on a practical level.

-I have been told there is a "bug" in Oblivion that causes all generic NPCS to have their gear reset when they travel (even through load doors?). So giving random "companions" loads of potions at once could be pretty pointless.

Note: I expanded this mod to include items, but omitted the feature because of this. Please feel free to correct me.

-ALSO: from my experience, NPCs waste all Restore health potions at once that are NOT insta-effect, in other words have a duration. Apparently, the game AI is too impatient. So again, it could be pointless to give loads of similar potions for an NPC. Toss them one between battles, or during them. Or give them Shield etc potions... ;)


1.0, initial release.

Find me on the Official Forums as Skycaptain, see the "Forums" link.


-Oblivion Script Extender team. Making this mod made me use functions I hadn´t used before, and once again I was taken back by what all we have today. :)

-Bethesda Softworks, thank you for the great game and all the endless fun.

Tools Used
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) - http://obse.silverlock.org/
TES Construction Set - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11367
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp


You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of
this mod. If I do not respond within 2 weeks, feel free to do whatever you
like with this mod.

The only valid contact method is contacting me on the official forums. This is not to be unreasonable, on the contrary, it´s unreasonable to assume I read my Youtube PMs. ;)

Schade, ich hab grade sehr Große Verluste bei der Schlacht von Kvatch gehabt:lol:

Naja, Danke für die Vorstellung
Die Mod hätte mir Tausende von Septimen erspart, die ich den Best Mates schon in den Rachen geschoben hab...
Danke für die Vorstellung!
Muss ich auch sagen, danke.

Jetzt kann ich endlich einmal eine Schlacht anführen, ohne viele verluste ;)
