

Bin mir jetzt nicht ganz sicher ob das in dieses Unterforum oder im Modprobleme gehört, habs einfach mal hier reingepackt, und wenn ich fehl am platz bin, dann bitte umschieben und sorry :p

So, nach dem mein letzter Char an Savebloat gestorben ist (hatte das spiel vor monaten installiert, und jetzt wieder neu angefangen, und wollte den char behalten. Hab zwar versucht die selben mods wieder draufzupacken, hab aber nicht viel gebracht. Egal - neu ist auch nicht schlecht :D), wollte ich mal ein neues Spiel aufsetzten, in dem ich dann keine modänderungen nachträglich oder so machen müsste. Abgewartet bis der neue Patch draußen ist, alles mal schnell drauf. BOSS ließ ich auch noch drüberlaufen. Jetzt ist die Modliste eigentlich schon praktisch fertig. Wollte aber noch mal die Profis unter euch fragen, ob ich da nicht doch noch etwas ändern sollte. Es gibt z.b. abstürze wenn ich zu einer Warzone im NordOsten von Whiterun gehe... Außerdem will ich noch jetzt Automatic Variants, GELO und Requiem draufbügeln. Beim ersten sollte es keine Probleme geben - hab ich schon mehrmals gemacht. Doch bei den letzten zwei weiß ich nicht genau wie ich das machen soll.GELO ist ja ein SkyProc-Patcher, und heißt das jetzte ich muss zuerst Requiem und dann gelo installieren, oder zuerst Gelo und dann Requiem? 0o

So, hier erstmal die Loadorder

WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp
Roman armor and weapons replacer.esp
Beautiful Whiterun.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
NoEyeAdaptation - Climates of Tamriel.esp
Further Dark Dungeons for ENB Ice.esp
Realistic Lighting Addon.esp
Elewin Pumps 2.esp

Außerdem hab ich mal mein Spiel Logdateien anfertigen lassen, um gleich zu sehen ob etwas nicht stimmt. Das merkwürdige: Dort wurden fehler mit scripts angezeichnet, als noch keine Mods bis auf die Addons drauf waren. Und die Scrpits sind auch teilweiße von den addons. Ist das normal?

[03/19/2013 - 12:13:56PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[03/19/2013 - 12:13:56PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[03/19/2013 - 12:13:56PM] Memory page: 100000 (min) 5000000 (max) 1800000000 (max total)
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:00PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Cannot open store for class "LukasDetectLife_Script", missing file?
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01018802", missing file?
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to (13018802) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01022031", missing file?
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to (13022031) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:01PM] Cannot open store for class "jtest1", missing file?
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Error: Property FrostfallArmor on script _de_compatibility attached to alias _DE_CompatibilityPlayer on quest _DE_Compatibility (130286F3) cannot be bound because alias DE_Player on quest _DE_Main_1_6 (13015CAE) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Brakh on quest DialogueBrakh (320C2D72) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property marker on script AQLeverActivator attached to alias Lever on quest AldiQuest (3218BAC1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property WinterholdSymbol01 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_Mannequin attached to (40003947) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property Garrett on script SvashniFinal attached to (32157B44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property WinterholdSymbol01 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_Mannequin attached to (40003946) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (4000757E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007B00) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007B01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property MannyTrigger02 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_MannyGetDressed attached to (40004417) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property MannyTrigger01 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_MannyGetDressed attached to (40004417) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property RGScene8B on script RaynesGriffithShip attached to (3216713F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (321736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3217366E) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (321736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3217366D) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Error: Property HorseFastTravelMarker on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyesCaravan_Mobile attached to (4000A64C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (400085EF) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AF9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to 3DNPCFollowerQuest (3213184C) cannot be bound because 3DNPCFollowerQuest (3213184C) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0900BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] VM is freezing...
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] VM is frozen
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:06PM] Reverting game...
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to (13018802) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to (13022031) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Brakh on quest DialogueBrakh (320C2D72) because their base types do not match
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property Garrett on script SvashniFinal attached to (32157B44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property MannyTrigger02 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_MannyGetDressed attached to (40004417) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property MannyTrigger01 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_MannyGetDressed attached to (40004417) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to 3DNPCFollowerQuest (3213184C) cannot be bound because 3DNPCFollowerQuest (3213184C) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0900BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property marker on script AQLeverActivator attached to alias Lever on quest AldiQuest (3218BAC1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property WinterholdSymbol01 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_Mannequin attached to (40003947) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Property HorseFastTravelMarker on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyesCaravan_Mobile attached to (4000A64C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (400085EF) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AF9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007AFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007B00) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (321736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3217366E) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (321736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3217366D) is not the right type
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property RGScene8B on script RaynesGriffithShip attached to (3216713F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property WinterholdSymbol01 on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_Mannequin attached to (40003946) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (40007B01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:07PM] warning: Property _001_GLBL_GypsyEyes_ThisMask on script _001_SCRPT_GypsyEyes_FakeMasks attached to (4000757E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:20PM] Loading game...
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:21PM] VM is thawing...
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:21PM] UHFP 1.0.3 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:21PM] UHFP 1.1.0 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:21PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:22PM] USKP 1.2.2 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:22PM] USKP 1.2.3 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:22PM] USKP 1.2.4 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:23PM] USKP 1.2.5 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:24PM] USKP 1.2.6 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:24PM] USKP 1.2.7 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:24PM] USKP 1.3.0 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:25PM] USKP 1.3.1 Retroactive Updates Complete
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:50PM] Error: Cannot call savemedaddy() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (FF00111C)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:50PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[ (FF00111C)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: (000DC54E): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
[ (000DC54E)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000DC54E)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: (000DC556): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
[ (000DC556)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000DC556)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: (000DC550): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
[ (000DC550)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000DC550)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (09006DC2)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (09017B24)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: (000DC551): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.
[ (000DC551)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000DC551)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (09017593)].WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.OnCellAttach() - "WZONESCWGetStatusNoSpawnOMeter.psc" Line 113
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : DISABLED by GARRISON Property [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:14:51PM] WZMSG : If you see this immediately before or after GARRISON ENABLE messages, remember some WZs have multiple possible battles but only one BattleSelect command
[03/19/2013 - 12:15:04PM] Error: Cannot call savemedaddy() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (FF001155)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:15:04PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[ (FF001155)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:15:04PM] Error: Cannot call savemedaddy() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (FF001156)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:15:04PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[ (FF001156)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:22PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:33PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:33PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:33PM] Error: Cannot call savemedaddy() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (FF001105)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:33PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[ (FF001105)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:45PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:45PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:45PM] Error: Cannot call savemedaddy() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (FF0011FC)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:16:45PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[ (FF0011FC)].defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.OnLoad() - "defaultDeleteSelfOnReset.psc" Line 25
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectWhiterun (09010420)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : PLAYER HAS ENTERED WARZONE and OTHER CONDITIONS did not apply so I SPAWNED : [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectRedoran (09011C7C)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : PLAYER HAS ENTERED WARZONE and OTHER CONDITIONS did not apply so I SPAWNED : [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectFortGreymoor (090131A6)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : PLAYER HAS ENTERED WARZONE and OTHER CONDITIONS did not apply so I SPAWNED : [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectRedoran (09011C7C)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:02PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:03PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:04PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:04PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:04PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:04PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:15PM] WZMSG : PLAYER has EXITED this WZ so I DISABLED the PARENT [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectFortGreymoor (090131A6)>]
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0
[03/19/2013 - 12:17:16PM] WZMSG : WZ SPAWNED the GRANDKIDS 0

Wäre echt cool wenn mir da mal jemand etwas aushelfen könnte :D
