Übersetzung Expanded Towns and Cities Deutsch

So, Übersetzung ist fertig. Die Vollversion ist schon hochgeladen, die Modulare Version kommt auch, möglichst noch heute, nur ist mein Internet gerade nicht so gut und zwischendurch auch mal abgeschmiert, ich verspreche mal besser nichts...

Sehr gut, beim nächsten Mal kündigst du am besten gleich die neue Version und das du bereits daran arbeitest an, dann weiß jeder Bescheid ;)

Kein dummer Gedanke ;)

Nachtrag: Inzwischen komplett hochgeladen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich liebe diese Mod, einfach großartig. Kann mal bitte jemand nen subtilen Tipp abgeben, wie man in die Mine in Flusswald kommt?
Fall es wen interessiert, hier noch Hintergrundinformationen zur aktuellen Version. In die Mod wird nun nach und nach " Immersive Settlements" von Pymous integriert, mit Version 13.0 zunächst alle Inhalte, die keinerlei Konflikte mit denen aus Version 12 haben.

Hier der Text von missjennabee dazu:

As some of you might know, due to circumstances in Pymous' professional and personal life he has been unable to continue development of, the very popular, Immersive Settlements mod. Accordingly, he has generous given me permission to pick up the torch and being inclusion of Im. Set. content into the future builds of ETaC. DonutsStrongJaw, a member of the Im. Set. Team, has agreed to remain on to collaborate on the integration of the Im. Set., including the release of new content that had yet to be implemented.

SO! As of v13.0 ETaC now includes Immersive Settlements v0.55 by Pymous.

It's my intention to go about this in several steps, beginning with the merger of all non-conflicting content, which you can now find available for download. This includes Immersive Settlement's Shor's Stone, Stonehills, Raven Rock, Orc Strongholds and Whiterun Exterior Add-On. All of the files have been updated, and 'roughly' completed. (AI Packages, Factions, Interiors, Scripts, etc. have all been added, navmesh has been rebuilt, and conflicts have been addressed. I'm currently working on getting the files up-to-date with ETaC's available patches.) From there, I'll begin the merger of conflicting content, essentially creating a mash-up of ETaC and Im. Set. towns, and then finally, we will be introducing NEW content that was not previously present in either mod.

Obviously this merger is going to be a long and arduous one lol. So I thank you all for your patience while we're getting this sorted.
:?: Wiso die 13.4.1 ist doch nur ein Texture update
ist vom guten Severin schon Aktuell gehalten worden, hat hier wohl nur vergessen bescheid zu sagen.
:idea: oder meinst du die Modulare Version
Ach, tatsächlich, ich habe vergessen hier laut zu geben.
Die modulare Version muss ich auch tatsächlich noch machen, hab ich aus Zeitgründen nicht am selben Tag geschafft, und wie das halt so ist: Wenn man alles, was man sich vorgenommen hat, gemacht hätte, dann... naja, so weit wird es nie kommen.... ;)
Severin von Saarthal
Kannst mich vielleicht aufklähren was mit den Spielerhaus in Flusswald los ist ?
Der schlüssel dazu scheint nicht mehr zu existieren :huh:
Ich habe auch im Translator die esps Verglichen und in der vorherigen version ist der Schlüssel noch da und der neuen weg (egal ob modular oder Complete):?
Muss mann jetzt neh Quest erfüllen um das dingen aufzukriegen oder ist das ein Fehler vom Modder? :(
missjennabee schrieb:
If you are experiencing... "strangeness", and have updated from an older version of ETaC to the most recent version, the issue could stem from a change in formIDs. So please try doing a clean-mod-install before posting, as 9 times in 10, this will fix it:

(NOTE: If you are using an ETaC player house - Remove your items from it or you will lose them. Do NOT attempt this if you have started an ETaC quest, or if you are using ETaC's Ji'Shad follower.)

Mehr Informationen findest du beim offiziellen Mod unter Posts Punkt Please Read Before Posting - An Important Note About ETaC Player Homes.
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Reaktionen: Qualmteufel
Kleinigkeiten Verstehe ich noch aber ganze Seiten
Dafür ist mein Englisch zu eingerostet (Mein Schuhlenglisch hatte 1991 geendet)

Erst durch Skyrim bin ich mich wieder gaaaans langsam am auffrischen:-D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Noch zu den Spielerhäusern: Die sollen mit der nächsten Version aus der Mod entfernt werden, erstmal wurden die Cells aber dringelassen, damit man seine Sachen noch herausholen kann.

As some of you have probably read, I am going to be doing away with ETaC's Player Homes. This process will have begun in v13.4, which is currently uploading - Access to these homes has been restricted, and I would advise you to REMOVE YOUR ITEMS FROM ANY ETaC PLAYER HOMES YOU WERE USING BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS UPDATE.

However, should you have not done that, I have (for now) left the cells intact, so that if need be, you can coc yourself into them to remove anything you might have forgotten. (The cell name generally just corresponds to the town, for example, to get yourself into the Ivarstead player home, it would be "coc IvarsteadPlayerHouse", Morthal "coc MorthalPlayerHouse", etc.) It is very important that you get your stuff out of any houses you might be using. If anything remains in the home, particularly on plaques, mannequins or in displays, after the NEXT update, when those cells are removed, your game is going to keep looking for it, wondering where the hell it went and it's going to be a script-spamming nightmare for you. I will NOT be able to fix it for you - there will be NOTHING I can do to stop it on my end.

You have been warned.

Eventually, I am going to remove the innards of the homes, and put other things in their place. I just wanted to hold off that to give you guys a chance to prepare accordingly. AND. Because I am so attached to the Morthal home's basement, I will probably throw that player house in as an option around the same time. So you'll be able to decide whether or not you'd like that house installed, or if you'd just like the space to be used for something else.

AND AND ALSO AND, because I am just so good to you guys, I've complied a list of player house mods that are either compatible or patched that will work much better for you than any of the houses I had previously provided. So if you'd still like to live in one of ETaC's edited towns - Guess what? You can! Hooray!
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Reaktionen: Qualmteufel
Neue Version 13.5. Bin dran.

Version 13.5
1. Global
- Added some new wildlife.
- [More] Changes to interior lighting. *
- Updated ELFX Patches.
- Updated QWR Patch.
- Updated EWDR / WER Patches.
- Added Patch for Collect Water from Wells.
- Added Patch for Embers HD.

* If you still experience light flickering, please let me know where so I can get it fixed.

2. Winterhold
- Fully removed player house.
- Left abandoned for QWR Patch.
- Fixed Birna's shop sign.
- Moved horses to a place that made more sense.
- Changes to interior window emittances.

3. Rorikstead
- Adjustments to NPCs to avoid Skyrim Immersive Creatures related deaths.

4. Dawnstar
- Fully removed player house.
- Converted to house for market workers.
- Changes to interior window emittances.
- Hopefully fixed pathing issue with Silus quest.

5. Morthal
- Fully removed player house.
- Converted to house for blacksmith.

6. Falkreath
- Fully removed player house.
- Converted to mead merchant's residence.
- Fixed wall seam in Hall of the Dead.
- Fixed light flickering in Hall of the Dead.
- Fixed wall seam in Grave Concoctions.
- Fixed Relics quest stones issue.
- Welkynd stones will now be disabled until quests starts.
- Like they should have been all along.
- Please see note in comments section for more information.

7. Ivarstead
- Fully removed player house.
- Converted to house for Temba Wide-Arm.
- Fixed millworker's house key name.

8. Riverwood
- Fully removed player house.

9. Orc Strongholds
- Added all missing "interiors."
- Added exterior lighting.
- Added some additional NPCs.
- Added dead body cleanup script to all NPCs.
- Relocated NPCs to interior cells.
- Rebuilt all exterior navmesh.
- Fixed Garakh (Blacksmith); Will now buy and sell goods. *
- Fixed Atub (Wise Woman); Will now buy and sell goods. *