As some of you might know, due to circumstances in Pymous' professional and personal life he has been unable to continue development of, the very popular, Immersive Settlements mod. Accordingly, he has generous given me permission to pick up the torch and being inclusion of Im. Set. content into the future builds of ETaC. DonutsStrongJaw, a member of the Im. Set. Team, has agreed to remain on to collaborate on the integration of the Im. Set., including the release of new content that had yet to be implemented.
SO! As of v13.0 ETaC now includes Immersive Settlements v0.55 by Pymous.
It's my intention to go about this in several steps, beginning with the merger of all non-conflicting content, which you can now find available for download. This includes Immersive Settlement's Shor's Stone, Stonehills, Raven Rock, Orc Strongholds and Whiterun Exterior Add-On. All of the files have been updated, and 'roughly' completed. (AI Packages, Factions, Interiors, Scripts, etc. have all been added, navmesh has been rebuilt, and conflicts have been addressed. I'm currently working on getting the files up-to-date with ETaC's available patches.) From there, I'll begin the merger of conflicting content, essentially creating a mash-up of ETaC and Im. Set. towns, and then finally, we will be introducing NEW content that was not previously present in either mod.
Obviously this merger is going to be a long and arduous one lol. So I thank you all for your patience while we're getting this sorted.