
Daggerfall Daggerfall Font Editor 1.0


Hi everyone,

First of all I'm sorry for speaking English but unfortunately I don't know German so please don't ban me outright. Without taking too much of your time: I'm creating Polish translation for Daggerfall and this site is the only place where I could find the mythical "Daggerfall Font Editor" created by Idrachod. Unfortunately the download link for said program here on this site doesn't work anymore and for the life of me I can't find it anywhere else. I'd be very, very grateful if someone could provide me with a working link/if you could reupload said editor.

Here's the link to the program:

Thank you!
Thank you so much, Deepfighter.

Forgive me if I sound rude but I'm pretty sure you've confused me with someone else, I'm brand new to the translation scene, barely a few days old so to speak and I'm not registered on DF Unity forums yet.

I know there were some people translating original Daggerfall to Polish, but they said they had some legal problems with Zenimax or some other company connected with Daggerfall? I don't know, it all seemed weird to me so I decided to do the translation myself.

Thanks again, you are a true lifesaver. :)
You are welcome. :) Ah, sorry for my confusion. Thought you were part of the team here. :) Well, the font editor here is more or less helpful for translating classic Daggerfall. For DFUnity you may refer to the Tutorial from Daneel, as some things changed, also regarding the fonts. Let's discuss there for any details or questions you may have.