Wie erst jetzt aus geheimen Kreisen bekannt wurde, wollte Bill Gates sein Betriebssystem, wegen der vielen Bugs und Sicherheitslücken, "Bill Gates Toilet" nennen. 
Leider kam dann aber Todd, diesem, mit seinem Utility zuvor, was er "Todd's TOILET (Todd's Overhauled Immersive Lore-Friendly Executables of Tamriel)" nannte.
Na ja, und da taufte Bill Gates sein Betriebssystem halt "Windows", da man es dann zwar nicht mehr die Toilette runterspülen kann, aber es dann zumindest aus dem Fenster werfen. :lol:
Wer will, kann sich ja mal "Todd's TOILET" anschauen:
Todd's Overhauled Immersive Lore-Friendly Executables of Tamriel by ms4sman with bub166 and TheSkoomaKat
Added: 01/10/2015 - 02:35PM
Updated: 10/11/2015 - 02:31PM
Now with Fallout game support, just in time for Fallout 4!!!
Known Issues
How do I use it?
This program is incredibly simple, so simple that a child could run it. However, setting up certain launching configurations can get a bit more in-depth, so I've provided full instructions in the program's help file, so check there for more specific controls and instructions. Help file can be accessed by tapping 'H' from the main interface, or from the right-click menu on the System Tray Icon.
Why is Todd Howard everywhere?
This program's primary purpose is to praise Todd Howard. Starting Elder Scrolls games is a secondary function. Seriously though, it is intentionally overboard and absurd. It started as a joke putting his face as the program icon, and things just got out of hand from there. However, if you don't care for it, the most extreme parts can be disabled in the settings.
Is the acronym supposed to spell toilet?
Yes. In fact, great pains were taken to come up with an overboard, Nexus-buzzword filled title that spelled something funny. I'm quite happy with the result. Too long? I affectionately call it Todd's TOILET for short. Too immature? Sorry, I don't plan to change it. And really, what difference does the title make?
I found a bug, what do I do?
This was thrown together over a few days. It is still being developed and I will probably be putting new updates up daily or even multiple times a day for a while now as new ideas come to me and bugs get fixed. Considering how quickly it was made however, I am sure it is laden with bugs. If you find one, please let me know. However, if you do, please be polite and constructive about it.
This is awesome/this sucks!
Neither is really a question, but hey. If you think this is amazing and awesome and the best thing in the world, by all means let me know! I've opened up the Donate button just because hey why not, but don't feel like you need to donate. I made it for the heck of it, and I uploaded it for the heck of it. If you think this is stupid and horrible, that's fine. It isn't for everyone. But don't feel the need to come here and say so. Just don't use it if you don't care for it.
The UI looks like a 5 year old made it.
Again, not a question. Believe it or not, I am in fact not a 5 year old, but a fully-functioning adult. However, I am aware it looks bad, but it is a side effect of this being thrown together quickly with the intention of fixing it up later, which I am actively working on. However, if it is so horrible then simply don't use it. However, if you have constructive advice on how to improve it, please give it!
But Todd Howard didn't make all of these games!
Yes, I'm well aware, but does it really matter? He was involved with a lot of them, and it is just a name, and a joke that got out of hand.
Now that you support Fallout games, the name Todd's TOILET doesn't really fit anymore because Fallout games aren't in Tamriel.
Yeah, I know, but renaming everything now would be very time consuming and introduce major complications I won't go into here. If I feel particularly ambitious in the future I'll look into it, but for now, it will stay the same. Fallout support is just a feature.
Big thanks to Nexus user bub166 for his help and input in building the original program!
Big thanks to Nexus user TheSkoomaKat for their help and input improving the support for DOS-based games!
The banner images for the game launch buttons are from http://steambanners.booru.org/index.php. All credit for them goes to Bethesda for the logos contained within, and the talented people at that website who created the actual banner images.
The likeness of Todd Howard's face belongs to Todd Howard and his mother/father alone. I claim no ownership, nor responsibility for it.
Anything else copyrighted in the program belongs solely to its creators, and I do not own it in any way. The only part of this program that belongs to me is the actual code that makes it work.
Leider kam dann aber Todd, diesem, mit seinem Utility zuvor, was er "Todd's TOILET (Todd's Overhauled Immersive Lore-Friendly Executables of Tamriel)" nannte.
Na ja, und da taufte Bill Gates sein Betriebssystem halt "Windows", da man es dann zwar nicht mehr die Toilette runterspülen kann, aber es dann zumindest aus dem Fenster werfen. :lol:
Wer will, kann sich ja mal "Todd's TOILET" anschauen:
Todd's Overhauled Immersive Lore-Friendly Executables of Tamriel by ms4sman with bub166 and TheSkoomaKat
Added: 01/10/2015 - 02:35PM
Updated: 10/11/2015 - 02:31PM

Now with Fallout game support, just in time for Fallout 4!!!
Known Issues
- If you have, either re-create it manually, or use the Repair option in the installer to re-create it.
- Auto Config and Browse buttons don't seem to be working for Fallout 4. Patch coming soon for this.
- Launching all six eight main Elder Scrolls games from one place, with one click
- NEW - Support for all six main Fallout games - NEW
- Launching games directly with a Steam URL link
- Custom executables (for non-Steam versions, etc)
- Custom launch launch parameters
- Custom working directory
- Launching DOSBox games with one click(for older TES games)
- Alternate executable for each game by Right+Clicking (for mod managers, etc)
- NEW - Auto Config button to automatically fill all blanks - NEW
- Playing custom music in the background of the launcher
- NEW - System Tray Icon with mini versions of all controls - NEW
- NEW - Full help file explaining usage and controls (tap 'H') - NEW
- Todd Mode!
- NEW - An easter egg for you to find - NEW
How do I use it?
This program is incredibly simple, so simple that a child could run it. However, setting up certain launching configurations can get a bit more in-depth, so I've provided full instructions in the program's help file, so check there for more specific controls and instructions. Help file can be accessed by tapping 'H' from the main interface, or from the right-click menu on the System Tray Icon.
Why is Todd Howard everywhere?
This program's primary purpose is to praise Todd Howard. Starting Elder Scrolls games is a secondary function. Seriously though, it is intentionally overboard and absurd. It started as a joke putting his face as the program icon, and things just got out of hand from there. However, if you don't care for it, the most extreme parts can be disabled in the settings.
Is the acronym supposed to spell toilet?
Yes. In fact, great pains were taken to come up with an overboard, Nexus-buzzword filled title that spelled something funny. I'm quite happy with the result. Too long? I affectionately call it Todd's TOILET for short. Too immature? Sorry, I don't plan to change it. And really, what difference does the title make?
I found a bug, what do I do?
This was thrown together over a few days. It is still being developed and I will probably be putting new updates up daily or even multiple times a day for a while now as new ideas come to me and bugs get fixed. Considering how quickly it was made however, I am sure it is laden with bugs. If you find one, please let me know. However, if you do, please be polite and constructive about it.
This is awesome/this sucks!
Neither is really a question, but hey. If you think this is amazing and awesome and the best thing in the world, by all means let me know! I've opened up the Donate button just because hey why not, but don't feel like you need to donate. I made it for the heck of it, and I uploaded it for the heck of it. If you think this is stupid and horrible, that's fine. It isn't for everyone. But don't feel the need to come here and say so. Just don't use it if you don't care for it.
The UI looks like a 5 year old made it.
Again, not a question. Believe it or not, I am in fact not a 5 year old, but a fully-functioning adult. However, I am aware it looks bad, but it is a side effect of this being thrown together quickly with the intention of fixing it up later, which I am actively working on. However, if it is so horrible then simply don't use it. However, if you have constructive advice on how to improve it, please give it!
But Todd Howard didn't make all of these games!
Yes, I'm well aware, but does it really matter? He was involved with a lot of them, and it is just a name, and a joke that got out of hand.
Now that you support Fallout games, the name Todd's TOILET doesn't really fit anymore because Fallout games aren't in Tamriel.
Yeah, I know, but renaming everything now would be very time consuming and introduce major complications I won't go into here. If I feel particularly ambitious in the future I'll look into it, but for now, it will stay the same. Fallout support is just a feature.
Big thanks to Nexus user bub166 for his help and input in building the original program!
Big thanks to Nexus user TheSkoomaKat for their help and input improving the support for DOS-based games!
The banner images for the game launch buttons are from http://steambanners.booru.org/index.php. All credit for them goes to Bethesda for the logos contained within, and the talented people at that website who created the actual banner images.
The likeness of Todd Howard's face belongs to Todd Howard and his mother/father alone. I claim no ownership, nor responsibility for it.
Anything else copyrighted in the program belongs solely to its creators, and I do not own it in any way. The only part of this program that belongs to me is the actual code that makes it work.