Übersetzung CraftyBits


Hallo Scharesoft-Community

Name: CraftyBits
Autor: fourthgeek
Übersetzter: Eliron
Grösse: ~3,5 MB
Kategorie: Sonstiges/Gameplay

Ich möchte hier meine erste Mod-Übersetzung vorstellen: CraftyBits

Ihr habt in Oblivion schon immer vermisst, selber Dinge herzustellen? Dann ist diese Mod genau das richtige für Euch!

Hier könnt Ihr backen, kochen, schmieden, Gifte und Drogen(kein Skooma) herstellen uvm.
Hier sind einige Beispiel-Bilder:
Bild 1
Bild 2
Bild 3
Bild 4

Und für diejenigen, die sich noch nicht sicher sind ob sich der Download lohnt, habe ich hier noch einige Videos.

Der Oblivion Script Extender wird benötigt.

Ich habe die Mod einmal als OMod und einmal als normale Mod(Original wird NICHT benötigt):
Normale Verison

Und hier ist noch ein Screen, damit ihr wisst, wo der Eingang ist.

ReadMe, sie ist aber (noch) Englisch:
CraftyBits 0.26
Adds the CraftyBits Warehouse and a sewer door to the warehouse on the IC Waterfront just outside the garden of Dareloth. You can also use the ~ command coc craftybitswarehouse to teleport there, but you may be placed at an inconvenient location and may have to use tcl to get inside the warehouse.

Known features:
Simple implementation of farming. Can dig up any location and stuff an ingredient inside to eventually spawn the appropriate plant. On average, takes about 4 days to spawn a harvestable plant, though an unharvestable sprig will sprout before then.

Known bugs:
"Can dig up any location"

Version History:
v0.25 Created first implementation of horticulture.
v0.26 The hoe should now actually work.

Known features:
Pick up the lute on the second floor of the warehouse and play to the NPCs. Or, if you'd like, play to any NPC anywhere in the game. Check the note next to the Lute for details on how to play music. Player gets to individually pluck notes on the Lute and they will be analyzed for rhythm, tone, and flow. NPCs will either be offended at bad music or excited by good music. They will comment on your performance, clap, increase disposition and fame, and donate to your basket. If they get annoyed at your music they will vacate the premises.

Known bugs:
This is the most inventive stab at barding ever attempted by a videogame. What I have now is a pretty impressive proof-of-concept, but it isn't completely perfect. It's probably better than you expect, however.

Version History:
v0.25 Created first implementation of barding.
v0.26 Reactions tweaks
Known features:
Simple implementation of brewing, can create ale, beer, or mead. Also extended functionality to brew poisoned apples or Bolete Mushroom Tea. Read the directions on the note next to the Still or check "The Anarchist's Formulary" for other recipes.

The still operates as such: Activate and select the type of drink. Then add the appropriate ingredients. The still will automatically activate itself again and show you any remainder ingredients that were not used. You should remove them or they may be lost later. Then a number of drinks will spawn equivalent to the ingredients you added. These bottles must be left alone to sit and ferment. Activate the bottle to get a menu displaying the quality of the liquor and to give you the option to end fermentation. The longer you wait, the better the end product will be. There are 5 grades of mead and 4 grades of ale and beer. The other products that the still creates don't need to ferment.

It is located in the first room at the front, next to the cooking triggers.

Known bugs:
Stolen ingredients used to give you free booze, but now you can't distill stolen ingredients at all. Also, when the still gives you back remainder ingredients, sometimes they will be considered stolen.

Version History:
v0.1 Created first implementation with beer, mead, and ale
v0.14 Added functionality to brew poisoned apples and bolete tea.
Changed formulas slightly. Also added descriptive brewing messages.
v0.25 Minor cleanup to drink fermentation scripts. Distillery instructions are now accurate as to the proper recipes.

Known features:
Extensive cooking system already built with dozens of new items and the ability to make several existing ones, find it in the room directly in front of the entrance. There are several recipe books to get you started. Some of these items end up as ingredients, and others end up as potions (ale soup and apple pie are potions, for example). This is intentional, and it means that eating it will give you all of the effects. It also means that they cannot be used to create another potion. The status of something being an ingredient or potion may vary slightly between releases as balancing dictates.

Mix / Cook various ingredients to create
Roast Cairn Bolete, Roast Wisp Stalk, Daedric Mulch, Baked Potato, Salad, Roasted Nuts, Sweetcake, Sweetcake dough, Ashes, Bolete powder, Dough, Blackberry Pie, Deadly Poison, Roasted Corn, Cheeses (wedge and wheel): Balfiera, Marble, Sentinel, Blue and Oblivion's generic cheese, Breadcrumbs, Sweetroll, Boiled potato, Bonebread, Bonedough, Roasted Carrot

Apple Pie, Pudding, Ale Soup, Golden Soup, Frumente Soup, Beef Stew

Several dozen misc. items exist simply as intermediaries between starting and finishing a recipe. Not very interesting or useful in themselves.

Known bugs:
#1 The triggers used on the cutting board/bowl sometimes are a little touchy. If you're having trouble getting a recipe to work, first clear off all items from the trigger and from the surrounding few inches. Make sure that you are following the recipe in the proper order when re-adding them.

Note: If you're putting something in the oven, make sure you put it in the TOP section, not where the fire is!

Possible features:
More recipes!

Version history:
v0.1 First implementation

v0.14 Expanded cookbooks and crafting messages
Added root pulp, roasted mushrooms, roasted nuts, baked potato, ash, salad, daedric mulch, and bolete powder.
Entirely redesigned ovens. They now are based on timers that reflect real-world recipes. You will only burn a food by leaving it in the oven too long.

There are still some good bonuses for a high alchemy skill, though mostly only with the preparation, not in the oven itself. A message will warn you when your food is done, but only if you are still in the same cell. You can also just burn most standard items if you want some ash. Book burning is fun, but be careful with potions. Glass bottle + heat = boom. Some new foods have special effects that weren't available in vanilla OB's ingredients. Try them out! Don't forget that some 'intermediate' ingredients like dough can also be used for alchemy.

My new implementation of cooking is 'safer'. You can start cooking an item then add it to your inventory before it is finished. My script won't break anymore if you do.

v0.25 Greatly increased the user-friendliness of cutting board. It's no longer necessary to wipe it off after each use. Added mixing bowls, cooking pots, and functionality thereto. These can all be picked up and added to inventory (though no ovens exist outside of the warehouse yet). Added a significant assortment of recipes. Modified levelled lists to add ingredients (see COMPATIBILITY section). Removed a few stupid recipes (the marinated-meat ones, specifically). Cheese now must ferment. Disabled objects are now permanently removed from the game, ensuring that you won't suffer gamesave bloat.

v0.26 Recipe fixes, cookbook formatting improved

Field Dressing
Known features:
Buggy at the moment. Please don't touch. Player can equip the "Hunting Knife" and carve up dead critters to get their hide, extra meat, a head to mount on the wall, bones, etc.

This is just a simple cleanup tool. Cast the Make Functional spell on a broom (pick up the cutting board to learn the spell), and you can now use it to pick up most items in the game quickly. Pick the broom up to inventory and then drop it. You'll get a choice as to animate the broom, which will make it automatically seek out things to clean up.

Items that are "cleaned up" are just automatically added to inventory.

Known features:
Ability to crush gems into gem powders, which can be used for alchemy. Crush a Flawless Gem to create a Gem + Dust, then crush the Gem to create a Flawed Gem + Dust, then crush the flawed gem to get Dust. To crush a gem, stick it on top of the trigger and smash it with a blunt weapon. Soft materials (gold) are easy to smash and hard materials (diamond) take much longer.

Or, if you'd like, you can remove the gem from any standard ring. (like Ebony Diamond Ring...you get Diamond + Ebony Ring). Put the ring on top of the lapidary trigger and then grab the pliers and put them on top too. Twist and turn the pliers until the gem pops out. Rings made of soft material (gold) are easy to pry stuff out of while rings made of hard material (ebony) require more twisting.

Known bugs:
1. For some ungodly reason, flawed rubies just don't work. I can't figure out why. It's ridiculous. There's something wrong with the ruby.nif model, cause anything that uses that model fails to work. Until i figure out what that obscure reason is, flawed rubies crush automatically.
2. Your item might disappear when you first stick it on the trigger. If it does, just use GRAB on the Lapidary Tools and jostle it a little. It should show up then.

Possible features:
1. Ability to knapp a gemstone or soul gem into enchantable arrowheads
2. Ability to extract a Sigil Stone of appropriate quality from special items (like the Ring of Khajiit)
4. Ability to turn a gemstone into a soul gem. I might do this through Incantations or Smithing instead though.

Version History:
V0.14 Added first implementation of lapidary
V0.25 Slightly improved script, Lap. tools can also now be picked up and taken with you. Fixed auto-crush bug when using grab. Auto-yank bug when using grab on the pliers still exists for now.


known features:
Any book or scroll that is not a quest item can be copied, provided your character has enough BlankSheets and at least one Inkwell01.

Scrolls and notes require only one piece of paper to copy, but with heavier books more paper is required. Most books will require 10 or 20 sheets, even if the book actually only has a few pages. Since there is no way to get NumberOfPages from a book, 5*weight with a minimum of 1 is what I used.

One inkwell is always required to copy something, but the inkwell is not always used up. Books larger than 10 pages always use up one inkwell, and books smaller than that have a random chance based upon the number of pages. This way you are always using up paper, but ink lasts longer.

The number of key combinations required to copy a text is based solely on Agility and Speed. Essentially, more dextrous and faster people will get through the keypresses faster, because there are fewer. Weight does not factor in, because of bug#2

If you copy a stolen item, the new item is not considered stolen. Also, copying text on stolen paper renders the paper indistinguishable, and the stolen flag is cleared for the new book. This is working as intended.

known bugs:

Possible features:
Currently, cannot copy books flagged as quest items because you cannot remove them from the inventory. Also, the game depends on only one of these such books existing. I have made non-quest copies of the most interesting quest-related texts, and intend to implement some feature that checks your journal and if you have completed the quest related to a particular book, it gives you a free copy of the non-quest version, which can also then be copied.

Currently, all books copy with 100% perfection. I may allow there to be a /quality/ of sorts, so that with lower intelligence the new book's value is also lower. I don't think this is possible however.

Magic scrolls should be much harder to copy. I plan to modify the mechanism when copying magic scrolls, in that it will require rarer and more expensive materials than just paper and ink (Probably a soul gem with a quality commensurate with the scroll's value, and ink, and parchment, and the Daedric Quill)

Non-OBSE scribing would be very difficult, and I could only allow a limited number of books to be copied.

Version History:
v0.1 Created first implementation



Basic "Novice Scry" spell added. Pick up the cutting board to automatically learn the spell. It's only a proof of concept for now, and requires much tweaking.

Version History:
v0.14 Novice Scry spell implemented. For now, only use it on doors that don't load a new cell or you'll fall into the Void.


Known features:
Player can improve various stats of his weapon by smithing it. You can lighten/rebalance it, which decreases weight / increases speed, or sharpen it, which increases damage. To smith an item...

1. Activate the bellows until you get the message that the forge is hot enough.
2. Drop your weapon on top of the forge. It will turn glowing red, and you can't move it any more. Use tongs or calipers to move it on to the anvil.
3. Select what you'd like to do to the weapon, then pull out any blunt weapon and hit the weapon. You absolutely must hit the weapon for it to work. You may have to hit the item upwards of 100 times before the process is complete. How many times you have to hit it depends on you Armorer skill. Open up the console to check how many times you have hit it so far.
4. Once it's done, cool off your item in the slack tub. You are done.
5. Please note that for balancing purposes you may only smith an item one time.

Known bugs:
1. A bug in OBSE means that if you smith a weapon created via levelled list, it will disappear when you save and reload. All other weapons will work okay. The weapons on the table should be fine.
2. There are a few little holes that need to be patched up with the smithing process. I haven't had enough time yet. Sorry. It still mostly works. :)
3. Except that you can only smith one time. Reload your savegame to smith again until i fix this.

Possible features:
1. Ability to improve armor too!
2. Special hammers that must be used to smith with
3. Ability to smelt / reduce items into their base metals
4. Ability to smith base metals into weapons/armor

Version history:
V0.14 Created first implementation of smithing
v0.25 You must now use the provided "Apprentice Smithing Hammer." No further improvements or fixes have been made in this update, but the next major update will focus largely on making smithing the experience it is supposed to be (assuming OBSE10 is out by then)

Known features:
Fully functional smokehouse implemented. You can smoke beef, venison, daedra heart, human heart/skin/mort flesh, scamp skin, rat meat, boar meat, ham, clannfear, and mutton to create jerky. Except for human flesh (which was all merged no matter what the input ingredient is), the listed alchemical effects of jerky are the same as the default effects for the base meat. So, unless you have a mod like RealHunger that operates by changing the effects of a food, then the new foods will effectively be lighter versions of the original. Makes it much easier to carry meat with you if it only weighs 0.1 lbs.

Add wood to the firebox, then you can attach meat to a meat hook by grabbing it and moving it up there. Currently it only takes a few minutes to smoke meat, but at final release it will be at least one real hour, or several game hours. When your firewood runs out your meat stops smoking. Add more wood to start again.

Known bugs:
1. Occasionally you can get one slab of meat to attach to two hooks, giving you 2x the jerky. I'll fix this someday.
2. If jerky is hanging off of a hook smoking, you can boot it off by adding another meat to the same hook. At RELZ you won't be able to do this. Even so, you still can't pick up your jerky until it's done smoking.

Upcoming features:
Ability to build your own smokehouse. This will be added separately, though, under a "construction" crafting system. Will also add a smaller variant of the smokehouse.

Using cloneform, it is theoretically possible to create a version that would work seamlessly with hunger mods that alter the base ingredient. I'll see to it.

Version history:
V0.14 Created first implementation of the smokehouse
v0.25 All meats should hang from the hooks as intended now.

Only a very basic implementation has been created so far, and it is buggy. It may work, or it may not. It will be expanded upon later. Find it to the left of the entrance. Use it by placing the item on top of the rug, then grab the shears and move them on top of the rug.
Known features:
Use a bear, wolf, or tiger pelt to create fur armor or a fur rug. Higher armorer skill nets more armor OR a larger rug.

Known bugs:
#1 Many

Possible features:
Sewing clothes and tapestries and rugs, weaving, reducing clothes into constituent yarns/fabrics, reducing leather armor into pelts

Version history:
V0.1 First basic implementation

Idea phase
Ability to plant trees. Player may also grab the fruit from trees they plant, if such exists. Players may also cut down trees that they have planted themselves to create firewood. Ability to raise domesticated animals and harvest their byproducts or slaughter for meat.
Build new interior cells from the ground up
Build small buildings wherever you want
Idea phase
The idea is to either have a triggerarea or a spell that "marks" whatever you want you sculpt a copy of. Then you attack your giant slab of marble with a dagger. Chunks of marble break off and you eventually end up with a marble copy of whatever you marked. I would create this marble copy by using CloneForm or CreateFullActorCopy and then putting a shader on top of it. You'd also get the option to make your carving larger or smaller than the real version, or pose if your model is a creature or NPC. With several sculptures you could create virtually anything (Put a carving of an apple on top of a carving of the Adoring Fan. Then put a carving of an arrow right through the apple...or his skull. :) )

This might be very hard to do, but it'd be awesome, no? In theory, you could even sculpt things that another mod added, just as long as you can cast a spell on that thing.

Mining / Excavation
Idea phase
Ability to hit rocks and ore veins with a pick to extract stuff.
Dig up graves!
Dig outside ayleid ruins to search for artifacts

Idea phase
Will work similar to smithing, but instead you will attack some base item (armor, weapons, whatever) with a carving tool. As you hit it, the item will start decaying. Once the item reaches zero health, it disappears and is replaced by arrows of the appropriate type.

Idea phase
Ability to do cool new enchantment-like things, such as...
Add a shader to any object you want. (Give any sword constant flame effects, for instance)
Improve enchantments on existing items
Un-enchant an item leaving you with an unenchanted base item and the filled soul gem.

"Realistic" magic rituals
Complex rituals involving special items, certain times of the year, etc. Granting you access to new spells, new items, quests, faction, or daedra companions that last much longer than traditional summon spells.
Craftybits should not conflict with any mod except for those which modify the following levelled lists:

Such mods include Salmo The Baker and Morrowind Ingredients. Your choices are:
Load Craftybits before either of these mods. In this case, the levelled lists from that mod will be loaded.
Load Craftybits after either of these modes. In this case, my levelled lists will be loaded.
Merge the mods or their levelled lists using a tool such as TES4Gecko. Everybody wins.

Technically, Bethesda owns partial rights to anything made via the Construction Set. If I am given proper credit, you may feel free to modify and improve on Craftybits and re-release it.

Falls Ihr die Mod deinstallieren möchtet, schaut, dass Ihr keine Gegenstände im Warenhaus habt, da diese verschwinden, wenn die Mod deaktiviert wird.

Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle noch einmal bei fourthgeek für die grossartige Arbeit, die er gelesitet hat, danken.

Ich hoffe Ihr habt Spass mit der Mod!

Gruß Eliron

PS: Falls ihr noch irgendwelche Englischen Wörter findet, meldet diese bitte hier. Und wenn Ihr an der Übersetzung sonst etwas zu meckern habt, gehört das auch hier rein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Muss man dann auch richtig die Brote kneten ? Mit Tastendruck und so ?
Das würde sich aber wahrscheinlich nich machen lassen...
EDIT:Oh, hab die Videos gesehen. Hat sich schon geklärt...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nein, muss man nicht. In diesem Video siehst Du, wie das mit dem Brot machen genau geht.

Zudem findet man in der Küche mehrere Bücher, die einen in CraftyBits einführen... Teilweise jedenfalls.

Gruß Eliron
schau dir die videos an, da siehst du wie des alles geht
/EDIT: Achja, sehr geil, danke fürs übersetzen :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
also langsam gibts eigentlich fast nix mehr gegen den aufwand spricht sich mal obse zu holen^^
Irgendwas stimmt bei mir nicht.
Bei mir sind die Räume nicht richtig zugemacht worden.
Kann durch viele Räume ins Nichts kucken und im Höhlenabschnitt stehen hinten 2 Rehe (?) und dort ist gleich nen ganzer Eingang nicht vorhanden, wo man ins Nichts fallen kann.
Außerdem sind oben 3 NPC's, die stehen wie bestellt und nicht abgeholt in einer Ecke und bewegen/unterhalten sich garnicht.
Ist das normal, ist der Mod noch Beta ?
hab OBSE 0.10B drauf
@RaVeN: Ja, das ist normal. Der Mod ist noch nicht fertig und wird wohl es wird wohl erst im Sommer weitergearbeitet. Die Rehe sind glaube ich nur zu "Testzwecken" da. Mit dem Jagdmesser kannst Du die Leichen aufschneiden um Fleisch und Fell zu bekommen. Ich habs aber selber noch nicht ausprobiert und kann daher für nichts garantieren.
Die 3 NPC's sind aus dem selben Grund da(nicht zum aufschlitzen, zum Testen*g*). Auf Musik reagieren aber auch alle anderen NPC's.

Gruß Eliron
ich wollte es gerade runterladen, aber da sagt mir megaupload das das im moment nicht geht :cry:

kann man den mod nicht hier hochladen?

Edit: hat sich erledigt, auch wenn ichs trotzdem schön fände wenn man den mod hier hochladen würde
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wie kann ich eigentlich schmieden? Das hat sich erledigt :) Ich kann aber nichts auf den Amboss legen!!!!!!! Hilfe!? Oo

Und wie funktioniert der Kochtopf?

EDIT: Und wie funktioniert das mit dem Schneidern? oO Ich hab es nur einmal geschafft die Messagebox zu bekommen, aber jetzt hab ich das Prob, dass alle Gegenstände die ich mit der Schere an"tippe" verschwinden oO
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bei Scharesoft wirds erst hochgeladen, wenn ich die ReadMe ins Deutsche übersetzt habe:) . Das Problem mit dem Schmieden und dem Schneidern habe ich auch. Ich schreibe noch heute dem Autor eine PN, um ihn zu fragen, ob das noch nicht richtig integriert ist.
Sonst kann man auch mal die originale Version runterladen und schauen ob es dort funktioniert.

Gruß Eliron
  • Like
Reaktionen: Cyborg11
Bei Scharesoft wirds erst hochgeladen, wenn ich die ReadMe ins Deutsche übersetzt habe:) . Das Problem mit dem Schmieden und dem Schneidern habe ich auch. Ich schreibe noch heute dem Autor eine PN, um ihn zu fragen, ob das noch nicht richtig integriert ist.
Sonst kann man auch mal die originale Version runterladen und schauen ob es dort funktioniert.

Gruß Eliron
Ok danke! :)

Mach das mal :)

Aber das mit dem Schneidern is eigentlich net soooo schwer. Das Script wüsste ich (wenn es überhaupt funzen würde xD). Einfach den Gegenstanden immer en- oder disablen xD! Ne ... zu aufwändig :D
Regeneriert sich eigentlich der Inhalt des Vorratschranks ? (50 Eier sind fast zu wenig)
Das Käsemachen hab ich auch noch nicht verstanden. Da steht, dass man das Zeug in den Ofen legen soll, da verbrennt es aber. :huh:

Ansonsten danke fürs Übersetzen, ich freu mich schon auf die nächste Version.
Regeneriert sich eigentlich der Inhalt des Vorratschranks ? (50 Eier sind fast zu wenig)
Das Käsemachen hab ich auch noch nicht verstanden. Da steht, dass man das Zeug in den Ofen legen soll, da verbrennt es aber. :huh:

Ansonsten danke fürs Übersetzen, ich freu mich schon auf die nächste Version.
Du darfst nicht den Käse in den Ofen legen ;)

Du musst den Käse vorher in den Kochtopf legen und den Kochtopf in den Ofen stellen :)