(15 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt) |
Zeile 1: |
Zeile 1: |
| <center>Diese Seite enthält das Testament von Lord Kelvin, welches gleichzeitig die Besitzurkunde von [[Festung Schlachthorn]] darstellt.</center>
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| ==Inhalt== | | | width="8%" | [[Benutzer:Emilia|'''Zurück an die Front''']] |
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| | <center>'''Lord Kelvyn's Will'''</center>
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| | <center>'''Lord Kelvyns letzter Wille'''</center>
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| | width="50%" | <center><small>(Übersetzung)<ref>Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde von [[Benutzer:HeliosIV|HeliosIV]] unter [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.de Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 2.5] veröffentlicht.</ref></small></center>
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| |Lord Kelvyn's Will<BR>
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| Last Will and Testament
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| |Lord Kelvyns letzter Wille
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| Letzter Wille und Testament<BR>
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| |I, Lord Kelvyn, son of Jaren, and a sworn Knight of the True Horn, upon my death do hereby bequeath Battlehorn Castle and all her lands, dependents, and chattels to the bearer of this document.<br>
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| |Ich, Lord Kelvyn, Sohn von Jaren, geschworener Ritter des Wahren Hornes, hinterlasse mit meinen Tod hiermit Festung Schlachthorn und alle ihre Länder, Angehörige, und Mobiliar dem Träger dieses Dokumentes.<br>
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| |Such an unusual document requires some explanation. I resort to such measures out of desperation. I pen this while Battlehorn Castle lies besieged by a band of ruthless marauders, with little hope that any of us will survive. "Besieged" I say, although this petty battle would not have even rated a footnote in the great days of the Knights of the True Horn. We have fallen on hard times, indeed.<br>
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| |I will entrust this document to my last faithful retainers, with instructions to destroy it in the last extremity, although I accept that I may have provided the means for my murderers to legally take the lordship of Battlehorn Castle. So be it.<br>
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| |Übersetzung <br>
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| |To the new lord of Battlehorn Castle, whoever you are, know that you inherit a stronghold with a proud tradition. Battlehorn Castle was built by a remnant of the Knights of the True Horn who were exiled from our homeland of Lainlyn in Hammerfell. After a failed battle to dethrone Baron Shrike of Lainlyn, our leader, Lord Kain, ordered us to split up into as many small groups as possible until the time should come that he would recall us. My father was part of a group that settled here in Cyrodiil and built Battlehorn Castle as a refuge while they waited for Lord Kain's message... a message that never arrived.<br>
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| |Over the years, all the Knights of our little band either gave up or passed on, all but one: my father Jaren. Since his untimely death, I have continued to hold Battlehorn Castle in the hope that someday we will hear from Lord Kain and our great exile will be at an end.<br>
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| |I am afraid that the fortunes of Battlehorn Castle have fallen on hard times. What resources I had available I devoted to maintaining the castle itself -- its walls still stand strong and its hearths still provide warmth. Sadly, this came at great cost, and many of the items within its walls had to be sold in order to meet the enormous payments such maintenance begets. If you find yourself with the means to restore Battlehorn Castle to its former glory, a friend of my father's named Nilphas Omellian still holds many of the castle accoutrements in storage and on account. All that is required is to repay the Castle's debts to Nilphas, and I'm certain he'll happily return the items. <br>
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| |My final request for the new lord of Battlehorn Castle is to continue to uphold the proud traditions of the Knights of the True Horn, and to honor the memory of our brave service.<br>
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| ==Anmerkungen==
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| [[Kategorie:Bücher aus TES IV: Oblivion]]
| | {| align="float:right" style="background-color: ##eeeeff; border:0px solid #000000; margin: 2px auto; width: 80%;" |
| | | | style="width: 32px;" | [[Datei:Oghma Infinium OBL.png|90px]] |
| | | | '''Bücher und Schriften''' |
| ----
| | Hier werden die verschiedensten Schriften niedergeschrieben. Wenn du Anmerkungen hast, so fühle dich frei, diese in der [[Benutzer Diskussion:Emilia/Bücher|Diskussion]] einzutragen. |
| | | |}<div class="toccolours Vorlage_Begriffsklaerung" style="border-width:2px 0 0 0; font-size:100%"> |
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| <center>Diese Seite enthält das Tagebuch von Lord Jaren von [[Festung Schlachthorn]].</center>
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| ==Inhalt==
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| | <center>'''Lord Jaren's Journal'''</center> | |
| | <center>'''Lord Jarens Tagebuch'''</center> | |
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| | width="50%" | <center><small>(Übersetzung)<ref>Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde von [[Benutzer:HeliosIV|HeliosIV]] unter [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.de Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 2.5] veröffentlicht.</ref></small></center>
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| |Lord Jaren's Journal<BR>
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| |Lord Jarens Tagebuch<BR>
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| |I hope I have done well. I don't know. Perhaps I should tell the others. But what hope would they have then? I will have to tell Kelvyn, one day, when it is time for him to assume the lordship of the Castle. He, at least, may forgive me, as I am his father.
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| |Übersetzung
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| |I must collect my thoughts. Lord Kain returned last night, while the others were gone to the city. Thank Onsi it was only myself and Garridan -- faithful friend! I have sworn him to secrecy. He was only too happy to let me take responsibility for what we did.
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| |Übersetzung
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| |Later: I am more resolved than ever that the others must never find out. They must never know what Lord Kain has become, our liege lord -- we sacrificed everything for him!
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| |Übersetzung
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| |I will set it all down here, clearly, so that others may judge whether I have done right or wrong.
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| |Übersetzung
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| |When Garridan woke me to tell me that Lord Kain had arrived, I was overjoyed at first. Garridan's grim face soon warned me that all was not well, but he would not tell me what was wrong. Only that Lord Kain was accompanied by Arielle Jurard, a name to freeze the blood -- a Breton battlemage of sinister reputation in Lainlyn.
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| |Lord Kain was waiting in the great hall with Arielle Jurard. He was heavily cloaked, unsurprisingly as it was a foul night, but I wondered why he had not removed it upon entering the castle.
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| |Übersetzung
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| |I greeted Lord Kain warmly, ignoring his companion for the moment, but when he spoke, it was only haltingly, and with a grating edge that I had never heard before. "Where are the others?" was all he said. Arielle Jurard quickly intervened, explaining that Lord Kain was unwell and needed a place to rest.
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| |By the time Kain was abed, I was fully alarmed. He moved like an old man, and barely spoke in my presence. He left a foul odor in his wake, and remained cloaked until I left him in my chambers. I then demanded that Arielle explain herself, which she was only too willing to do. Her story was appalling. Apparently Kain had perished in battle shortly after we left, but by her arts she had returned him to life, and now planned to gather an army of Knights to resume the war against Baron Shrike. Her eyes glittered with pride as she told me all this -- she is so far gone in madness and evil that she actually believed that I would go along with her plan to install a necromatic puppet on the throne of Lainlyn! For all Baron Shrike's cruelties, he at least is mortal and will one day pass on the rule to an heir.
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| |Somehow I was able to hide my shock from Arielle Jurard, and pretended to agree to her plan. "The other knights will need to have Lord Kain's... condition... explained to them before they see him," I told her. "Otherwise the surprise of seeing him may lead some to regrettable actions." Thinking quickly, I suggested that she tend to Lord Kain in the grotto until I had prepared the others. She agreed without suspicion -- I wonder if her mind has become disordered by her evil practices -- my performance could not have been all that convincing.
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| |Once they were inside, I shut them in, with Garridan's help. May Tu'whacca have mercy on Lord Kain's soul... As for Arielle Jurard, I wish nothing but endless night on her foul spirit.
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| |I've had workmen cover up the doorway. Only a few of the others were ever aware of that passage behind the training room -- luckily Kelvyn was not among them. I'll have to come up with some story to satisfy those who ask about the grotto -- or tell them the truth and face the consequences.
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| |Übersetzung<br>
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| ==Anmerkungen==
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| <references/>
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| [[Kategorie:Bücher aus TES IV: Oblivion]]
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| Lord Kelvyn's Will
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| <font face=5>
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| Last Will and Testament<br>
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| I, Lord Kelvyn, son of Jaren, and a sworn Knight of the True Horn, upon my death do hereby bequeath Battlehorn Castle and all her lands, dependents, and chattels to the bearer of this document.<br>
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| Such an unusual document requires some explanation. I resort to such measures out of desperation. I pen this while Battlehorn Castle lies besieged by a band of ruthless marauders, with little hope that any of us will survive. "Besieged" I say, although this petty battle would not have even rated a footnote in the great days of the Knights of the True Horn. We have fallen on hard times, indeed.<br>
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| I will entrust this document to my last faithful retainers, with instructions to destroy it in the last extremity, although I accept that I may have provided the means for my murderers to legally take the lordship of Battlehorn Castle. So be it.<br>
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| To the new lord of Battlehorn Castle, whoever you are, know that you inherit a stronghold with a proud tradition. Battlehorn Castle was built by a remnant of the Knights of the True Horn who were exiled from our homeland of Lainlyn in Hammerfell. After a failed battle to dethrone Baron Shrike of Lainlyn, our leader, Lord Kain, ordered us to split up into as many small groups as possible until the time should come that he would recall us. My father was part of a group that settled here in Cyrodiil and built Battlehorn Castle as a refuge while they waited for Lord Kain's message... a message that never arrived.<br>
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| Over the years, all the Knights of our little band either gave up or passed on, all but one: my father Jaren. Since his untimely death, I have continued to hold Battlehorn Castle in the hope that someday we will hear from Lord Kain and our great exile will be at an end.<br>
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| I am afraid that the fortunes of Battlehorn Castle have fallen on hard times. What resources I had available I devoted to maintaining the castle itself -- its walls still stand strong and its hearths still provide warmth. Sadly, this came at great cost, and many of the items within its walls had to be sold in order to meet the enormous payments such maintenance begets. If you find yourself with the means to restore Battlehorn Castle to its former glory, a friend of my father's named Nilphas Omellian still holds many of the castle accoutrements in storage and on account. All that is required is to repay the Castle's debts to Nilphas, and I'm certain he'll happily return the items. <br>
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| My final request for the new lord of Battlehorn Castle is to continue to uphold the proud traditions of the Knights of the True Horn, and to honor the memory of our brave service.<br>
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| Lord Jaren's Journal
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| I hope I have done well. I don't know. Perhaps I should tell the others. But what hope would they have then? I will have to tell Kelvyn, one day, when it is time for him to assume the lordship of the Castle. He, at least, may forgive me, as I am his father.
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| I must collect my thoughts. Lord Kain returned last night, while the others were gone to the city. Thank Onsi it was only myself and Garridan -- faithful friend! I have sworn him to secrecy. He was only too happy to let me take responsibility for what we did.
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| Later: I am more resolved than ever that the others must never find out. They must never know what Lord Kain has become, our liege lord -- we sacrificed everything for him!
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| I will set it all down here, clearly, so that others may judge whether I have done right or wrong.
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| When Garridan woke me to tell me that Lord Kain had arrived, I was overjoyed at first. Garridan's grim face soon warned me that all was not well, but he would not tell me what was wrong. Only that Lord Kain was accompanied by Arielle Jurard, a name to freeze the blood -- a Breton battlemage of sinister reputation in Lainlyn.
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| Lord Kain was waiting in the great hall with Arielle Jurard. He was heavily cloaked, unsurprisingly as it was a foul night, but I wondered why he had not removed it upon entering the castle.
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| I greeted Lord Kain warmly, ignoring his companion for the moment, but when he spoke, it was only haltingly, and with a grating edge that I had never heard before. "Where are the others?" was all he said. Arielle Jurard quickly intervened, explaining that Lord Kain was unwell and needed a place to rest.
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| By the time Kain was abed, I was fully alarmed. He moved like an old man, and barely spoke in my presence. He left a foul odor in his wake, and remained cloaked until I left him in my chambers. I then demanded that Arielle explain herself, which she was only too willing to do. Her story was appalling. Apparently Kain had perished in battle shortly after we left, but by her arts she had returned him to life, and now planned to gather an army of Knights to resume the war against Baron Shrike. Her eyes glittered with pride as she told me all this -- she is so far gone in madness and evil that she actually believed that I would go along with her plan to install a necromatic puppet on the throne of Lainlyn! For all Baron Shrike's cruelties, he at least is mortal and will one day pass on the rule to an heir.
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| Somehow I was able to hide my shock from Arielle Jurard, and pretended to agree to her plan. "The other knights will need to have Lord Kain's... condition... explained to them before they see him," I told her. "Otherwise the surprise of seeing him may lead some to regrettable actions." Thinking quickly, I suggested that she tend to Lord Kain in the grotto until I had prepared the others. She agreed without suspicion -- I wonder if her mind has become disordered by her evil practices -- my performance could not have been all that convincing.
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| Once they were inside, I shut them in, with Garridan's help. May Tu'whacca have mercy on Lord Kain's soul... As for Arielle Jurard, I wish nothing but endless night on her foul spirit.
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| | DLC |
| | *[[Hühnerkloß]] - Mehl, Hühnerbrust, Lauch, Knoblauch, Salz - Ofen |
| | *[[Jasbay-Crostata]] - Butter, Mehl, 2 Jazbay - Ofen |
| | *[[Wacholderbeer-Crostata]] - Butter, Mehl, 3 Wacholderbeeren - Ofen |
| | *[[Lavendelkloß]] - Mehl, Lavendel, Mondzucker, 2 Schneebeeren - Ofen |
| | *[[Schlammkrabbenbeine]] (In Krabbenfleisch einarbeiten?) |
| | *[[Milch]] (Milchkrug) |
| | *[[Gedämpfte Schlammkrabbenbeine]] - Butter, Schlammkrabbenbeine - Ofen |
| | *[[Schneebeeren-Crostata]] - Butter, Mehl, 2 Schneebeeren - Ofen |
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| I've had workmen cover up the doorway. Only a few of the others were ever aware of that passage behind the training room -- luckily Kelvyn was not among them. I'll have to come up with some story to satisfy those who ask about the grotto -- or tell them the truth and face the consequences.<p>
| | Grundspiel |
| | *[[Roter Apfel]] |
| | *[[Grüner Apfel]] |
| | *[[Kohleintopf mit Apfel]] |
| | *[[Rohes Rindfleisch]] |
| | *[[Gekochtes Rindfleisch]] |
| | *[[Rindseintopf]] |
| | *[[Schwarz-Dorn-Met]] |
| | *[[Schwarz-Dorn-Bräu]] |
| | *[[Sahneschnitte]] |
| | *[[Brot]] |
| | *[[Kohl]] |
| | *[[Kartoffel-Kohl-Suppe]] |
| | *[[Kohlsuppe]] |
| | *[[Karotte]] |
| | *[[Verkohltes Skeeverfleisch]] |
| | *[[Ziegenkäseecke]] |
| | *[[Eidarer Käseecke]] |
| | *[[Ziegenkäserad]] |
| | *[[Ziegenkäsescheiben]] |
| | *[[Eidarer Käserad]] |
| | *[[Eidarer Käsescheiben]] |
| | *[[Hühnerbrust]] |
| | *[[Gegrillte Hühnerbrust]] |
| | *[[Muschelfleisch]] |
| | *[[Hundefleisch]] |
| | *[[Elsweyr-Fondue]] |
| | *[[Ziegenbein]] |
| | *[[Gebratenes Ziegenbein]] |
| | *[[Gourd]] |
| | *[[Honig]] |
| | *[[Honignussschnitte]] |
| | *[[Honigbräu-Met]] |
| | *[[Horkerfleisch]] |
| | *[[Horkerfleisch]] (gebraten) |
| | *[[Pferdefleisch]] |
| | *[[Pferdehüfte]] |
| | *[[Lauch]] |
| | *[[Gegrillter Lauch]] |
| | *[[Karamelbonbon]] |
| | *[[Mammutkäseschale]] |
| | *[[Mammutrüssel]] |
| | *[[Mammutbraten]] |
| | *[[Selbstgekochte Mahlzeit]] |
| | *[[Nord-Met]] |
| | *[[Fasanenbrust]] |
| | *[[Gebratener Fasan]] |
| | *[[Apfelkuchen]] |
| | *[[Kartoffel]] |
| | *[[Backkartoffeln]] |
| | *[[Kartoffelsuppe]] |
| | *[[Rohe Kaninchenkeule]] |
| | *[[Kaninchenkeule]] |
| | *[[Lachsfleisch]] |
| | *[[Lachsbraten]] |
| | *[[Angebratener Schlachterfisch]] |
| | *[[Würzwein]] |
| | *[[Süßkuchen]] |
| | *[[Tomate]] |
| | *[[Tomatensuppe]] |
| | *[[Gemüsesuppe]] |
| | *[[Wildbret]] |
| | *[[Wildbretkotelett]] |
| | *[[Wildbreteintopf]] |
| | *[[Altowein]] |
| | *[[Wein]] |