Suchergebnisse für „Thater“

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Zeige (vorherige 20 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • I recall, is a Yokudan deity, or group of deities that share the same designation. Legends say that he is (they are) just another manifestation of the…
    5 KB (585 Wörter) - 20:18, 3. Feb. 2020
  • I recall, is a Yokudan deity, or group of deities that share the same designation. Legends say that he is (they are) just another manifestation of the…
    4 KB (473 Wörter) - 20:05, 3. Feb. 2020
  • the time of Potema's death. Madness says that Uthiella, a Direnni of Balfiera, is his mom; and Wolf Queen says that Hellena, Queen of Lilmoth is his mom.…
    2 KB (251 Wörter) - 14:10, 19. Feb. 2024
  • Alduins sobriquet the 'world eater' comes from myths that depict him as the horrible ravaging firestorm that destroyed the last world to begin this one. Alduin…
    7 KB (552 Wörter) - 13:37, 3. Dez. 2020
  • horde, baying and praying to Malooc the Horde King. It is currently felt that this lesser deity may be entwined somehow with the similarly boorish Mauloch…
    3 KB (323 Wörter) - 14:57, 31. Aug. 2021
  • energy holding me in this form. I will gladly sacrifice myself however, so that Tharn can pay for his betrayal. kann man davon ausgehen, dass Sie sich selbst…
    3 KB (302 Wörter) - 14:11, 2. Apr. 2012
  • Library: Artifact Dialogue: "Very good, for now we can do business. You know that Phynaster was killed by the Wharf Rats for his Ring? It's true. He was buried…
    5 KB (583 Wörter) - 14:44, 26. Nov. 2024
  • Reinkarnationen statt. Aus der offiziellen Redguard-Seite: There are whispers that House Indoril, the chosen Dark Elven faction of the legendary Tribunal, took…
    797 Bytes (78 Wörter) - 15:24, 12. Mai 2015
  • Stretching, Fainting in Coils, Laughing, and Grief. At last, when it becomes clear that his story has no point, you become restless. "Oh, dear," said the Mock Turtle…
    4 KB (572 Wörter) - 15:43, 21. Nov. 2020
  • Michael Kirkbrides Kommentar, 18.07.2014 (Imperial Library): "I really hate that mithril is in TES. Which is why I had it removed from Morrowind."…
    3 KB (324 Wörter) - 12:53, 12. Sep. 2020
  • sind alle daedrischen Buchstaben gespiegelt dargestellt: I AM ALIVE BECAUSE THAT ONE IS DEAD I EXIST BECAUSE I HAVE THE WILL TO DO SO Ich lebe, weil dieser…
    39 KB (2.084 Wörter) - 21:38, 18. Mär. 2021
  • Library: „<RottenDeadite> Who or what is the Drowned Lamp? / <MK> Knowledge that is lost.“ Fürst Vivecs Schwertbegegnung mit Cyrus dem Rastlosen…
    2 KB (193 Wörter) - 01:23, 22. Nov. 2019
  • Afterdark Society. I was going to have my contact in %tl pay them %a gold. That money's yours if you take their place.&" Des Narren Ebenerz, Die Zweite Abhandelung…
    2 KB (241 Wörter) - 14:42, 7. Aug. 2017
  • Version steht Folgendes: "even the staunchest of Ayleid Revivalists admit that the Wild Elves never extended their borders beyond the Jeralls." Dialog mit…
    3 KB (322 Wörter) - 15:57, 25. Sep. 2022
  • closest city-state to the firecone, Dagoth Ur. Legend has it that a great labyrinth resides under that fiery mountain. Here in this city however, the danger comes…
    36 KB (5.022 Wörter) - 13:06, 18. Jun. 2018
  • are many words that we use in Jel that do not have sisters in the dry tongue. Maybe an analogy would help. “My egg-mother always said that the Hist are like…
    25 KB (4.011 Wörter) - 14:18, 24. Mär. 2017
  • Vehks Lehren findet sich seine Formulierung vom "relentless alien terror that is God" vgl. Et’Ada, Acht Aedra, fresst den Träumer Der Turm als zu CHIM…
    21 KB (2.221 Wörter) - 09:43, 24. Mär. 2017
  • Restless is true in its entire, and yet that has never really mattered. Indeed, you’ll come to see that sometimes stories that aren’t necessarily true can still…
    80 KB (13.300 Wörter) - 15:21, 4. Jan. 2019
  • Tower that my emperor wanted to hear. He was dying and I loved him yet. He, too, was a Master and so I knew that he realized just how big a realm that the…
    38 KB (6.171 Wörter) - 12:47, 23. Jun. 2024
  • discussed some of the events that occurred on Artaeum at that time. Later on in that writing, you led us to believe that Iachesis felt it was time for…
    72 KB (11.544 Wörter) - 16:45, 24. Jan. 2019
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