Vorstellung Weapons & Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonage Support


Weapons & Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonborn Support

Weapons & Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonborn Support
Skyrim 1.9
3.0 (23. Mai 2013)
~ 90 kB (kommt auf die Version an, die Ihr möchtet)
Skyrim Nexus
kommt auf die Version an, die Ihr möchtet

Viel möchte ich für die Kenner von Headbomb's "UrMod" nicht mehr erwähnen.
Für alle, die diese Mod oder Mod's nicht kennen, möchte ich den Einstieg nicht sonderlich schwierig gestalten, da es zu dieser Mod wirklich nicht viel zu sagen gibt, außer:

Die Mod ist bestrebt Fehler und fehlerhafte Einstellungen für die Waffen und Rüstungen von Himmelsrand zu beheben.
Es werden Veränderungen an Werten, Schlüsselwörtern und anderen Eigenschaften vorgenommen, damit eine höhere Übereinstimmung zwischen den verschiedenen Waffen und Rüstungen hergestellt werden kann.

Mehr macht die Mod nicht. Kryptopyr's Neuauflage fasst die ursprüngliche Idee von Headbomb auf und entwickelt sie weiter.
Es ist also keine eins zu eins Kopie, falls viele da was falsch verstehen sollten.
Sie (Kryptopyr) hat einige Dinge verändert, umgestaltet und hinzugefügt.
Das Ergebnis finde ich absolut gelungen. Was alles genau, könnt Ihr der Readme entnehmen. Die übersetze ich nur im Notfall also dann, wenn ich durch mein böses, schlechtes Gewissen dazu gezwungen werden sollte :ugly:

Probleme sind bisher keine bekannt. Für Crashes und so Zeugs ist diese Mod in keinster Weise verantwortlich.
Ladet ihr eine Mod, die irgendwelche Werte an den Vanilla Waffen oder Rüstungen verändert - Zwecks Fehlerbehebung, cheaten usw. - dann solltet Ihr mit lustigen Ergebnissen im Spiel rechnen.
Mit lustig meine ich, dass sich die Werte manchmal addieren können - was aber seeehr selten bis gar nicht passiert - oder aber - was meistens passiert - überschreiben sich die Werte in irgendeiner Weise.

Darum auch hier:
Achtet auf die Ladereihenfolge. Möchtet Ihr die Änderungen von W&A Fixes dann ladet W&A nach dem anderen Mod. (? oder :huh: dieses Vor und Nach...ich hoffe Ihr wisst was ich mein :?)

Falls Ihr aMidianBorn Skyforge Weapons oder aMidianBorn's Book of Silence verwendet, solltet Ihr Euch in der Sektion "Optional Files" den Kompatibilitäts Patch herunter laden.
=> Die Werte aus der .esp werden einfach nur angepasst - Euer Spiel stürzt also nicht ab oder erzeugt Fehler, wenn Ihr den Patch nicht verwendet.

Falls Ihr Kryptopyr's Smithing Perks Overhaul - Remade verwendet, dann ladet SPO nach Weapon & Armor Fixes.

Weapons & Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard and Dragonborn support kann auch mit Enhanced Crafting verwendet werden, dann Enhanced Crafting nach W&A Fixes laden.
=> Enhanced Crafting baut auf dem Remade auf, über diese Mod bin ich auf das Remade gestoßen ;)

Gibbet sonst noch was?
Falls jemand der Meinung ist, ich habe was vergessen oder habe das blöd gemacht und sollte gefälligst nie wieder eine Mod vorstellen, bitte, aber auf eine nette Weise.
Verbesserungsvorschläge sind natürlich willkommen und mir lieber als Mecker :p

Viel Spaß und so,

Weapons & Armor Fixes by kryptopyr

Version 3.0

This mod is an attempt to fix bugs and incorrect settings for Skyrim's weapons and armors, as well as changing values, keywords, and other properties to achieve greater consistency between the different weapons and armors.

This mod was created to compliment USKP. I have not included any changes already made by USKP except when it was necessary due to further edits that this mod makes to the items. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you use USKP with this mod. This mod is intended as an update and replacement for the original Weapons and Armor Fixes by Headbomb and should not be used together with that mod.

The inspiration behind this mod was Headbomb's Weapons and Armor Fixes. I know many have said that Headbomb's mod is no longer necessary and has been fully incorporated into the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. I decided to look at the two mods in TES5Edit to figure out whether or not this was true. What I found was that there were still many fixes that USKP hasn't yet covered (admittedly, some of the changes made by Headbomb aren't technically "bugs", and it's doubtful whether USKP will ever include them). Not surprisingly, there were also many changes that USKP makes that were missed by WAF. Unfortunately, Headbomb's WAF is rather out-of-date and overrides many of the changes from USKP. Sadly, this makes it unsuitable for use in current games.

I started from scratch without using Headbomb's mod and went through all the weapons & armor records, correcting the mistakes I found and making any changes that I felt were needed. I've taken USKP into account and have carried over changes from USKP whenever it was necessary. Afterwards, I did also compare this mod to Headbomb's original and picked up any changes that I hadn't already found. Amazingly, I managed to find mistakes that neither WAF or USKP had yet corrected and also corrected a few mistakes made by these mods. Having such great mods as USKP and WAF to independently corroborate my changes definitely helped, and I feel that the final result, when paired with USKP, is an incredibly thorough fix for Skyrim's weapons and armors.

The official 1.9 update or higher is REQUIRED
The Dawnguard version obviously requires Dawnguard.
The Unofficial Skyrim Patch is strongly recommended, but not required.

Simply install and active. There are no scripts and the mod can be safely uninstalled at any time. I recommend placing the mod near the top of your load order but after USKP. I've also remade another of Headbomb's great mods, Smithing Perks Overhaul and designed it to compliment the changes provided in this mod.

The changes this mod makes take several forms. The first type of change is straight and simple bug fixes. These are things that are obviously wrong, such as heavy armor keywords on a light armor cuirass. The second type of change is slightly more subjective and was made to improve consistency and balance between different items. Weapons and armor types were designed to scale in a particular way, and some items rather obviously brake from that established pattern. This mod attempts to bring these wayward items into line with the normal progression of value, weight, damage, and other properties.

I'm not going to list every change made by this mod. If you want a complete list, open the mod up in TES5Edit and take a look. You can also look at the provided spreadsheet for many of the changes to item stats. Keep in mind that the spreadsheet does not include changes such as keywords, bash/block data, and equip/unequip sounds.

To get a better idea of what changes are included, here are some examples...

Bash and Block data still needed to be fixed for many items. For example, Heavy shields with Light shield data. Likewise there were a lot of instances where the Equip/Unequip sounds, Critical Damage, Stagger, Reach, and other stats were incorrect for a particular weapon.
Ancient Nord armor is no longer tied to the daedric perk. The Matching Set perk and the Fists of Steel perk will now also apply properly to this armor.
The 1.9 patch corrects many of the armor sets missing from the Matching Set perks. However, it still omits a few sets. The following sets now apply for the Matching Set perk: Fur Armor, Wolf Armor, Linwe's Armor, Summerset Shadows Armor.
Dawnguard Heavy Gauntlets have been added to the Fists of Steel perk.
Matching set perks for Dawnguard armors now give the correct 25% bonus, rather than 20%.
Some previously un-playable armors have been made playable, such as Thieves Guild armor worn by generic thieves, Worn Shrouded Armor worn by Dark Brotherhood Assassins, and Summerset Shadows armor. This was done very selectively and unplayable armors worn by ghosts, dremora, or unique NPCs has been left inaccessible for reasons of either balance or realism.

Some items have been renamed for easier sorting or to make it easier to recognize which set they belong to. For example, Fur Boots and Fur Gauntlets were part of the Stormcloak set and not part of the Fur armor set. These are now called Fur Guard's Boots and Fur Guard's Gauntlets, and will apply to both the Stormcloak and the Fur matching sets.
Where I felt that the in-game appearance of an item deemed it appropriate, I've renamed certain "bracers" to "gauntlets." For example, all Dwarven Bracers are now Dwarven Gauntlets.
Hooded robes have been renamed to indicate that they are hooded varieties.
Imperial light armor is now called "Imperial Light Armor."
Studded Imperial Armor was renamed "Imperial Studded Armor" to allow it to sort alongside other Imperial gear.
Several obviously mis-named items have been corrected. For example "Ring of Minor Striking" is now "Ring of Minor Sure Grip."
However, I did not rename items to the extent that Headbomb's Weapons & Armor Fixes did. If there wasn't a compelling reason to rename an item, I did not rename it.

Beyond straight-up bug fixes, this mod also changes the value and properties of some items so that they conform better to established patterns of progression among different material types. Many of these changes are fairly obvious when looking at a list of item stats. However, in some cases where the pattern was unclear, I had to make judgement calls on how (or if) to change a particular item. In these cases, I considered 1) properties for similar items, 2) the appearance and lore of that particular item and how changing the properties of that item might impact the game, 3) was the item unique, and 4) was the change significant enough to be worth making. If a change was indicated, but was minor and didn't upset the overall progression (for example, repricing Elven shields from 110 to 115), then generally I chose to leave it alone. Some examples of the changes made by this mod include:

Glass Greatswords now weigh 21 instead of 22.
Orcish Battleaxes now weigh 22 instead of 25.
Ebony maces now have a base damage of 15 instead of 16.
Ebony war axes now have a base damage of 14 instead of 15.
Daedric daggers now weigh 5.5 instead of 6.0.

Imperial equipment has been re-priced to match the value of equivalent steel items.
All amulets now weigh 0.5. Most necklaces already weighed 0.5 but some, like amulets of the divines, weighed twice as much. Their weight will now be consistent.
Skyforge Steel & Nord Hero items now have a much higher value that is more fitting to their properties as well as their presumed desirability.
The prices for all Wolf armor has been increased. It was originally valued closer to iron, but it's stats are somewhat better than steel. The price now better reflects its stats.
Rare and/or unique items now have values much more fitting to their status (though there shouldn't be anything too outrageous). Honestly, I think Daedric artifacts should be valued, much, much higher, but the purpose of this mod is to make values consistent with the conventions already established by the vanilla game, so I've not strayed far from this. Very simply, many of the daedric artifacts had extremely low base prices (Dawnbreaker had a base price of just 10; the Sanguine Rose was valued at 5). The enchantment value then added to this base price. However, the vanilla convention for generic enchanted weapons is to have the base value equal to that of the unenchanted base weapon and the enchantment value is added on top of that base price. Therefore, I've tried to price most of the daedric artifacts to reflect this, with their base value being equivalent to what a similar item with the same basic properties would be. The enchantment value will then increase this cost further, as it would with any other generic magic item in the game.

There are also a handful of changes that I felt were consistent with the appearance and/or lore of the item, but did not strictly conform to the vanilla conventions. These were personal choices that I felt were justified given the item's nature in-game. These changes are very few in number.

Given their spectral nature, I decided to make the Drainblood Battleaxe & Drainheart sword silent. I suppose if you really want to sneak around with a battleaxe, this is the one for you.
Crossbows make a Normal amount of detectable noise (they are no longer silent like bows).

This mod makes a few changes to the crafting categories to help declutter certain categories such Leather, Steel, and Misc which often get rather crowded with the addition of weapons and armors added by other mods.

The "Imperial" category in the crafting menu is now named "Faction" and all faction armors & weapons will appear here (assuming they have crafting recipes and appropriate keywords). Faction gear now included in this category are: Imperial, Stormcloak, city guards, Forsworn, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Wolf Armor, Blades, and Nightingale. Many of these items cannot be constructed in the vanilla game. This mod does not add new recipes, so other mods that do add recipes may potentially relocate the armors into other categories. For modders: If you wish your armor to show up in the Faction category, then include the keyword "ImperialStudded" as this keyword isn't used for any of the perks (ImperialLight & ImperialHeavy are used by perks).
Studded Armor has been relocated to the Hide category as in appearance, stats, and lore this is merely an upgraded form of hide armor. Likewise, Scaled Armor has also been moved into the Hide category, as again it is an improved version of hide (it still requires the Advanced Armors perk to construct it).
The newly vacated "Studded" category has been renamed "Clothing" and will now contain any recipes for items with the keyword ArmorClothing.

Q. Does this mod make the same changes as the original Weapons and Armor Fixes by Headbomb?
A. No, it doesn't. While this mod attempts to fix the same bugs and address the same general needs as Headbomb's Weapons and Armor Fixes, it is not meant to be a one-to-one duplication of that mod. In many cases the changes are indeed the same. However, this is a new mod and the decisions I made are not always consistent with those made by Headbomb. The Wolf Armor is a good example. Headbomb choose to de-value the Wolf Helmet to match the low vanilla prices of the rest of the Wolf armor set. However, I felt that given the properties of this armor (which is slightly better than steel) the cuirass, boots, and gauntlets were severely under-valued and did not reflect the true rank of the armor, so my decision was to increase the price for this armor (to slightly above their steel equivalents) to maintain price consistency across the larger scale of the game, rather than merely maintaining consistency within the set.

Q. Aren't many of the fixes found in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch?
A. Yes, USKP fixes many of the bugs found in the game. However, this mod is meant to correct bugs and inconsistencies that are not yet covered by USKP. It does not include the fixes from USKP, unless I also made additional corrections to an item, in which case, I've made sure to carry over the changes from USKP. For example, sometimes USKP would correct a mistake in the Equip/Unequip sound used by a weapon but it wouldn't fix an incorrect stagger value. This mod carries over the change from USKP, but also corrects the stagger value as well. I very strongly recommend using both mods together, as I've designed this mod to be used in conjunction with USKP.

Q. Looking at Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade and USKP in TES5Edit, there appear to be conflicts.
A. There are a few cases where I did correct values edited by USKP. These are relatively few, but yes, in some cases, I did change the values used by USKP. I only did this when I felt the value used by USKP was incorrect, or I had a good reason for choosing another value. Some are a matter of opinion, for example when USKP chose to round a value down, while I felt it was more appropriate to round up. Another example: Volendrung is considered Dwarven by USKP, but I've made it Daedric. You can argue that lore states it was made by the Dwemer, but I would argue that the material keywords indicate the type of material that composes the weapon and not the race of the smith who created it. To me, Volendrung does not look to be made from Dwemer metal and very much has the appearance of a daedric weapon (not to mention the fact that it is a daedric artifact).

Q. Will the mod be updated to include items added by Dragonborn?
A. Yes. These will hopefully be added very soon.

If there are any further doubts or questions about the choices that I made, I have uploaded a spreadsheet that includes all of the new weapons and armor stats. This should provide a handy reference for the new values, as well as allowing you to see how and why I chose to set the values as I did. You may disagree with me. That's fine; you are free to edit any of the values you disagree with for your own use, but recognize that there was a reason and logic behind all of the changes made.

Credit and thanks for the original mod goes to Headbomb. I can now fully appreciate just how much effort went into creating that mod.
And not least a huge THANK YOU to the USKP team for all their amazing work and continuing effort to find and correct so many of the bugs that plague Skyrim.

I grant full permission to carry over any changes made by this mod into other mods, if the changes they are making would otherwise conflict with this mod.
USKP has full permission to include any of my corrections in it's future updates.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Awadea,

herzlich Willkommen im Forum :bye:

Die Mod klingt interessant. Ich werde sie heut abend installieren. Vielen Dank für deine Vorstellung und auch die Übersetzung :)

Und absoluter Fehler O.O Dragonage statt Dragonborn, arfsffgraf... *seufz*
Hihi, ist doch ein schöner Fehler. Dragonage werde ich auch irgendwann nochmal durchspielen. Mein absolutes Lieblingsspiel.
Danke, für Deine freundliche Begrüßung :oops:

Ich lese schon länger hier im Forum mit ("herumschnüffeln" trifft es auch ganz gut). Gestern früh hatte mich dann doch eine kurze Eingebung geritten, die Mod hier vorzustellen, weil ich ich erinnern kann, dass Headbomb's Mod doch einige Beliebtheit hatte. Schade, dass er seine Mods nicht weiter geführt hat. Ich finde Kryptopyr macht die "Nachfolge" sehr gut.

Die Übersetzung? Die hatte ich doch gar nicht erwähnt :shock: Ja, aber gut, doch die habe ich verzapft, stimmt. Deswegen würde ich mich über Vorschläge freuen oder Hinweise auf Fehler, denn hier hockt ne ziemliche Null, wenn es um sowas geht. Siehe Dragonage und so... -.-

Dragonage, das habe ich bisher wie Skyrim nicht durch geschafft. Ich bleibe immer bei den Mods hängen. "Das noch und das, oh und das sieht auch noch schick aus. Was, das gibt's auch noch? Oh und wieso ist der mir noch nicht aufgefallen?" Aus Flusswald wird es meine kleine Bosmer Dame wohl nie schaffen. :mad:
Hihi, ich glaube, das mit den Mods rumspielen anstatt das Spiel selbst, haben viele hier gemacht. Ich gehöre auch dazu. Habe in Skyrim die großen Geschichten auch noch nicht durchgespielt. Bei Dragon Age kannte ich das mit den Mods noch nicht so gut, daher habe ich nur ein oder zwei Kleinigkeiten verändert gehabt. Das war gut so, denn dadurch konnte ich das Spiel in vollen Zügen genießen :D

Die Übersetzung? Die hatte ich doch gar nicht erwähnt :shock:
*grinst* Kryptopyr hat die deutsche Übersetzung in seiner Mod verlinkt. Daher wusst ich es.

Deswegen würde ich mich über Vorschläge freuen oder Hinweise auf Fehler, denn hier hockt ne ziemliche Null, wenn es um sowas geht.
Na, mach deine Arbeit nicht runter. Fehler passieren uns allen.

Leider komme ich momentan nicht dazu, zu spielen. Warscheinlich frühestens Sonntag. Und da soll doch das Wetter so toll sein... *seufzt* Mal schauen...