Vorstellung Weapon Expansion Pack


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Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts (W.E.P.O.N.)

BFG: Mod idea and design; weapon stats and cleanup; ESP build; new Cutter dialogue
Spiney: New Amber weapon meshes and textures; new Dumog gro Bonk dialogue
Kriscrash: New Madness weapon meshes and textures

Special thanks to
Ionis: Additional texture support; Orcish and Mithril weapons
Windsurfer: Rusty Iron and Fine Iron textures
LordFrostcraig: Additional meshes and textures
InsanitySorrow: Collision correction work on all new Amber and Madness weapons
The Unofficial Patch Team
The authors of TESEdit
The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) and its members for testing, feedback and encouragement

General Mod Description
This mod significantly enhances the Oblivion experience by adding new Amber, Madness, Mithril, Orcish, Rusty Iron, and Fine Iron weapons to the worlds of Tamriel and the Shivering Isles. Special care was take to ensure the new weapons would seamlessly integrate with the content already provided by Bethesda.


  • Adds the Madness Battle Axe, Warhammer, Mace, Shortsword, and Dagger to Shivering Isles.
  • Adds the Amber Battle Axe, War Axe, Claymore, Shortsword, and Dagger to Shivering Isles.
  • A custom Amber Scimitar, a lighter and faster version of the Amber Longsword.
  • Durable and Durable Magic versions of all Amber and Madness weapons.
  • Custom dialogue for the Smiths in New Sheoth to go with the new features.
  • A complete set of Mithril Weapons, higher-quality versions of the standard Silver weapons.
  • A complete set of Orcish Weapons, including enchanted versions.
  • Rusty Iron and Fine Iron textures so that those weapons actually look Rusty or high quality in-game!
  • An Easter egg weapon that hearkens back to earlier Elder Scrolls games, for the astute or just very lucky.
  • All weapon fixes added by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental, and Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch are included. Additionally, over 250 mistakes in weapon stats or leveled lists are fixed; none of these mistakes are addressed by any of the Unofficial Patches.
  • Over 625 new weapons overall!

To Install or Upgrade
1. Copy all included files into your Oblivion\Data folder. (This is usually C:\Program Files\Bethesda\Oblivion\Data, or on 64-bit versions of Windows, C:\Program Files (x86)\ Bethesda\Oblivion\Data.)
2. Sort your launch order so that �Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts� loads after Shivering Isles or any of the Unofficial Patches, but before most other content.
3. Run the Oblivion Launcher from the Oblivion folder, click Data Files, and activate �Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts�. Then close the Oblivion Launcher.
4. Launch Oblivion, and enjoy!

To Uninstall
Simply delete the ESP file and all associated content from your Bethesda\Oblivion\Data folder.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find the new weapons?
The new weapons are seamlessly integrated into the game. That means that you might find the new Orcish weapons in Ayleid ruins or being used by bandits, or perhaps in a shop somewhere. Mithril weapons are available for sale throughout Tamriel and the Shivering Isles, and Imperial City guards as well as all City Watch Captains carry them. Amber and Madness weapons can be obtained from the Smiths in New Sheoth, provided you have the right materials.

2. Do I have to have Shivering Isles installed to use this mod?
While Shivering Isles is required for the full experience (i.e. to enjoy the new Amber and Madness weapons), a stripped-down version of this mod is available for those who only have Oblivion. That version of the mod still contains the Mithril and Orcish weapons, the Fine and Rusty Iron textures, and all of the weapon stat fixes that apply to Oblivion only. It can be downloaded from the same location as the full version.

3. What kind of statistics fixes did you make?
There is no way to describe briefly all the changes we made. But in short, we looked for cases where Bethesda obviously screwed up, and fixed it. Everything, from incorrect icons and missing enchantments to weapons that were too heavy or too light, was examined. We also made changes to several Leveled Lists so that weapons that were supposed to be found in the game, but could not be, would now be available.
A complete list of the corrections made by this mod is included in the download.

4. What if I find a mistake?
If you find a mistake, either that we made in the mod, or that Bethesda made that you think should be added to the list of corrections in this mod, let the authors know! The best way to get ahold of them is to contact BFG99 via Private Message on TESNexus.

Known Conflicts
This mod supersedes the following mods. As such, you should uninstall or at least deactivate any of these mods if you have them installed:

  • Mithril and Orcish Weapon Sets, by Ionis
  • Mithril and Orcish Weapon Sets version 2, by Ionis
  • Fine Weapons by Windsurfer
  • Rusty Items by Windsurfer

Additionally, this mod has not been tested extensively with Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul (OOO), Frans (FCOM), or other such major mods. However, it has been tested with Marts Monster Mod (MMM) and shown no issues. If you do encounter any conflicts with such content, please notify BFG or one of the other authors of this mod right away.

Known Issues
None at this time.

Downloadlink findet ihr samt ein paar Bildern hier:
Klingt an sich hervorragend, aber ich glaub das ist mir zu sehr Sprachenmischmasch.

Sollte es allerdings einmal eine DV geben, wird die sofort gezogen!
Wenn du noch nicht "an der Arbeit" sein solltest oder es dich einfach nicht freut, sags mir, und ich versuchs zu übersetzen ;D
Wenn du noch nicht "an der Arbeit" sein solltest oder es dich einfach nicht freut, sags mir, und ich versuchs zu übersetzen ;D

Nichts kann man posten ohne hier gleich auf DV angesprochen zu werden. :shock:
Ich hab doch auch noch andere Dinge zu tun, die net mit Oblivion zu tun haben.

Von daher:
Mach du nur 'Maiq. ;)
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Reaktionen: M'aiq
ok, werde mich dann mal ranmachen, kann aber ein Weilchen dauern (wie auch DarkRuler hätte auch ich gern noch ein RL^^)

Ich bräuchte dann bitte nur jemanden, der das übsetzte PlugIn [in ferner Zukunft] mit mir testen würde.

[Aber jetzt dann wiedet BTT, bitte^^]

Ist ne schöne Mod, hat mir früher schon gefallen.
Danke M'aiq, dass du die Übersetzung machst!
Und natürlich auch Danke für die Vorstellung DarkRuler.;)
Danke fürs Vorstellen!
Ich fang heute noch mit dem Übersetzen an :D

EDIT: Gar net gesehen wann M'aiq das geschrieben hat, warte erstmal was er sagt!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo ScHiZoPhReN

Könntest du nicht noch ein bisschen warten bis sich M'aiq gemeldet hat ? :)
Soweit ich das verstanden habe ist er schon seit ein paar Tagen an der Erlaubnis für Übersetzung drann.

Kein Problem
Mir ists egal^^
Das mit fang heute noch an war zum ausdrücken meiner begeisterung gemeint :D
Würde so schnells geht loslegen warte aber natürlich noch auf M'aiqs Antwort.
Die übersetzung wäre an sich fast fertig, muss nur noch etwas an den Büchern und scripts herumfeilen.
Sorry für die lange Inaktivität, aber so eine Grippe und andere Krankheiten, die hier jetzt zu weit führen würden, haben mich etwas gerädert.

Außerdem warte ich immer noch auf die Permission des 2ten Autors - da werd ich nochmal nachhaken :)
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Reaktionen: ScHiZoPhReN