Tribunal zu leicht?


Hey Leute,

ich spiele grad mal wieder Morrowind. Bin grade erst Lvl 4. Und bin nach Gramfeste gereist. Bin jetzt mit meinem Magier in die Kanalisation und mache alle Gegner mit einem Zauber (40-50 Punkte Schaden) kaputt.

Kann das sein?

Ich fühl mich irgendwie overpowered. Oder sind die Gegner dort so leicht? Sind meine Atribute evtl. von Anfang an zu hoch?

Meine Char:


  • screenshot040.jpg
    308 KB · Aufrufe: 276
Wenn ich mich nicht täusche, dann leveln einige Gegner im Addon mit, ansonsten gibt es auch Gegner mit Level 5-20. In Morrowind kannst du zudem den Schwierigkeitsgrad anpassen, ähnlich wie bei Oblivion. Leider kenne ich nicht deine Mods, vielleicht liegt es daran? Ich Morrowind kann man zudem sehr schnell unbesiegbar werden, nachher habe ich jeden mit paar Schlägen ohne Schaden umgehauen. Für Tribunal wird eigentlich Level 10-20 empfohlen.
Also Schwierigkeitsgrad ist auf 100. Aktuell ist es so, dass wenn mich der Gegner erwischt, bin ich mit 2 Schlägen hinüber. Aber durch mein Shockzauber, kommen die meisten garnicht soweit, da meine Zerstörung schon auf 45 ist.
Find ich persöhnlich echt hoch. Wobei ich grad geschaut habe und man im Vanilla auch mit 40 Zerstörung beginnt.
Evtl, kämen da andere Gegner, wenn ich mit höherem Level reinmarschier.

Oder ich veränder die Werte mit der Konsole..

Edit: Hab da was gefunden :)

Harder Morrowind und
Morrowind - Hardcore Mode

Edit: Funktionieren nicht mit Open MW :D

Modliste hänge ich mal dran :

content=Creatures 6th House Patch.esp
content=Creatures Great House Dagoth Patch.esp
content=Creatures Merged Objects Fix.esp
content=ATL-Bloodskal Blade No Extra Changes.esp
content=Balmora & Suran Alterations.esp
content=Better Robes TR.esp
content=Bloodmoon Rebalance.ESP
content=Convenient Vivec.ESP
content=Creatures DV.esp
content=Evil Eye - Dark Robe v1-5.esp
content=Expanded Sounds.esp
content=GMoF - No Resting.ESP
content=Cot Version - NoRestingOutdoors! v1.1.omwaddon
content=Holidays Across Tamriel - Vvardenfell.esp
content=Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.esp
content=Improved Argonians.esp
content=Mage Robes - Caldera MG Expanded.ESP
content=Mage Robes - Dagon Fel Mages Guild.ESP
content=Better Robes.ESP
content=Mage Robes - Scrolls of The Nine Barriers.ESP
content=Mage Robes - Starfires NPC Additions.ESP
content=Mage Robes - The Hostiles.ESP
content=Mage Robes - Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion.ESP
content=Mage Robes.ESP
content=Mage Robes_Weak.ESP
content=MBSP ncgdMW edit.omwaddon
content=Morrowind Content Restoration - Merged.ESP
content=Mournhold LOD.ESP
content=Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
content=New Khajiit Bodies - Clean.esp
content=NighttimeDoorLocks-LD 1.1b.esp
content=Ozzy's Grass - Merged.esp
content=Patch for Purists.esm
content=Pelagiad Travel.ESP
content=Purist-friendly magicka regen.ESP
content=Service Refusal Expanded.esp
content=The Publicans.ESP
content=Graphic Herbalism TR.ESP
content=Graphic Herbalism.esp
content=Vivec Expansion 2.0.esp
content=Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESP
content=Vurt's Grazelands Trees [Palms].ESP
content=Wolverine Hall Interior Expanded.ESP
content=Yet Another Guard Diversity - Regular.ESP
content=Morrowind Releveled.ESP
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Somavakien,

ich hätte da mal eine Frage:

Edit: Hab da was gefunden :)

Harder Morrowind und
Morrowind - Hardcore Mode

Edit: Funktionieren nicht mit Open MW :D

Was genau funktioniert denn bei diesen Mods nicht? Laut Nexus-Beschreibung nutzen sie kein MWSE und bestehen nur aus .esp-Dateien. Das wichtigste Argument für die Nutzung des MCP ist die Anpassung der Preise gefüllter Seelensteine, die seit OpenMW 0.44.0 als Option im OpenMW-Launcher verfügbar ist.

Über eine ausführliche Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen, weil Probleme mit Mods mittlerweile unsere wichigste Quelle sind, wenn es darum geht, Bugs in OpenMW sowie Unterschiede zwischen der Original-Engine und unserer zu finden.

Viele Grüße

Was genau nicht funktioniert, kann ich nicht sagen. Es ist nur so, dass nachdem ich die esp-Datei aktiviert hab, die Gegner immernoch die selbe HP haben. Zusätzlich wollte ich paar Magier Mods installieren. Die aber auch keine Wirkung gezeigt. Auf Wunsch probier ichs aber nochmal aus, wenn du mir sagtst. Welche Informationen helfen könnten.

Da mir aber sonst keine großen Bugs aufgefallen sind, habe ich erst gestern omwllf ausprobiert. Werde also die 2 Mods nochmal testen und nachdem ich die Level List erstellt habe berichten.

So habs nochmal probiert und es geht selbst nach Omwllf nicht

hier meine Log:

Loading config file: ./openmw.cfg
OpenMW version 0.46.0
Revision: 9f716b9ed8
Using default (English) font encoding.
OSG version: 3.4.1
Loading settings file: ./settings-default.cfg
Loading settings file: C:\Users\Marschalleck\Documents\My Games\OpenMW/settings.cfg
Adding BSA archive C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files\Morrowind.bsa
Adding BSA archive C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files\Tribunal.bsa
Adding BSA archive C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files\Bloodmoon.bsa
Adding BSA archive C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files\pt_data.bsa
Adding BSA archive C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files\TR_Data.bsa
Adding BSA archive C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files\biaiSuit.bsa
Adding data directory C:\MW\Morrowind\Data Files
Adding data directory C:\Users\Marschalleck\Documents\My Games\OpenMW/data
Initializing OpenAL...
Opened "OpenAL Soft on Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio)"
  ALC Version: 1.1
  Vendor: OpenAL Community
  Renderer: OpenAL Soft
  Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.17.2
  Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_BFORMAT AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
HRTF disabled
Allocated 256 sound sources
Low-pass filter supported
EAX Reverb supported
Enumerated output devices:
  OpenAL Soft on Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Loading content file Morrowind.esm
Loading content file Tribunal.esm
Loading content file Arkngthand_2.0.esp
Loading content file Bloodmoon.esm
Loading content file Tamriel_Data.esm
Loading content file TR_Mainland.esm
Loading content file Cot Version - NoRestingOutdoors! v1.1.omwaddon
Loading content file Creatures 6th House Patch.esp
Loading content file Creatures Great House Dagoth Patch.esp
Loading content file Creatures Merged Objects Fix.esp
Loading content file Creatures.esp
Loading content file Dark Brotherhood Attacks Once - Delayed Attacks.ESP
Loading content file Faster-v10.esp
Loading content file Harder Morrowind.ESP
Loading content file LadyD_Reduced_Commentary.esp
Loading content file Patch for Purists.esm
Loading content file luminosité elementaire1.1tr.esp
Loading content file MaiqMainland.esp
Loading content file ATL-Bloodskal Blade No Extra Changes.esp
Loading content file Balmora & Suran Alterations.esp
Loading content file BearArmorReplacer.ESP
Loading content file Better Robes TR.esp
Loading content file Better_Sounds.esp
Loading content file Better_Sounds_1.1_Patch_2.omwaddon
Loading content file BetterRegen.omwaddon
Loading content file Bloodmoon Rebalance.ESP
Loading content file Convenient Vivec.ESP
Loading content file Creatures DV.esp
Loading content file DaedricArmor.esp
Loading content file DB_Attack_Mod.esp
Loading content file Evil Eye - Dark Robe v1-5.esp
Loading content file Expanded Sounds.esp
Loading content file TR_Data.esm
Loading content file gr_DraugrDiversity.esp
Loading content file gr_DraugrDiversityUnarmed.esp
Loading content file Holidays Across Tamriel - Vvardenfell.esp
Loading content file Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.esp
Loading content file Improved Argonians.esp
Loading content file Mage Robes - Caldera MG Expanded.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes - Dagon Fel Mages Guild.ESP
Loading content file Better Robes.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes - Scrolls of The Nine Barriers.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes - Starfires NPC Additions.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes - The Hostiles.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes - Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes.ESP
Loading content file Mage Robes_Weak.ESP
Loading content file MBSP ncgdMW edit.omwaddon
Loading content file MCA.esm
Loading content file Morrowind Content Restoration - Merged.ESP
Loading content file Mournhold LOD.ESP
Loading content file MovementFatigueHalved.esp
Loading content file MQE_BlightedBeasties.ESP
Loading content file MQE_CrowdControl.ESP
Loading content file MQE_GarrisonedGhostgate.ESP
Loading content file MQE_ImperialIntolerance.ESP
Loading content file MQE_MainQuestEnhancers.ESP
Loading content file MQE_SixthHouseShrines.ESP
Loading content file ncgdMW.omwaddon
Loading content file Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
Loading content file New Khajiit Bodies - Clean.esp
Loading content file NighttimeDoorLocks-LD 1.1b.esp
Loading content file NPC_Schedule(beta).esp
Loading content file NX9_ManaRegen (Attributes and Effects).ESP
Loading content file Ozzy's Grass - Merged.esp
Loading content file PB_SignpostsRetextured.esp
Loading content file Pelagiad Travel.ESP
Loading content file Purist-friendly magicka regen.ESP
Loading content file Racers.esp
Loading content file Service Refusal Expanded.esp
Loading content file SMT_Armor_And_Weapons.esp
Loading content file stav_pelagiad_keep.ESP
Loading content file Tamriel_Rebuilt_Travel_1.3.ESP
Loading content file The Publicans.ESP
Loading content file TR_Factions.esp
Loading content file TR_Grass_Gen.esp
Loading content file TR_Preview.esp
Loading content file TR_Travels.esp
Loading content file Graphic Herbalism TR.ESP
Loading content file Graphic Herbalism.esp
Loading content file UFR_v3dot2_noRobe.esp
Loading content file Vivec Expansion 2.0.esp
Loading content file Vivec_Mages_Guild_Expanded.ESP
Loading content file Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESP
Loading content file Vurt's Grazelands Trees [Palms].ESP
Loading content file Wolverine Hall Interior Expanded.ESP
Loading content file Yet Another Guard Diversity - Regular.ESP
Loading content file Morrowind Releveled.ESP
Loading content file OMWLLF Mod - 2019-02-06.omwaddon
Loading content file OMWLLF Mod - 2019-02-07.omwaddon
NPC 'tr_m4_hegatha' (Hegatha) has nonexistent faction 'ThievesGuild', ignoring it.
Error: 'Weather_Ashstorm_Sun_Day_Color' setting value (139,114) is not a valid color, using middle gray as a fallback
Playing Music/Special/morrowind title.mp3
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 2 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 24 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 42 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 60 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 78 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 96 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 114 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 132 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 150 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Unhandled controller NiPathController on node 168 in meshes/f/photodragons.nif
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Texture layer 6 is in use but empty in meshes/b/b_n_dark elf_m_head_02.nif
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Found RootCollisionNode attached to non-root node in meshes/x/terrain_ashland_rock_03.nif. Treat it as a common NiTriShape.
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Found RootCollisionNode attached to non-root node in meshes/x/ex_de_scaffold_03.nif. Treat it as a common NiTriShape.
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_10' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Found RootCollisionNode attached to non-root node in meshes/x/ex_de_scaffold_02.nif. Treat it as a common NiTriShape.
Cell reference 'flora_tree_gl_09' not found!
Found RootCollisionNode attached to non-root node in meshes/d/hlaalu_loaddoor_ 01.nif. Treat it as a common NiTriShape.
Loading cell -5, -6
Loading cell -5, -5
Loading cell -4, -6
Loading cell -6, -6
Loading cell -5, -7
Loading cell -4, -5
Loading cell -6, -5
Failed to load audio from sound/plx_snd/swingrope.wav: Resource 'sound/plx_snd/swingrope.mp3' not found
Texture layer 6 is in use but empty in meshes/b/b_n_dark elf_m_head_17.nif
Loading cell -4, -7
Loading cell -6, -7
Unhandled effect NiAmbientLight in meshes/plx_crt/xultimarotworm.nif
Unhandled effect NiDirectionalLight in meshes/plx_crt/xultimarotworm.nif
Unhandled effect NiDirectionalLight in meshes/plx_crt/xultimarotworm.nif
error 1gr_hla-oad_1Script line 1, column 15 (-)
    Unexpected special token
Warning: compiling failed: 1gr_hla-oad_1Script
warning mg_script_con line 24, column 18 (PlaySound)
    ignoring stray explicit reference
warning globalstopsoundsscript line 3, column 25 (CellChanged)
    ignoring stray explicit reference
warning globaltownsoundscript line 67, column 25 (CellChanged)
    ignoring stray explicit reference
Playing music/explore/jafnan.mp3
Failed to load audio from sound/plx_snd/cliffracerleft.wav: Resource 'sound/plx_snd/cliffracerleft.mp3' not found
Failed to load audio from sound/plx_snd/cliffracerright.wav: Resource 'sound/plx_snd/cliffracerright.mp3' not found
Found RootCollisionNode attached to non-root node in meshes/d/in_velothismall_ndoor_01.nif. Treat it as a common NiTriShape.
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E07CA0) from -46677.5 -49409.8 618.606 to -46215.7 -49513.4 618.606 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Kleiner Schlachterfisch" (0000000024E08830) from -41249.5 -56011.8 -505.055 to -41005.8 -55897.6 -505.055 with flags (swim)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E07CA0) from -46266.2 -49515.5 618.606 to -47894.3 -49247.1 618.606 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Kleiner Schlachterfisch" (0000000024E08830) from -41032.1 -55915.4 -407.825 to -41722.4 -55157 -505.055 with flags (swim)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E07CA0) from -46235.7 -49495.5 618.606 to -47894.3 -49247.1 618.606 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Netchbulle" (0000000024E12C60) from -46862.8 -53748.1 283.978 to -48029.3 -53309.7 283.978 with flags (none)
Unloading cell -4, -7
Unloading cell -4, -6
Unloading cell -4, -5
Loading cell -7, -6
Loading cell -7, -5
Loading cell -7, -7
Failed to load audio from sound/plx_snd/swamptree5.wav: Resource 'sound/plx_snd/swamptree5.mp3' not found
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E07CA0) from -47863.6 -49250.9 621.44 to -46147.1 -48997 618.606 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for end polygon is not found" for "Kleiner Schlachterfisch" (0000000024E08830) from -41704.2 -55182 -353.184 to -40734.6 -55967.7 -505.055 with flags (swim)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (00000000599AF450) from -47873.4 -49136.5 621.216 to -46261.8 -49684.8 621.213 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (00000000599AF450) from -47851.2 -49131.2 621.179 to -46261.8 -49684.8 621.213 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (000000003E6B09D0) from -47755 -49156.6 621.014 to -47094.4 -49716.3 621.014 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Netchbulle" (0000000024E12C60) from -47352.2 -53442.2 490.078 to -47091 -52590.1 283.978 with flags (none)
Playing music/battle/mw battle 8.mp3
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E12A10) from -43388.3 -55030 274.503 to -44339.4 -54714.2 274.503 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Netchbulle" (0000000024E12C60) from -47106.6 -52639.7 297.077 to -45875.1 -54639.3 283.978 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (000000003E6B09D0) from -47127.7 -49688.3 620.632 to -41808 -48640.5 253.859 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (000000003E6B09D0) from -46979.6 -49673.7 610.384 to -41743.9 -48616.1 265.868 with flags (none)
Playing music/battle/macar - dance of blades.mp3
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (000000003E6B09D0) from -46823.2 -49642.4 599.595 to -41678.1 -48605.7 279.831 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (000000003E6B09D0) from -46505.4 -49578.9 579.192 to -41548.9 -48669.1 292.214 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E12A10) from -44305.5 -54737.3 301.981 to -44706 -54416.8 274.503 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E12A10) from -44668.8 -54447.3 276.391 to -43240.8 -54497.2 274.503 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E12A10) from -44668.7 -54447.4 276.394 to -43240.8 -54497.2 274.503 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Netchbulle" (0000000024E12C60) from -45900.5 -54595.6 284.084 to -46383.6 -52200.9 283.978 with flags (none)
Failed to load audio from sound/plx_snd/swamptree6.wav: Resource 'sound/plx_snd/swamptree6.mp3' not found
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E12A10) from -43270.9 -54490.7 538.052 to -43363.3 -54298.5 274.503 with flags (none)
Playing music/explore/morrowind title.mp3
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Netchbulle" (0000000024E12C60) from -46121.4 -53386.7 322.324 to -48753.2 -53159.2 283.978 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Netchbulle" (0000000024E12C60) from -46126.9 -53392.8 329.908 to -48753.2 -53159.2 283.978 with flags (none)
Build path by navigator exception: "Navmesh polygon for start point is not found" for "Cliff Racer" (0000000024E12A10) from -43243.5 -54287.2 508.341 to -44683.1 -54242.1 274.503 with flags (none)
Quitting peacefully.
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