Skyrim hakt beim Reiten



Ja wie der Titel schon sagt kann ich stundenlang Spielen wenn ich schnellreise oder zu Fuss unterwegs bin. Sobald ich aber anfange zu reiten fängt es an zu haken und stürzt meist kurz darauf ab. Das Spiel bleibt einfach hängen also kein CTD. Da ich kein Freund von den schnell reisen bin (Dafür ist die Welt viel zu schön J ) sondern lieber zu oder zu Pferd unterwegs bin nervt es ein wenig.

Mein PC
Grafikkarte : EVGA Geforce 680 GTX FTW 4GB
CPU: Intel I7 3770k
Ram: 8 GB 1600
Mainboard: Asus P8Z77 V LX
Alle Treiber sind auf dem neuesten Stand (keine Betatreiber)

So meine Mods:

ENB: Realvision Performance Version
ENBHOST Ram Einstellung:


SKSE Version:skse_1_06_16
SKSE Plugins:CellStabilizer, CFM_extensions, chargen, d3dx9_42, DCF_plugin, nioverride, SafetyLoad, showRaceMenu_preCacheKiller, SKSE_Elys_Uncapper

Grafik Mods die nicht in der ESP liste erscheinen:

Dust Effects1.0, Ewis Galaxy, Improved NPC Clothing, Lush Trees&Grass, Realistic Smoke and Embers,Skyrim HD2K Misc, Riften, Towns, Vivid Landscapes

Ich habe meine Mods von BOSS und LOOT sortieren lassen brachte keine Besserung. Obwohl die beiden tools komplett anders Sortiert haben.
Allerdings habe ich nicht wirklich ahnung von einer richtigen Lade reihenfolge.
Deswegen wäre es schön wenn sich das einer mal anschauen kann.
Auch habe ich gelesen das die esps die mit dem proccer erstellt worden sind wie ASIS …. Hinter dem Bashed patch geladen werden sollen andere schreiben wiederum das der Bashed patch am ende stehen muss. Ich habe beide varianten ausprobiert und keine besserung gehabt.
Auch habe ich alle meine Mods gecleant mit TES5edit. Dies hat ebenfalls nix bewirkt zumindest ist mir nix aufgefallen außer das BOSS nicht mehr am meckern ist.

Meine ESP Liste (alle Deutsch) dies ist auch die aktuelle Ladereihenfolge

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1
Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm=1
Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp=1
Malachit zu Vulkanglas.esp=1
Immersive Sounds - Magic.esp=1
Cutting Room Floor.esp=1
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp=1
Dual Sheath Redux.esp=1
Immersive Battles.esp=1
Immersive Brigands.esp=1
Immersive Dawnguard.esp=1
Immersive Dragonborn.esp=1
Immersive Factions.esp=1
Immersive Mercenaries.esp=1
Immersive Patrols.esp=1
Immersive Travelers.esp=1
Immersive Werewolves.esp=1
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp=1
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp=1
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp=1
SkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp=0
Scale Tipper.esp=1
SFO - Dragonborn.esp=1
SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp=1
Convenient Horses.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1
dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp=1
Unique Region Names - Dragonborn.esp=1
ELFX - Exteriors.esp=1
ELFX - Dawnguard.esp=1
ELFX - Dragonborn.esp=1
ETaC - Complete.esp=1
ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp=1
Helgen Reborn.esp=1
SoS - The Dungeons.esp=1
SoS - The Wilds.esp=1
SoS - Civilization.esp=1
SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp=1
SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp=1
SoS - The Dungeons-PatchELFX.esp=1
SoS - Civilization-PatchELFX.esp=1
The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
No NPC Greetings.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
Unique Region Names.esp=1
FSP - Dawnguard Edition.esp=1
ETaC - Complete ELFX Patch.esp=1
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp=1
Automatic Variants.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1

So mehr an Info fällt mir nicht ein. Vieleicht hatt ja einer eine Idee was man da machen könnte Ladereihenfolge oder welcher Mod das sein kann
Hallo Andariyel,

die PapyrusLog wäre hilfreich, um dem Problem auf die Spur zu kommen. Ich selbst bin diesbezgl. auch gerade beim Forschen, um nicht erst im fortgeschrittenen Spiel Instabilitäten und Mod-Konflikte bearbeiten zu müssen. Ich musste mich z.B. schweren Herzens von "skyBirds" trennen, weil es offenbar "random CTD" verursacht hatte. SoS habe ich auch mal verwendet, bin jedoch auf AOS + Immersive Sounds Compendium umgestiegen. Mods mit alternativem Spielstart können auch Probleme erzeugen, ebenso scriptintensive Mods wie "Convenient Horses" (oder eben "skyBirds"). Auch mit mehr Speichernutzung ist die Engine mit zu vielen Scripts irgendwann am Limit. Übrigens: wenn das nur beim Reiten passiert, scheint C.H. selbst oder in Verbindung mit einer anderen Mod Probleme zu machen.

Random CTD im Nexus Forum(falls Du Engisch kannst):

Genau kann man das aber nie sagen...manche zocken mit 250 Mods stabil, bei manchen reichen schon wenige Mods. Ich würde Dir noch empfehlen, auf die aktuelle SKSE zu wechseln (ist zwar noch Alpha, jedoch ist Sheshons MemPatch implementiert). In Verbindung mit ENBoost bringt das wesentlich mehr Stabilität und RAM-bedingte CTD dürften sehr selten oder gar nicht mehr vorkommen. Aber ehe ich mich jetzt zu weit aus dem Fenster lehne, poste einfach mal Deine PapyrusLog. Dennoch vorher probieren, ob der MemPatch das problem behebt.

mit freundlichen Grüßen
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Reaktionen: Andariyel

danke für deine Antwort :)
Also ich hab das mit dem neuen SKSE mal gemacht. Hatt aber nicht wirklich was gebracht konnte zwar ein wenig länger reiten als gewöhnlich aber trotzdem Hängengeblieben.

So und das hier ist dann mal das Script log
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:15PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:15PM] Update budget: 1.400000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.400000ms, Load screen budget: 1000.000000ms)
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:15PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:23PM] Cannot open store for class "fissinterface", missing file?
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:23PM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:23PM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script KRY_TVPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (12001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39970C1A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39970C1A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property ExclusiveCellList on script avquestscript attached to AVQuestScript_qust (60000D6D) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B111251) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B111251) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 11 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 11 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399100B0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399100B0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D670E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D670E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39990F79) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39990F79) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (399712AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (399712AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (51009ABA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (51009ABA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 8 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 8 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041859) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041859) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property GSxDoNotUse_SummonValorTargetFX on script xGSxDragonClawDisplay attached to (34013088) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (340BD206) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000F61DA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000F61DA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39981AF0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39981AF0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000DDC54) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000DDC54) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C2D2E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C2D2E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3DF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3DF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00019A2D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00019A2D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 9 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 9 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (000EC56B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (000EC56B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A6C0A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A6C0A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:29PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8B27) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8B27) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B116554) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B116554) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0BF145) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0BF145) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041808) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041808) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3FA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3FA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B012D4C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B012D4C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B05A483) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B05A483) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8AB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8AB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399504BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399504BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39960642) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39960642) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3997061E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3997061E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (2211F012) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (2211F012) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (110131A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (110131A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0001A679) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0001A679) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041849) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041849) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 10 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 10 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (398811AA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (398811AA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0201906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script TV_MCMScript attached to KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (12001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39940200) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39940200) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D6AD6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D6AD6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991026B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991026B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950A98) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950A98) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8A6C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8A6C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0AA681) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0AA681) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0009DA05) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0009DA05) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950537) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950537) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] VM is freezing...
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] VM is frozen
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Reverting game...
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39970C1A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39970C1A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property ExclusiveCellList on script avquestscript attached to AVQuestScript_qust (60000D6D) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B111251) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B111251) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399100B0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399100B0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C4E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D670E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D670E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D6AD6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000D6AD6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8B27) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8B27) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041808) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041808) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39990F79) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39990F79) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3FA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3FA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (51009ABA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (51009ABA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 8 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 8 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041859) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041859) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property GSxDoNotUse_SummonValorTargetFX on script xGSxDragonClawDisplay attached to (34013088) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (340BD206) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000F61DA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000F61DA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000E09D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39981AF0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39981AF0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C2D2E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C2D2E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0009DA05) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0009DA05) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0301047B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B04185B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00019A2D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00019A2D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 9 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 9 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950370) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (0300F1A6) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property MGRitual04 on script uskpretroactive131script attached to USKPRetroactive131 (0201906F) cannot be bound because MGRitual04 (000CD987) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0BF145) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0BF145) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B05A483) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B05A483) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (000EC56B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (000EC56B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A6C0A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A6C0A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8AB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8AB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3B0C7EB7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940E07) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3991009A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39960642) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39960642) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 7 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991026B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3991026B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B012D4C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B012D4C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0004E7A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000E5263) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0001A679) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0001A679) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39980477) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39940200) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (39940200) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3989011A) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (07025023) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 6 in container (3998024B) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399801FE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000A31B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (000824D3) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (2211F012) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (2211F012) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39930928) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3997061E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3997061E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041849) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B041849) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399504BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (399504BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950497) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (000A3F08) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 10 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 10 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 4 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B116554) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B116554) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (399712AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (399712AF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (398811AA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (398811AA) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (000A31BF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script TV_MCMScript attached to KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (12001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (110131A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (110131A7) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 2 in container (3994022D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (39940D85) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 3 in container (0008241F) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 11 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 11 in container (00074355) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950A98) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950A98) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000DDC54) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (000DDC54) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8A6C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0C8A6C) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0AA681) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B0AA681) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 5 in container (39880C52) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (00074353) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3DF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to (3B08C3DF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950537) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (39950537) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:29:30PM] warning: Property InventorUpgradeDefault on script KRY_TVPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest KRY_TradingMCMStartupQuest (12001831) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:07PM] Loading game...
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:07PM] VM is thawing...
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:07PM] ==== LAL: DLC and Mod support check - Ignore errors about missing files. ====
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00094F9B)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00094F9B)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00016ACF)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00016ACF)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00094F9C)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00094F9C)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 1 on (000FD82D)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (000FD82D)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00094F97)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00094F97)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] LAL: Dawnguard detected.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scanning for supported plugins...
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scanning for supported plugins...
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[AUA (1400C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.GameLoaded() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 40
[AUA (1400C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 73
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scan complete.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "Falskaar.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 122
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 123
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 124
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 125
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 126
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "3DNPC.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 127
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 128
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 129
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "CompanionArissa.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 130
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 131
[CH (2E020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scan complete.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Unregistered for all key press events.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Registered for 0 key press events.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00037F93)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00037F93)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00094F98)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00094F98)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00094F99)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00094F99)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] LAL: Hearthfire detected.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] LAL: Dragonborn detected.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (51049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 173
[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (51049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] LAL: Helgen Reborn detected.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: File "teg_returntohelgen.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (51049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 193
[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (51049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] ==== LAL: DLC and Mod support check - Done. ====
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (000FD82E)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (000FD82E)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (39950AA4)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (39950AA4)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:08PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[Active effect 2 on (00094F9A)].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 2 on (00094F9A)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:09PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (170C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings.
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:10PM] Error: Cannot call SetWeight() on a None object, aborting function call
[Item 8 in container (00000014)].ScaleTipperScrollTokenScript.OnContainerChanged() - "ScaleTipperScrollTokenScript.PSC" Line 20
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:11PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0006CE9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:11PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108305) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:14PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000866E3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:17PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000866E4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:20PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010833B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010833A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (001083B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108339) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086592) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:29PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0007A912) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A90E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A90F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A910) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010834B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010834C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:33PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:33PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000866DE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF00092F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF0013A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:45PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DCDE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:45PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DCDE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:45PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DED6B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:45PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DED6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:45PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (001083BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:52PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010834D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF0009F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED6E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108355) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (001083BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED78) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED79) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF00082A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:56PM] Error: (5F000D68): Cannot find a None form.
[ (5F000D68)].FormList.Find() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipArmor() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 504
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:56PM] Error: (5F000D68): Cannot find a None form.
[ (5F000D68)].FormList.Find() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipArmor() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 476
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:56PM] Error: (5F000D68): Cannot find a None form.
[ (5F000D68)].FormList.Find() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipArmor() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 504
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:57PM] Error: (5F000D68): Cannot find a None form.
[ (5F000D68)].FormList.Find() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipArmor() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 504
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:57PM] Error: (5F000D68): Cannot find a None form.
[ (5F000D68)].FormList.Find() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipArmor() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 504
[Active effect 1 on (00078B02)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:58PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108353) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:30:58PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108354) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (000EE52C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (000E1352) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (00078B02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (00078AF8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (00078B01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED72) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED73) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:10PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108356) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DED70) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:16PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108366) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:16PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DED71) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:16PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000FA407) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF000BD4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:26PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF001238) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:29PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF000D0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:29PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF000F2C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008657C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008657D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008657E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:35PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008FC10) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:35PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108367) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000865D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008663A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000865DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086643) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008657F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (00086580) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (0008FC15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008FC0C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008FC0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DEBE2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DEBE3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DEBE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DEBF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:31:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000865DB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:01PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010836F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:09PM] Error: Property xxxENCInscribe0 on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3997061E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (042888A7) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:09PM] Error: Property craftingStation on script xxxENCQuill attached to Item 1 in container (3997061E) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0428396C) is not the right type
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:14PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (0008663D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:19PM] VM is freezing...
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:19PM] VM is frozen
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:19PM] Saving game...
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:20PM] VM is thawing...
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:27PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008660B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:30PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:33PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108381) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DDDF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108380) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086583) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086584) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010837B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:40PM] VM is freezing...
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:40PM] VM is frozen
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:41PM] Saving game...
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:41PM] VM is thawing...
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000865E1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (00086586) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010837F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (00086585) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:52PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF000901) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:52PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF00139C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:52PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF0013B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:32:52PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF0013C1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:33:01PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086386) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:33:01PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000865E0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:33:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:33:07PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00086387) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (00086385) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:36PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF000805) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:48PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (16102F7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (16102F80) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (16102F7F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (16102F7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC864) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC85F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00084360) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC86A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:38:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC863) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008434D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008434C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008434E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008438C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (00084389) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0008438A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0008438B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF0008B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF0008B6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 8 on (16102F42) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 8 on (16102F42) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 8 on (16102F42) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 9 on (16102F42) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 9 on (16102F42) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 9 on (16102F42) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 8 on (16102F44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 8 on (16102F44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 8 on (16102F44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 9 on (16102F44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 9 on (16102F44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:16PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 9 on (16102F44) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:19PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:19PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:20PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:21PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 7 on (16102DE0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:21PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 7 on (16102DE0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:21PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 7 on (16102DE0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:23PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 10 on (16102DE0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:23PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 10 on (16102DE0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:23PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 10 on (16102DE0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:29PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDEB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDEC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000AE020) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:32PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000AE018) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:34PM] Error: Cannot equip a None item
[ (16103160)].NPCPotions.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (16103160)].DualSheathReduxEffect.EquipArmor() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line 469
[Active effect 1 on (16103160)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:35PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF0012E8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDE5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108393) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DDDE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DDDE7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (000F8AF8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:46PM] warning: (16102DDE): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (16102DDE)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:47PM] warning: (16102DE7): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (16102DE7)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:49PM] warning: (16102F49): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (16102F49)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:51PM] warning: (16102DDD): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 1 on (16102DDD)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:39:57PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00108392) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:40:03PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00084546) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:40:03PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00084547) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:40:12PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:40:12PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DDDE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:40:25PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DDDE9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (00084565) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (00084566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00084567) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:38PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DDDEA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC596) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:44PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000846CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:50PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (00084541) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:50PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00084542) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:50PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00084543) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DB0A7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DB0A8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (001059BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000846CB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC598) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:41:53PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC597) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:06PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC599) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:06PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC59A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:06PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DC5B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:06PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000DC5BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:06PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC5BB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:21PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC5B7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:21PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC5B6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:21PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DC5B5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:21PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (001059B6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:21PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (001059B7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:21PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010599D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:27PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010599E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:31PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 7 on (000E5F76) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:31PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000E5F75) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:31PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000E5F73) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:31PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000E5F74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:31PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000E5F72) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:31PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000E5F77) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:34PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC5BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:34PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC5BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:34PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC5BE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:34PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000846E3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:34PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DC545) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:40PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC549) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:40PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC546) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:43PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC548) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:43PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (FF000BD4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:43PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 4 on (FF000F1E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:46PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DC54E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:46PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000846DC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:46PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000846DE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:46PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:42:55PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 3 on (000DC5BF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:45:40PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF000812) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:45:43PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (FF0008C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:50:51PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (FF000BE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:13PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC8E3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:22PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC578) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:22PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC581) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:22PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC577) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:22PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC576) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC575) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC591) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010598B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC574) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (000DC56A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (00105989) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[06/11/2014 - 09:51:30PM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 2 on (0010598A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

Für mich schaut das nicht gut aus :shock:

Dual Sheath Redux.esp=1
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp=1 &
sämtliche Module dieser Mod.
Die scheint mir recht umfangreich zu sein und tief ins Spiel einzugreifen. Weiterhin ist die noch ziemlich jung, in der Entwicklungsphase und Kompatibilität ist bei den Moddern noch keine Priorität (siehe Beschreibung).

Deaktiviere mal die Mod "Immersive Settlemens" komplett und probiere weiter. Ist die Loadorder mit BOSS sortiert? Die meisten Mods habe ich nie verwendet, daher kann ich nicht viel dazu sagen. Besorge Dir zum Testen vom Nexus clean save games und dann Schritt für Schritt die Mods aktivieren und testen. Ist zwar langwierig, aber die sicherste Methode. Ob Deine Savegames noch verwendbar sind, weiß ich nicht. Kann sein, dass Du nochmal von vorn anfangen kannst. Ich selbst lerne auch gerade erst, wie man ein Logfile interpretiert, daher kann ich nicht wirklich viel dazu sagen. Mit der Suchmaschine kann man auch schon einiges selbstständig herausfinden.

mit freundlichen Grüßen
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Andariyel,
Dieses Problem kenne ich wenn Convenient Horses.esp bei einem Update nicht richtig mit" StopQuest CH " upgedatet oder nicht richtig installiert wurde.
Spiel mal kurz ohne Conv.Horses da sind Scripte von anderen Mods überschrieben worden oder andere Mods deinstalliert und Scripte gelöscht worden.
(Error: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.--- unter Convention Horses z.B)
Ich hoffe das deine Monster-veränderungs-Mods da Probleme bereiten. Du solltest diese Sachen mal überpüfen bzw mal probeweise im Modmanager ausstellen und dann versuchen ob es mit dem reiten klappt.
Übrigens: wenn das nur beim Reiten passiert, scheint C.H. selbst oder in Verbindung mit einer anderen Mod Probleme zu machen.Zitat von Die Hand
Sehe ich genauso
-Kompfortable Pferde neu installieren, mit StopQuest CH am besten.
Fummelarbeit ich weiß,kommen die Abstürze auch wenn Du zu Fuß gehst?
  • Like
Reaktionen: Andariyel
@Die Hand

Also ich hab das Dual Sheath Redux ausgemacht und bin dann einfach losgeritten. Ich konnte grade komplett durchs land reiten sogar sprinten ohne das es sich aufgehängt hatt. :D Es hatt zwar 2-3 mal ein wenig gehakt aber ansonsten. Es scheint wohl wirklich an dem Mod gelegen haben. Ist zwar schade aber bringt ja so nix.


(Error: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded

Diese Art von Fehler finde ich in dem gesamten log auch andere Mods wie Faalskar oder Wyrmstooth sind da zu finden. Diese hab ich aber nie Installiert es ist eine komplette neu installation mit neuem Char. Deswegen bin ich ein wenig verwirrt warum diese Mods da auftauchen. Aber wie gesagt nun läuft es.

Vielen dank euch beiden für eure hilfe :)

Ich habe noch ein wenig mit google nach den Fehler meldungen gesucht und habe nun das Skyrim redone und Deadly monsters deinstalliert und nun hakt es überhaubt nicht mehr und ich habe eine ganze Menge weniger Fehler. Grade Deadly Monster hab ich häufig mit den Fehlermeldungen gefunden im Web.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: