Vorstellung Segodon Beast Follower

Kleiner Prinz

Segodon Beast Follower by Segodon

Added: 28/08/2015 - 11:57PM
Updated: 25/09/2015 - 12:15AM

Es gibt mittlerweile unzählige Follower-Mods, die mir mehr oder weniger gut gefallen.
Aber diese hier sagt mir besonders zu, was das Aussehen, des "Dimo" angeht.

Und dabei gehört "Dimo" zu der "Old Version" dieser Mod.
Die beiden weiblichen Follower, des aktuellen Updates dieser Mod, interessieren mich von der Optik weniger.

Aber schaut selbst:


Hier noch ein paar Bilder die ich erstellt habe:

Die Eigenschaften ( Kampfverhalten, Bevorzugte Waffen, Verwandlung in einen Werwolf, etc.) von Dimo:

[Follower Dimo]

He is standalone follower that does not require additional mods.
He is set as Essential.
He can be found in at the Jorrvaskr.
He able to transform the Lycanthrope.(Lizard race)
Him combat style is hand‐to‐hand combat.

1.[Ability of the follower fluctuates with growth of player.]

"Alteration Skill"

Increase armor rating.

"Two Handed Skill"

Increase Unarmed Damage.

Increase probability to avoid the attack of the enemy.

Penetrate the physical defense of the enemy.

Probability to Reflect back the damage from enemy.

"Restoration Skill"

Recovery of health and stamina increases during a battle.

2.[Him combat style]

He likes fights with bare hands

-about strengthen battle mode-

He raises the healing power of own by original shout and performs the fight due to the nail to create a blow attack.

When a player is equipped with a specific shout, he equip Special claw of gauntlets.

"Unrelenting Force"......He equip green gauntlets.(able to blow attack with paralyze)

"Fire Breath"............He equip rusty gauntlets.(able to blow attack with fire damage)

"Frost Breath"...........He equip cyan gauntlets.(able to blow attack with frost damage)

He changes into a beast person when player has "Twin souls" skill.

-How does he transform himselves into Lycanthrope(Lizard race)?]

When a player is equipped with a specific shout, he transform himselves when he become the battle state.

"Unrelenting Force"......They transform himselves into a Lycanthrope using the magic of Paralyze.

"Fire Breath"............They transform himselves into a Lycanthrope using the magic of the Fire.

"Frost Breath"...........They transform himselves into a Lycanthrope using the magic of the Frost.

Dimo findet man in Weißlauf bei den Gefährten. :good:

