Nvidia INF Treiber modden


Hallo liebe Scharesoft-Community,

da derzeit ziemlich viele User die eine Nvidia Grafikkarte der 700-Serie haben auch Probleme mit ENB's haben, wollte ich hier mal eine kleine Lösung posten.

Die neuen Nvidia-Treiber á la 32x.xx verursachen bei vielen Leuten derzeit Probleme. Entweder kann man die GPU nicht übertakten, da schon bei geringster Anhebung der Clocks das System instabil wird, DirectX schmiert ab, der Treiber verabschiedet sich, die Sonne scheint in Skyrim durch Objekte oder alles ist transparent.

Was macht man aber, wenn man die neuen Nvidia-Treiber benutzen muss, da man eine Grafikkarte der 700-Serie hat die nur mit den neusten Treibern kompatibel ist?

Genau... den guten, alten 314.22 Treiber modden, sodass er einfach vom User kompatibel zu einer GTX 7x0 Grafikkarte gemacht wird. :)

Dies soll lediglich nur ein Workaround sein, bevor die neuen, gefixten Treiber des R325-Branches Ende des Monats rauskommen.

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￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ how to mod the nvidia geforce inf file


The guide may look lengthy, but once you do it the first time, modding
future drivers should be simpler. CTRL+F is your friend.

1. - Opening the INF
Extract the drivers you want to modify using something like 7zip. (with 7zip installed, just rightclick
and press "Extract to "/File name here"") ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ ￾ Picture 1
Inside the extracted driver folder open Display.Driver.
The "nv_dispi.inf" in that folder is what we need to modify. If you can't find nv_dispi.inf, look for
"nvts.inf", "nv_dispwi.inf", or "nv4_dispi.inf" instead.

2. - Your GPU string
Search (CTRL+F) for your GPU (for myself it's GTX 470) in the pastebin link below.

GPU Strings - 7/6/13
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Copy the line your GPU is listed with (for myself it's NVIDIA_DEV.06CD = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470")
and paste it in the [Strings] section located toward the bottom of the INF you are modifying.

3. - Adding support for your GPU to the OS
Take the device string for your GPU (for myself it's NVIDIA_DEV.06CD, aka the first part of your
GPU string) and search (CTRL+F) for it in the pastebin link below.

GPU Device ID's - 7/6/13
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Copy the line you find it in.
(for myself it's %NVIDIA_DEV.06CD% = Section023, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_06CD)
Now, in the INF you are modding, paste that line in the section for your OS;
(CTRL+F for searching in notepad)
-Search "NTx86.5.1" for XP
-Search "NTamd64.6.0" for Vista
-Search "NTamd64.6.1" for 7
-Search "NTamd64.6.2" for 8

Save it and you're done. Launch the "setup.exe" from the driver folder and it should start perfectly.


Now, for future drivers you need to modify, you already should know the string you need put in the
string section, and you already know what line to put where to add support for you GPU on your OS
(I suggest you keep that information in a txt file)

So to summarize:
(this is using myself as an example)
goes in the [Strings] section of new driver
%NVIDIA_DEV.06CD% = Section023, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_06CD
goes in the Ntamd64.6.1 section of new driver
That's it. It's really only copy and pasting two things.

When people make modded INFs for drivers (aka leaked/quadro threads), they simply paste all
the strings in the strings section, and paste all the device ID's in all three OS's sections.

NOTE: If you are using Windows 8, you need to disable Driver Signature Enforcement (you need to
do this for any unsigned driver -aka beta drivers- also.)
Originally Posted by dark_surge
Move the mouse to the right hand side of the screen then:
Settings --> Change PC settings --> General --> Advanced Startup/Restart Now --> Troubleshoot --> Startup Settings --> Restart --> 7 on Keyboard
Right click bottom left hand side of the screen and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" and enter "shutdown -o -r -t 0"
Then: Troubleshoot --> Startup Settings --> Restart --> 7 on Keyboard

If something needs clarifying or needs more work, let me know.-Pictures of certain things, or really if
you tried the guide and it did not work tell me what part confused you.

Good luck!

Probleme sollten dadurch normalerweise nicht auftreten, wenn man es richtig macht. Also: Die Anleitung genau befolgen, ansonsten kann was schiefgehen.

Ich habe den Treiber seit gestern drauf. Benchmarks und Spiele laufen alle stabil. Ihr könnt das ruhig selbst ausprobieren, kein Grund zur Sorge. :)

Quelle: Klick
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ui, danke für die Information. :)

Nur doof, dass ich Project ENB verwende... welche immer noch die alte Version 0.119 verwendet. :(
Eigentlich sollten die genannten Probleme im Startpost behoben sein - somit braucht man den 314.22 Treiber nicht mehr, sondern kann auf die Neueren zugreifen. ENB's sollten jetzt eigentlich alle mit den neuen Nvidia-Treibern rund laufen. :)

Hinweis: Project ENB wurde nun auch geupdatet und befindet sich nicht mehr auf der alten 0.119 Binary.