Obscure Memospore-Video-Rätsel

Hier der entsprechende reddit- Thread.

"Lösung" des Lorkhan- Rätsels:

the 4th video is representative of Lorkhans death and mantling.starts with execution- an empty rip cage and quotes on mortality.
Then 8 candles surround an extinguished candle (representing Lorkhan). note that the table is a wheel with one candle acting as a spoke.
Then a ripped out heart.
then a tree. which resembles a Bodhi tree (i'm a tree surgeon in real life) were the Buddha became divine (enlightened to a higher state of being) a stone statue which might be Buddah also appears.
A picture of Tiber septim as him appears in Redguard.
Indonesian Dancing (known as court dancing)
Snake (representative of Shor/Lorkhan) Hawk (representative of Kyne wife of Shor/Lorkhan)
The dancing represents the Mantling through both CHIM and the Enantiomorph. To walk like them, until they walk like you.
More dancing.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das war Memospore (I / II, III), anno 2013. Ein verrätseltes Spiel, an deren Ende WGT-One (Transcyrod Insurgency, "The Confession of Boma Kuro, 143") stand, aber ich bin da gerade auch nicht mehr wirklich drin.