
Übersetzung Mage Equipment 2 DV 2


Mage Equipment 2 DV

Hast du dich auch schonmal geärgert, dass alle Magier und Zauberer gleich aussehen und sie nur langweilige Stäbe haben? Oder wie schwach und sinnlos die Vanilla Rüstungen sind? Oder warum man als Magier nie ordentliche Waffen bekommt? Diese Mod ändert das!

Über 50 neue Gewänder, 34 neue Stäbe und viele neue Dolche werden dem Spiel hinzugefügt.
Außerdem werden einige bestehende etwas abgeändert. Auch neue Schuhe und Handschuhe fügt diese Mod hinzu.

In vielen Leveled Lists gibt es die neuen Items, so wie in vielen Truhen. Die Mitglieder der Magiergilde, die Kampmagier der Kaiserlichen Legion und andere Gilden tragen ebenfalls neue Gewänder. Außerdem werden einige einzigartige hinzugefügt/verändert, z.B. das Gewand von Mannimarco oder das des Erzmagiers.
Viele einzigartige Artefakte - Waffen und Gewänder - können an bestimmten Orten von Cyrodiil gefunden werden, wo genau verraten dir 3 neue Bücher ;)
Viel Spaß beim Suchen.

Für Infos über Konflikte, Bugs und Tips und noch mehr Infos einfach die Readme lesen (ist teilweise Englisch):

Benötigt Shivering Isles!

Mage’s Equipment 2 DV
Mod für TES IV: Oblivion
Von: Najaknevrec (
Übersetzer: ChrisTobiS
Benötigt: Shivering Isles, Robert’s Male and Female body replacer (diese Replacer werden nicht unbedingt benötigt.
Alle sichtbare Haut stammt aus diesen Replacern, aber nur ein Gewand zeigt auch etwas Haut.)
Version: 2

Über 50 neue Gewänder, 34 neue Stäbe und viele neue Dolche werden dem Spiel hinzugefügt.
Außerdem werden einige bestehende etwas abgeändert. Auch neue Schuhe und Handschuhe fügt diese Mod hinzu.

Wo finde ich die neuen Sachen?:
Die meisten sind in den Leveled Lists, sie werden also zufällig ins Spiel integriert, einige Gewänder können auch bei Händlern gekauft werden.
Darüber hinaus gibt es noch einzigartige Roben, wie z.B. das Gewand des Erzmagiers.
Diese Mod bringt auch drei neue Bücher mit sich: Des Magiers Ausrüstung Band 1,2 und 3.

Verschiebe die Ordner Texture und Meshes und die esp in dein Oblivion\Data Verzeichnis.
Sollte gefragt werden, ob etwas überschrieben oder integriert werden soll, bestätige mit Ja.

Diese Mod verändert viele NPCs und Container, es könnte also Probleme mit den „großen“ Mods wie Frans, OOO, FCOM uvm. geben.

Und hier nun noch die originale Readme:

Ever noticed how perfectly useless the robes in vanilla Oblivion are? Well, I have. This fact made it difficult for me to play like a real mage, wielding a staff and wearing a robe of some kind. This mod should convey to you a true experience of playing like a mage. I have added more than 50 robes to the game and changed some of the existing ones. Most of those robes are enchanted, so now wearing those robes can be as useful as wearing armor. Almost every robe provides a shield enchantment, so it will give you some armor class.
The other items added are staves. 34 new staves are now in the game. They are counted as blunt weapons and are used like warhammers. Again, every staff is enchanted. I also thought that a staff should give its user some boost, so now almost every staff has a script attached to it which gives it some beneficial effects.
Also added are new ceremonial daggers. These daggers have a slightly lesser damage than vanilla short swords and are also enchanted in the same way as the battle stave are. They were made for the mages among us who prefer blades to blunt weapons.
Last but not least, I have added a number of shoes, boots and gloves that can be used if you do not want any armour on you at all.
Most of the items are placed in leveled lists, so they will appear randomly in the game. Also robes can be bought at general merchants and staves at blacksmiths. There are several unique items that have been placed to specific locations. This mod also provides three new books called “On Mages’ Equipment, vol.1, 2, 3”. Those books can tell you something about the new items added. The third one lists the new unique items with hints to their location. The books can be bought at the booksellers in Chorrol and Leyawiin.
I have tried to browse the CS and delete any reference to the existing robes and replace them with my own robes. So, this mod is not a replacer (unlike my previous mods)

Move the Texture and Meshes files to your Oblivon/Data directory. Also choose one of the .esp files. DO NOT USE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.

This mod changes many NPCs and containers (I have not changed any leveled lists but made new ones were needed), so this mod will most probably conflict with “The big mods” like Frans, OOO, FCOM etc. As far as I know a utility called Wrye Bash can be used to combine my mod with these.
In the “ME Extras” folder, you will find another .esp. Use this one if you use Francesco’s mod. The result will be that even the new NPCs added by this mod will have my new robes. I do not know whether it will work with FCOM or not.

In this mod I have done some things I have never been doing before, like messing with leveled items etc., so it is possible I did something wrong.
This mod is still in BETA state, as I need to have it tested by the community. It is also possible that some of the items are overpowered/underpowered.
I have tried to create new items where possible, so if you have any mod that adds new robes, they will not benefit from my changes. I’m thinking about making additional mods for KotN datadisk and others if there is a demand. This mod does not work like a replacer!
Some of the robes: Mystic Robe, Grand Mystic Robe, Red War Wizard Robe, War Wizard Robe, Zealot Robe, Monk Robe and Zealot Robe do not have female versions. I’m sorry, but I just didn’t succeed in making them look good.
The ground meshes for the robes and hoods were not changed. I tried to make ground meshes once and it did not turn out very well, so I used vanilla ones
The new hoods made by myself do hot have .egm files as I don’t know how to make them. This should not cause many problems unless your character’s head is really big.

Some people reported conflicts with OOO and Living Economy mod. This conflict is not game breaking, but it is bothersome. It seems that Oblivion automatically adds the power of the enchantment to the price of the enchanted object. This cannot be avoided. Since my items are heavily enchanted, I had to use scripts to lower their prices (some of them cost more than 100000 gp before, which is annoying). Unfortunately, OOO changes the difficulty of the spells, which makes my calculations go wrong. This results in some robes being either too expensive or too cheap or even have no value at all. The Living Economy mod messes up the scripts used, so they do not work properly. The result is the same as in the former case. I fear I do not know how to fix this and it is possible that this is one of the everlasting game bugs. Again, this will not do anything wrong to your game save for the weird prices.

If you want to use anything from this mod in a mod of your own, feel free to do so, but, please give appropriate credit to those who deserve them. Also letting me know about it would be very nice.

Bethesda Softworks for making a good game and allowing us, the modders, to make it a wonderful game
Myself (Najaknevrec) for all the models, textures, icons and CS changes with the exception of the following:
Alien Slof for textures taken from Oblivion Robe Trader and meshes, textures and icons taken from The Robe of the Dark Arts
Tegeal for textures taken from Extra Robe pack
jcarl904 for the mesh taken from Masks mod
BAB team: pauldrons for Dark Wizard and Dark Brotherhood Robes
Shimmer: I used his texture to make my own for Dark Brotherhood Robe (taken from Dark Brotherhood Shadow Set by Xessive)
Someone1074: I used his mesh from Capes and Cloaks to make all the capes for this mod
Eventine Shangea: for the golden black textures used for some robes.
KafeiDotour: for the Vermillion and Silverthorn robe textures
Kikaimegami: for her books on belt mod, from which I have taken inspiration together wit some meshes and textures
WillieSea and Haama for help with scripts
DewShine: for helping to remove some bugs.

You can find a list of all items together with enchantments and stats in the Item list file included. THIS FILE CONTAINS SPOILERS!!! (by default they are highlighted black, so you cannot read them, to read them, just cancel the highlighting)
Since this is a BETA, please, if you find anything strange, bugged, not working properly, please post on this forum:
Look for Mage Equipment thread on those forums.
If you do not succeed, contact me via E-mail, but please, try the forums first.

Thank you


Einige kleine Screenshots:

Download @ TesNexus
Download @ Scharesoft

Für mehr Screens und für alle Freunde der englischen Sprache hier der Link zum Original
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hört sich gut an ;)
wird Gleich gezogen. *saug*

Kann mir jemand sagen wo ich dieses Gewand Mit dem Totenkopf finde ? (Bei den Screens ganz rechts)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Finde das sehr toll, danke für die Übersetzung.
Der Brustharnisch von Manimarco erinnert mich irgendwie an den Dreadweave Harnisch^^
Sieht echt stark aus! Ich bin zwar kein Magier, aber ich werd mir mal einen Erstellen.
Außerdem erinnert mich die Robe der Mythischen Morgenröte an Gandohar(Two Worlds, Two Worlds 2)