[Info] TESSource is moving!


Na endlich! Es ist soweit, hoffentlich hat der lahme Speed bei den Downloads usw. nun endlich ein Ende! :lol:


What happened? Where has TESSource gone?
The Shivering Isles happened! With the release of the Shivering Isles traffic to the site increased by 35% (to 40,000 unique visitors daily) which has produced nasty side effects like bad server performance, slow loading, timeouts, dropouts and other nasties. The current server configuration can't cope, basically, and I'm in the progress of upgrading and moving things to accommodate!

So what are you doing?
This site and the forums are being moved to a completely new and updated server with better specs which will hopefully be able to handle the increased bandwidth and performance requirements, improving service and stopping timeouts. This is with great thanks to the Supporters of this site who have donated to make sure TESSource can keep going as it gains popularity.

How long will this take?
In an ideal world where computers do what their operators want them to this should take no longer than 24 hours. However this isn't an ideal world and I'm allowing for atleast 48 hours for all those unforeseen problems!

Will you keep us up-to-date with any problems that might delay the site's return?
The forums will be the first site moved (since all aspects of TESSource rely on it) so you should keep an eye on them for any word from me.

Can you tell me more about why the site has to move / how you afford this?
TESSource is an extremely popular site due to the brilliant Elder Scrolls community who upload, download and comment on files freely available for Morrowind and Oblivion. Unfortunately popularity brings it's problems: the more people that visit the site the more resources it requires both in processor speed, memory, space and bandwidth.

TESSource is run across 4 different servers (6 if you count the two DNS servers I use). 1 to serve the website, 1 to serve small files, 1 to serve large files and 1 to serve Supporters. The total bill for these 4 servers comes to over $1,400/month. This money is raised through advertising found on the site and by Supporters; people who willingly donate to the site for this very reason; to keep the site going and, when the time comes, pay for upgrades to the service that will improve performance and the service provided.

If you appreciate the service TESSource provides and want to help keep it up and running then please consider becoming a Supporter.

My thanks goes to all those people who have made the site what it is and especially to those people who have donated to the site. I apologise for the downtime and hope to restore service as soon as possible! Don't forget to come and say hello on the forums.

-- Robin "Dark0ne" Scott
Kein Wunder, sind sie ja noch gar nicht umgezogen ;)

How long will this take?
In an ideal world where computers do what their operators want them to this should take no longer than 24 hours. However this isn't an ideal world and I'm allowing for atleast 48 hours for all those unforeseen problems!

Man sollte halt mal lesen, vor allem den Threadtitel ;)
Juhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu:hah: :hah: :hah: :hah: :hah:

Der "Umzieh-Screen" kommt nicht mehr und http://www.tessource.net/ ist wieder wie gewohnt unter der alten Adresse zu erreichen:)

EDIT: Achja........ es ist übrigens nicht schneller geworden! Ich zieh mir grad Natural Environments 2.1.3 mit einer Speed von 60 kB/s:roll: Eigentlich wären knappe 800 KB/s machbar bei mir..........
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Juhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu:hah: :hah: :hah: :hah: :hah:

EDIT: Achja........ es ist übrigens nicht schneller geworden! Ich zieh mir grad Natural Environments 2.1.3 mit einer Speed von 60 kB/s:roll: Eigentlich wären knappe 800 KB/s machbar bei mir..........

Vielleicht sollte man mal erwähnen, das hinter dem Projekt keine Firma, keine Gamingplattform wie Fileplanet oder sowas hinter steckt, sondern ein engagierter Fan, der das Projekte lange aus eigener Tasche finanziert hat und es mittlerweile nur durch Spenden und Werbung finanziert. Allein die monatlichen Kosten betragen $1400 - das muss man als Privatperson - trotz Spenden - erstmal handlen können. Man sollte also bitte nicht die Forderungen zu hoch schrauben... denn für diese Bedingungen leistet Dark0ne schlicht absolut unglaubliches. Das unter diesen Bedinungen die Serverlast minimal gehalten werden muss, sollte jedem klar sein... würde er jeden User Fullspeed saugen lassen, bräuchte er die zehnfache Menge an Servern (-> 10fache monatliche Kosten). Für größere Sachen gibts immernoch Fileplanet/PES... denen macht das nichts
Dito :D

schnell ist es nicht..........ich hab zeit........raven recht........corpse arbeit.......und der rest seine ruh^^