Version 0.52 Beta
Main Changes:
- Reworked the way naming works for the final time, Names are no longer directly changed instead Display Names are used.
Currently 50 Display names are available for use at any one time. Once the maximum is reached Actors will stop receiving names.
- Names will now stick with the assigned Actor until one of two things happen:
#The Player has left the cell for a set amount of time (Default is 10 hours Game Time), however if the player returns to the cell the Countdown is stopped and will restart from it's original duration when the player leaves again.
#The NPC has died for a set amount of time (Default of 2 Hours GameTime)
- Added Format Randomisation Each race has a pool of 4 formats 2 used for everyday NPCs and 2 for Guard NPCs
When a NPC is assigned a name one of the 2 formats will be taken and used. This is temporary and will be improved in the future.
- Added new keywords for use in formats, \\n, lvl and <BaseName>:
# \\n makes everything after it move to the next line instead allowing for multiline names.
# lvl will show the current level of the actor.
# <BaseName> will show the original name of the actor.
-Re-Added the MCM it currently includes the following options:
#NPC Finder - Allows the player to turn off the Naming Cloak (Useful in case of a brawl bug)
#Lore Names for NPCs - While Enabled NPCs will recieve lore names when this is disabled all naming for Playable races is stopped
#Lore Names for Dragons - While Enabled Dragons will recieve Lore Names. Note: Lore Names for NPCs must be enabled for this to work.
#Purge All Given Names - Clicking this option will Restart the Lore Name quest causing all assigned names to be reset and all NPCs to be removed from the quest.
#Name Fade Time - Allows for changing of the time it takes for a NPC to lose their name after the player has left their cell
#Corpse Name Fade Time - Allows for the changing of the time it takes for a Deceased NPC to lose their name.
#Select Race - This Menu is used for the Format Options. Has all Playable races + an ALL option which will apply changes to all Races.
#Format - The two Format options allow for customisation of the naming formats everyday NPCs use the mod will randomly select one of the two each time a name is assigned.
#Guard Format - This performs the Same function as Format except for Guards.
#Current Formats-
"Given Affix"
"Guard Given"
"Guard Given Affix"
"Guard AffixGiven"
"Guard Affix"
"<BaseName>, Given"
"<BaseName>, Given Affix"
"<BaseName>, AffixGiven"
"Given Affix \\n Level lvl <BaseName>"
"Given \\n Level lvl <BaseName>"
"Level lvl <BaseName>"
"<BaseName> \\n Level lvl"
"Given Affix the <BaseName>"
"Given the <BaseName>"
"AffixGiven the <BaseName>"
- Added Lore Naming for Dragons. Dragons will be assigned a Randomised Name while Lore Naming Is enabled Currently they are not effected by formats.
The Dragon name pool consists of 120 Words spread over 3 Seperate Pools, A Pre, Mid and Suffix pool. random words are taken from these pools and added together to create a name.
The used words are then removed from the pool. When a pool is low it will be refreshed.