Problem Augen futsch


Nachdem ich die Mods Rens Beauty Pack und Beautiful People sind einige Augentypen (alle aus OWC wenn ich mich nicht irre) kaputt bzw sie sehen immer so stark nach links das die Iris bereits verschwunden ist. Wie kann ich das beheben?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Du könntest mal Wrye Bash ausprobieren, da gibt es im Bashed Patch ("Bashed Patch, 0.esp", der liegt in irgendnem Ordner nach der Installation und muss wie jede esp in den Data-Ordner) nen Fix für Augen unter dem Punkt "Rassen-Records".
Also: Wrye Bash installieren, Bashed Patch in den Data-Ordner und dann in Wrye Bash Rechtsklick auf den Bashed Patch in der Modliste. Dann auf "Bashed Patch aktualisieren" und mal die angezeigten Punkte durchgehen.
Leichter: Du kannst auch mal mit der Lade-Reihenfolge experimentieren.

Race Records

• Overview

This patcher component will extract the eyes and hair from the loaded source mods and, if necessary, merge that data over changes from later loading mods that change the same races. (Note that if the source mods are not in the load list, they will not be used.)

• Configuration

• Source mods must contain one or more of the following bash tags.

• Body-F: If specifying female body textures.

• Body-M: If specifying male body textures.

• Body-Size-F: If specifying female height, or weight.

• Body-Size-M: If specifying male height, or weight.

• Eyes: If mod contributes eyes.

• Hair: If contributing hair.

• R.AddSpells: If adding racial spells.

• R.Attributes-F If specifying race attributes for females.

• R.Attributes-M: If specifying race attributes for males.

• R.ChangeSpells: If totally overwriting race spells list(s).

• R.Description: If specifying race description(s).

• R.Mouth: If specifying/changing mouth/tongue. (See Merged Mouth.)

• R.Relations: If specifying race relations.

• R.Skills: If specifying race skill bonuses (Race Records).

• R.Teeth: If specifying/changing upper/lower teeth. (See Merged Teeth.)

• Voice-F: If specifying female voice.

• Voice-M: If specifying male voice.

E.g., for Beautiful People, the tag should be {{BASH:Hair,Eyes}}.

• Merge Procedure

• Body: All body textures/mesh paths that aren't imported by a specific tag (ie R.Mouth)will be fairly intelligently merged by the Body-F/M tag. Does a mainly intelligent merge of the attributes. Note that "body" includes: body textures, Changed in Wrye Bash 292: height and weight are imported with the Body-Size-F/M tags.

• Hair: All hairs will be merged into final record.

• Eyes: All eyes will first be merged, then filtered by eye mesh to avoid googly eyes (see below).

• Relations: All relations will be merged into final record. Procedure is pretty much the same as for importing faction relations.

• Voice: The last mod tagged with Voice-M (Voice-F) will win for males (females). This tag is useful for (the very few) mods which replace/change default voices.

• Avoiding Googly Eyes

• "Googly eyes" happens when an eye texture built for one eye mesh is used in combination with a different eye mesh. In vanilla Oblivion, this never happens because all races use the same eye meshes. However, several of the cosmetics mods change the meshes for various races. When different cosmetics mods are mixed or (sometimes) when custom races are used, this can result in at least some eyes for a given race being mismatched to the eye mesh for that race.

• As of version 104, Bash will try to prevent this sort of eye texture/mesh mis-matching. Unfortunately, Bash cannot guarantee success in all cases.

• Some suggestions for modders:

• When adding a custom race, use either only vanilla eyes, or only custom eyes. I.e. do not mix custom eyes and vanilla eyes. If you mix vanilla eyes and custom eyes, and if the race is playable, then bash will filter down to just the vanilla eyes.

• When creating a cosmetics mod, do not replace the vanilla eye resource with a different eye mesh resource. Instead, create a new eye mesh resource and use that. Note: If you're using one of the standard alternative eye resources (e.g. Rens) then use the standard path for that. When bash does its filtering, it determines what eye mesh each eye is using, and then filters the eyes for a given race to so that only eyes using the same mesh will be used. This is why it's important for mesh resources to be consistent.

• Unfortunately, one of the most popular race mods, Beautiful People, does replace the standard eye mesh resource. To resolve this, the Beautiful People installation will need to be patched. (Sorry, but I don't know if such a patch is available yet.)

• Notes

Even if none of the source mods are selected, this patcher component will sort hairs and eyes as well as attempt to remove googly eyes from all active mods. It will also randomly assign hairs and eyes to npcs that are otherwise missing them.

http://oblivionworks.svn.sourceforg...ams/Wrye Bash/Mopy/Wrye Bash.html#RaceRecords

Scheint dem Spoiler nach wohl an Beautiful People zu liegen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jup, das liegt an OWC-ND, hatte das allerdings nur bei Argoniern und ein paar einzelne Augenfehler bei anderen Rassen.

Die Ladereihenfolge hat bei mir selber nichts gebracht, hab aber das mit Wrye Bash wie Bony schon gesagt hat noch nicht probiert, vielleicht klappt das ja.