- Camilonwe von Alinor Text Seelen, schwarz und weiß Seelen, schw. u. weiß Souls, Black and White Unbekannt Text Sithis (Buch) Sithis Sithis (Book) unbekannt Text…29 KB (12 Wörter) - 15:58, 27. Jun. 2017
- Pelinal and Hearken-Beak who spoke bird and Klopitu, and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif and Perrif…61 KB (9.568 Wörter) - 03:21, 9. Jan. 2021
- Hammer and Anvil Text Schmugglertagebuch Schmugglertagebuch Smuggler's Journal Text Seelen, schwarz und weiß Seelen, schwarz und weiß Souls, Black and White…52 KB (22 Wörter) - 15:31, 23. Jun. 2017
- Nirn are Masser and Secunda. Moons are not represented in the Dwarven Orrery. What are Masser and Secunda? Masser and Secunda ('Jone' and 'Jode' in the Ehlnofex)…11 KB (1.708 Wörter) - 21:20, 4. Okt. 2020
- Go!" Vivec was half-golden and half-blue and all of him glowing, and he was armored lightly, and carried a small shield and a curved sword at his side…80 KB (13.300 Wörter) - 15:21, 4. Jan. 2019
- Elvish. His father had no idea where he was and didn't care, being occupied with his young wife and their sons and other pleasures of noble life. Der Jüngling…27 KB (37 Wörter) - 19:18, 28. Aug. 2016
- figure and lithe in movement. He had a winning smile, bright, indeed piercing, blue eyes, and a full head of stark white hair above a lined and weathered…15 KB (36 Wörter) - 19:13, 28. Aug. 2016
- two beautiful roses--one crimson and the other white as fresh cream. Ripples from the lake overtake the two flowers and pull them into the lake leaving…8 KB (1.080 Wörter) - 21:17, 28. Jan. 2017
- hangers and symbols now distinguish between Solo and Versus Arena. Player can no longer cause the scroll bar to violently and rapidly move up and down. Selected…80 KB (12.079 Wörter) - 11:12, 10. Mär. 2018
- present moment, instantly and with an unabashed fury not to be contained! Rise, my fellow warriors, and fight for your homes and your livelihood! The purity…30 KB (4.651 Wörter) - 19:09, 28. Aug. 2016
- 18.000 Seelenstein, größer Soul Gem, Great 20.000 10.08201 Blauflammenkerzen Blue Flame Candels 2.500 Seelenstein, groß Soul Gem, Grand 5.000 Blaue Kristallfragmente…60 KB (74 Wörter) - 21:02, 19. Jul. 2020