Suchergebnisse für „Gardener of Swords“

Meintest du „gardner of sword“?
  • Gärtner der Schwerter (engl. Gardener of Swords) ist eine Rothwardonenkarte aus der Tollhaussammlung für The Elder Scrolls: Legends. Die Karte gehört der…
    1.002 Bytes (62 Wörter) - 14:33, 29. Apr. 2019
  • Verbündete Kreaturen des gewählten Typs haben +1/+1. Gärtner der Schwerter (Gardener of Swords) Rothwardone 3 1 1 Wann immer du eine andere Kreatur mit einem Gegenstand…
    5 KB (165 Wörter) - 14:32, 29. Apr. 2019
  • oberste Karte vom Deck deines Gegners auf. Gärtner der Schwerter (Gardener of Swords) Rothwardone 3 1 1 Wann immer du eine andere Kreatur mit einem Gegenstand…
    106 KB (27 Wörter) - 19:57, 23. Dez. 2017
  • Gärtner der Schwerter (Gardener of Swords) Rothwardone Geniales Experiment (Brilliant Experiment) Aktion Hüterin des Flüsterns (Keeper of Whispers) Rothwardone…
    81 KB (0 Wörter) - 13:23, 1. Jan. 2017
  • random item every time. When Gardener of Swords gains an item while summoned to a Plunder lane, other Gardener of Swords cards now gain that item. While…
    80 KB (12.079 Wörter) - 11:12, 10. Mär. 2018
  • rejected The Way of the Sword. Divad was the only son of Frandar Hunding, and was born late in Hunding's life (2396 in the old way of reckoning, probably…
    11 KB (1.753 Wörter) - 13:31, 22. Jun. 2017
  • mean ‘you’. You, sera, wear the namesake of a tramp’s house and your sandals are dusty. I’d guess you the guard of some canvasari, if I had to, and your lordship…
    9 KB (1.489 Wörter) - 20:36, 3. Apr. 2017
  • Stein Seal of Clan Morkul, Stone 4.000 Siegel des Klans Shatul, Stein Seal of Clan Shatul, Stone 4.000 Siegel des Klans Tumnosh, Stein Seal of Clan Tumnosh…
    60 KB (74 Wörter) - 21:02, 19. Jul. 2020
  • them to the hazards of robber barons, both human and orcish, and roving bands of brigands of various races, but such were the perils of trade and profit.…
    16 KB (36 Wörter) - 19:13, 28. Aug. 2016
  • good one, of daedric metal. It wasn't an original Akaviri, not even of design. I didn't have that kind of money, but it served my primary purpose of delivering…
    10 KB (1.844 Wörter) - 08:59, 8. Sep. 2016