- Fallender Zauberer (engl. Falling Wizard) ist eine Karte des Typs Waldelf aus der Kartenerweiterung Houses of Morrowind für The Elder Scrolls: Legends…673 Bytes (29 Wörter) - 14:37, 29. Apr. 2019
- special hats.) Dagon [it can be surmised] found some indefatigable lady-man wizard from the west to love him from [topside(?)] and thus-by work very, very…43 KB (7.302 Wörter) - 16:03, 8. Nov. 2017
- and Borden’s already got his raiders filed. Good, we move soon, night’s falling. Take Haekele with you, Captain, he speaks Yoku, too, and reads it if he…80 KB (13.300 Wörter) - 15:21, 4. Jan. 2019