- Irdenes Herz (engl. Earthen Heart) ist eine der speziellen Fertigkeitsarten der Klasse Drachenritter aus The Elder Scrolls Online. Der Drachenritter kann…9 KB (39 Wörter) - 14:58, 25. Feb. 2023
- in Licht.) KEARN BY SERVING (Lerne durch Dienen.) NO CHILD HAS SINNER IN HEART (Kein Kind hat das Herz eines Sünders.) SPEAK NONE BUT GOOD OF GODS (Sprich…39 KB (2.084 Wörter) - 21:38, 18. Mär. 2021
- the foul-mouthed, unclean, imprudent dirtbird with all of his considerable heart. Before the King of Rape could swat her dead, he trumpeted the courtyard…33 KB (5.560 Wörter) - 23:07, 7. Jan. 2017
- Ada-mantia. Mundus was given its second Tower, the Red, whose First Stone was the Heart of the World, "as in the image." Time began to last in stepped-fashion. Those…33 KB (5.112 Wörter) - 14:35, 19. Jun. 2018
- hast no cause to fear me, and I am in need of help. Can thou find it in thy heart to aid me?" He looked up and saw naught but a small robin's nest, three branches…38 KB (6.159 Wörter) - 11:43, 30. Mär. 2017
- your cries and sat weeping, without heart for anything. Finally, you ceased crying and asking for me, and my heart was left empty. I formed the habit of…53 KB (37 Wörter) - 19:18, 28. Aug. 2016
- speaking well and rendering your people free again, you remained a thief at heart in the days after; these days, in fact, which I have also done and still…80 KB (13.300 Wörter) - 15:21, 4. Jan. 2019
- Ysgramor’s leave, who have become now Unaccounted (even the Lord of the Wulf’s Heart, who had ended Borgas, and for this he still wishes Skyrim ill). The annual…61 KB (9.568 Wörter) - 03:21, 9. Jan. 2021