Meintest du „continuous dame health“?
- Whole Flesh" Casts the spell of Major Cure Health "Tear of Despair" Produces the casting of Major Continuous Damage to the victim "Thimble of Magefire" Produces…6 KB (653 Wörter) - 21:01, 21. Mär. 2017
- Fate“ Produces the casting of Medium Continuous Damage to the victim "Maid of Rime“ Casts the spell of Medium Frost Damage "Mote of Cleansing Fire“ Produces…7 KB (791 Wörter) - 21:01, 21. Mär. 2017
- Poison Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MYSTICISM ShortBow of Saturnine Purpose: wreaks Slow, Major Continuous Damage…8 KB (908 Wörter) - 20:59, 21. Mär. 2017
- engenders Medium Delayed Damage, and is schooled with crafts of ALTERATION Helmet of the Tongue of the Wyrm: engenders Medium Fire Damage, and partakes of the…8 KB (922 Wörter) - 21:04, 21. Mär. 2017