
zu der Ermordung Remans: Er wurde nicht von dem Mörder Julieks sondern von seiner Mätresse Corda ermordet... Lateingenie

hej, woher nimmst du diese Behauptung? Wo steht das genau? =)
Ich zitiere mal aus der Imperial-Library:
... as Prince Juilek is killed later that year while traveling to his mother in Black Marsh, and, at the end of the year, Reman III himself, the last of the Reman Dynasty, is assassinated by a Morag Tong assassin which has been hired by his wife before she committed suicide upon hearing that her son was dead. Potentate Versidue-Shaie helps the assassin to assassinate Reman III. Potentate Versidue-Shaie benefits greatly from the assassination of the Emperor, he takes the throne. This event marks the end of the First Era.


So ich hab erstmal Namen hinzugefügt.--Killfetzer 17:27, 19. Dez. 2007 (CET)