Vorstellung Undeath - neues AddOn


Heute morgen auf dem Nexus entdeckt: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40607/?tab=1&navtag=/ajax/moddescription/?id=40607&preview=&pUp=1



Storyline (frei übersetzt):

When a powerful necromancer and his followers seek out the forbidden secrets of immortality that could threaten Skyrim, will you defeat him to stop his evil quest, or continue it yourself?

(Wenn ein mächtiger Totenbeschwörer und seine Anhänger danach trachten, die verbotenen Geheimnisse der Unsterblichkeit zu entdecken und dies Skyrim bedrohen könnte, würdest du sie besiegen und ihrem bösen Bestreben ein Ende bereiten oder es selbst fortführen?)

Uncover a small new questline that will take you to the frigid peaks of the Dragontail Mountains themselves, and beyond, as you pursue a powerful necromancer and his followers, and thwart their plans to acquire powerful artifacts and ingredients for an unholy ritual. What you choose to do with those reagents, and the forbidden knowledge they have stolen however, is up to you...

(Entdecke eine kleine, neue Questline, die dich hinauf zu den kalten Gipfeln des Drachenschwanzgebirges selbst führt, und weiter, während du einen mächtigen Totenbeschwörer und seine Anhänger verfolgst und ihre Pläne durchkreuzt ein mächtiges Artefakt und die Zutaten für ein unheiliges Ritual zu bekommen. Was du anstellst mit diesen Reagenzien und dem verbotenen Wissen, dass sie gestohlen haben, ist dir überlassen...)


Current Version: 1.0.0

'Skyrim: Undeath' is an add-on for TESV: Skyrim that will give the player the opportunity to become, through the course of their long and arduous journey of exploration and study, a terrifying and destructive undead Lich. 'Undeath' also adds a host of necromancy themed content, both new and old, which does not modify existing perks in any way.

Dawnguard AND Dragonborn add-ons are required in order to play.

  • Undeath Questline: A fully featured questline that allows the player to discover and obtain the necessary components for the ritual of undeath.
  • 3 new dungeons: Delve into the sewer network beneath Skyrim's capital of Solitude and root out its unseemly resident. Explore Hermaeus-Mora's Daedric realm of Oblivion in search of dark and buried secrets, and for those familiar with TES: Daggerfall, return to the Dragontail Mountains and the infamous crypt network that the King of Worms and his sinister followers once called home at Scourg Barrow.
  • 2 necromancer lairs: Claim two new fittingly desolate lairs for necromancer or dark themed characters to call their own, and upgrade as they see fit.
  • New Vendor: Seek out the mysterious 'Broker' and barter for poisons, black soul gems, flesh and hearts. A purveyor of resources other merchants would not dare to provide!
  • Shade of the Revenant: Show your devotion to the Black Arts by offering grand soul gems to the forgotten patron of Necromancy at his altars. Evoke dark magic to blacken Grand and greater soul gems for your use!
  • Poison Spells: A range of virulent poison and decay spells have been added to magical vendors across Skyrim as would befit the arsenal of a necromage.
  • Dark Pact: There is great power in the spilling of blood. Make an offering of your own at certain altars and gain the power to control up to five reanimated creatures at once.
  • Imported Books: A range of necromantic lore, new and old has been imported from past TES titles.

Coming in the next update!

  • Custom Soundtrack: Full custom soundtrack for all new areas composed by León van der Stadt.
  • Voiced NPCs: Fully voiced new vendor and possibly more!

Der Autor weißt ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass es sich um die Release-Version handelt und bisher noch keine Kompabilitätstests mit anderen Mods erfolgte.

Trotzdem einen Blick wert, wie ich finde:


Vor allem interessant ist, dass die Mod (deswegen wohl auch AddOn) die Möglichkeit beinhaltet neue Talente und Fähigkeiten verbunden mit der neuen Form des Lichs zu erlangen, ohne dabei bereits vorhandene aus dem Vanilla-Spiel zu ändern.
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