Suche Suche Magierstäbe Ressource und Roben


Ehrbarer Bürger
Moin Fans,

hoffe Ihr könnt mir weiter helfen brauche diese Dinge für ein Mod.

Danke Piet
weitere Zauberstäbe:

Hel Bornes Wand Foci Resources

Do whatever you want with this mod, i just ask for you to give me full credit if you distribute any part of this mod, and i would also like
to know which mods will be including mine. Thank You

Animated Staves:
You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.

Armamentarium - Staffs:
As all previous mods from my Armamentarium series this one is more like modders resource than finished product as it lacks distribution of items via LeveledLists between NPCs. But it comes with simple esp file which you can use to have all these items in your game.

Vahis Wardrobe:
You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.

Comfortable Clothing:
Consider this a modder's resource. Anyone who wishes to use anything in this plugin for non-commercial purposes is welcome to.
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Reaktionen: Piet