Smile Empty Soul


Freund des Hauses
Smile Empty Soul ist relativ unbekannt,was schade ist da es eine absolut geniale Band ist.Der Name soll asurücken das viele menschen auf den erstenAnschein glücklich sind,im inneren aber alleine sind und von einer tiefen Leere durchzogen sind.Die lieder sind dementsprechend durch die bank weg melancholisch und "traurig".Denoch absolut gut.

Kennt jemand die Band?und wenn,was hällt er davon??

wer näheres Wissen will:

Hier mal ein paar Lyrics von meinen Lieblingsliedern der Band:

I let myself fall into a lie
I let my walls come down
Smile I let myself smile and feel alive
I let my walls come down
Empty No matter how i try i don't know why
You push so far away
Soul You wrapped your hands tight around my heart
And squeezed it full of pain
With this knife i'll cut out the part of me
This The part that cares for you
With this knife i'll cut out the heart of me
Knife The heart that cares for you

I can't believe the way you took me down
Songtexte I never saw the pain
Coming in a million broken miles
Songtext Like poison for my veins


The hate and the fear
Lyrics The nightmares that wake me up
In tears
The nightmares and (the hate)...


Silhouettes above the cradle hold me down
They won't let me go the wrong way
Smile My mother taught me all the fables, told me how
In the end all the sinners have to pay
Empty But...

I don't wanna live like my mother
I don't wanna let fear rule my life
Soul And I don't wanna live like my father
I don't wanna give up before i die
He worked so hard his bones are breaking
He wore them down but long ago he lost the feeling
Songtexte His good intentions leave me shaking, show me how
I don't ever want to end up like he did
Songtext And...


When i have kids
I won't put any chains on their wrists, I won't
Lyrics I'll tell them this
There's nothing in this world that you can't be if you want it enough


Tears of angels falling
Childrens mothers calling
And I'm not even looking down
Smile And miss these demons hit the ground

Little babies crying
Pretty ladies trying
Empty To bring some order to their worlds
The lord is with you little girl
And I don't know what to do
But sit here and wait for the end of the world
End And I don't know what to do
But sit here and wait for the end of the world
And I don't know what to do
But sit here and wait for the end of the world
The And I don't know what to do
But sit here and wait for the end of the world


I don't care anymore if I let you down
I believe that I need to be free
Smile I'm so used to my life with you around
I don't know anymore the real me
And I thought that I found myself today
And I thought that I had control
Soul All the change in my life just fell away
For a moment I didn't need you
All these tears that I've cried you must be tired of
Myself Taking care of me but
It's what you do best and I'm a liar cuz
Soundtrack Really it's what I need


Someone like you
Someone like me
The Maybe it's change
That sets you free
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nicht schlecht, auch wenn ich mehr der Screamo Typ bin. Von daher find ich sie etwas "soft" aber ansonsten wirklich nicht schlecht.

PS.: Ich glaub vollständige Songtexte sind wegen demo Copyright verboten, es gab mal so nen Thread ...