Vorstellung New Bullet Time

Hallo liebe Community,

ich möchte euch einmal die Mod "New Bullet Time" vorstellen: Wie der Name schon sagt, führt diese den Bullet Time Effekt, also Zeitlupe in Oblivion ein. Das ist besonders bei schnellen undharten Gegnern praktisch, da man besser ausweichen kann. Außerdem sieht der Effekt extrem cool aus8). Mit der Taste "g" kann man ihn aktivieren und mit "h" deaktivieren. ALLES kann man in der .ini-datei der mod abändern, wie stark die Zeit verlangsamt wird, wie stark der Bildschirm dabei verschwimmt... Diese Mod ist leider auf Englisch, kann man aber ohne Probleme mit der deutschen Version von Oblivion benutzen. Und besondere Englisch-Kentnisse sind auch nicht vonnöten! Hier gibt es den Download-Link auf TES NEXUS. Diese Mod benötigt allerdings OBSE v1.15 oder höher.
New Bullet Time


1. Description
2. Compatibility / Known issues
3. Installation / Uninstallation
4. Revisions
5. Credits and rerelease




What's new: Now you can use also hand to hand attacks, they will be slow, but at least you can do them, fixed the bug that caused the weapon not to be re-equipped at the end of the bullet time

PLUGIN TYPE: Gameplay Changes

REQUIRED FILES: Oblivion.esm latest version
OBSE v1.15 or higher download it at http://obse.silverlock.org/

This mod is a very tweaked version of the Kai Hohiro Oblivion Bullet Time, it adds two Features and fix a bug from the original mod

Now every content of the mod is toggeable and customizable by editing settings in the ini files in Bullet Time Settings for more Info
Now while in Focus you can walk fast as in normal mode, this feature is customizable of course.

To enter in Focus you have to press the Focus key and to finish the Focus the UnFocus key default G and H, naturally you can change them too

What you can Customize:
From the Bullettime.ini you can toggle the fast player attacks, the heartbeating, the blur effect and the change of the angle sight while in Focus, the blur effect and the sound effect when you activate the Focus, and you can modify the value of the Blur effects, the speed of the player while in Focus, the Focus and UnFocus keys.
From the BullettimeSpeed.ini you can change the value of the game speed multiplier while in Focus
From Bullettimesight.ini you can change the angle the player has in Focus.
From the Nonbullettimesettings.ini you can change the value the game use while not in Focus mode: change them only if you changed those also in Oblivion.ini




Incompatibility with Oblivion Bullet Time, because it's in this mod, and all mods that change the Oblivion.ini value fGlobalTimeMultiplier:General




To install the mod, copy the following files and folders to Oblivion\Data:

Bullet Time Custom.esp

Bullet Time Settings

Now start Oblivion and activate Bullet Time Custom.esp in the Data Files menu or in OBMM

Bullet Time Custom.esp
focusbegin.wav in sound/fx
focusheartbeat.wav in sound/fx
Bullet Time Settings folder




Initial release

Now the player attacks with the same speed he walks

Fixed a bug that caused the menu to be very slow while in focus, made the fast Player attacks feature toggleable and tweaked the weapon feature: now the cloned weapon has got 0 weight

Fixed the bug that caused the weapon not to be re-equipped at the end of the bullet time and bug that caused the game not to accept bullet time when the player hadn't a weapon equipped.



Credits to Kai Hohiro for the original Bullet Time mod which I modified and rereleased according with what he wrote on the main page of his mod on Tes Nexus
Thanks to ianpatt, behippo and scruggsywuggsy the ferret for their wonderful creation: OBSE
Credits to Visman for helping me with the scripts and fixig bugs Credits to me, Skingrad24 for this mod
As you give me credits, you can do what you want with my mods


Ich kann euch diese Mod wärmstens ans Herz legen und ich möchte sie nicht mehr missen. Der einzige (mir bekannte) Bug ist, dass das Schwert oder die Waffe beim Einschalten der Bullet Time weggesteckt wird. Da kann man aber mal ein Auge zudrücken;)!

Viel Spaß mit der Mod!

Wenn die Waffe eingesteckt wird, wie soll man sich durch die Gegner metzeln?
Oder muss man sie dann einfach ziehen und dann bleibt sie draußen?