

Ehemaliger Benutzer


The danish death/black metal band Muldjord was born 3 years ago. It is basically a one-man project, and the band was formed with the purpose of enabling the creator to unleash home-produced material to the outside world, thus creating some kind of distribution channel unlinked to any specific record label.
All instruments are performed by Lars Bisballe Jensen including guitars, drums, vocals, keyboard and bass. It is, however, only on the Armygeddon studio version that he actually performed the drums with a real drumkit, and not a drum machine.

"The use of a drum machine is not something i'm particularly happy with, but under the circumstances, that is the only option i have, unless i am offered a studio session, as was the case with the re-issue of Armygeddon."

Muldjord has released 3 different songs so far. It began with the song humanification back in the summer of 2005. Humanification is mostly black inspired, and contains a keyboard passage.

After that, the song Predator was composed, recorded and released at the end of 2005. Predator is a very slow moving song with a few up-tempo passages.

"I do a lot of experimenting with this project, which means that the genre isn't fixed. Basically i see it as a window for outsiders, to see how an individual can develop over time both composition wise and studio wise. In the long run, all the material i set loose, should portray some kind of historical development, hopefully going in a positive and more professional direction."

The latest composition from Muldjord is the song Armygeddon, which was first released in the first quarter of 2006. Armygeddon was re-issued during the summer of 2006. On this new version, all instruments have been recorded in a professional studio, including the drums. So, no drum machine this time.

Die Musik ist für Fans der extremen Metalvarianten sehr empfehlens- und hörenswert, ich für meinen Teil habe an den angebotenen Stücken wahre Freude, insbesondere Armygeddon, Humanification und das Bloodbath-Cover "Buried By The Dead" sind regelmäßiger Bestandteil meiner Playlist. In manchen Punkten finde ich das Cover noch genialer als das Original.

So, liebe Freunde todschwarzen Stahls, nebst neuer Homepage hat Muldjord nun endlich die erste eigene EP rausgebracht.


Die EP kann völlig kostenlos (außer von den eigenen Internetgebühren mal abgesehen) auf der Muldjord-Homepage heruntergeladen werden. Das Format ist .flac (Free Lossless Audio Codec, sollte von WinAmp abgespielt werden können und ansonsten kann es mit Sicherheit irgendwo in MP3 umgewandelt werden) Die EP enthält die fünf Tracks nebst Intro:

- Internal Degeneration
- Cult Of The Nine
- Mutilated Mime
- Collective Suicide
- Heavy Metal Hangover

sowie eine Neuaufnahme der 2006-Single "Chaos God".
New material is in the making!

After relaxing for a while after releasing the Mutilated Mime EP, i recently began writing a new song to be released as a single. Today i finished the composition of the song, so now it's on to recording the entire song from scratch, then mix it, master it and finally - release it!
The song is very melodic, has some groovy bad-ass riffs in it and a bit of black metal inspired stuff in it too. It's my usual genre confused writing, so if you like my earlier stuff, you'll probably like this one too.

Keep checking back here for the final release. Expect it in a month or so, depending on how i decide to record it.

= Zitat von der Muldjord-Homepage vom 4.5.2008 =