Projekt [Mod-Projekt/Aufruf] Klauen fuer das Volk!

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Bin heute auf eine schlechte Nachricht gestoszen:

Official word from Diablerie:

Okay... people have been asking, so I guess I at least owe you an explanation.

The company I work for has unexpectedly sent me on a business trip to Belgium. I'm mostly working, and sometimes get to sleep -- I'm sending this from my hotel.

When I get back in a week or two, there will be two additional complications:
1) I recently bought a house, which still needs to be painted and furnished.
2) I don't currently have an artist or modeler for any additional claws.

Therefore, there isn't much progress going on at the moment.

How you can help:

The main thing I need now are claw models and textures. If I get them, I will force myself to work on the mod when I get back from Belgium, at the expense of food and sleep.
If you would like to help, you can:

1) Send me some artwork you would like to have included in the mod, and I'll put it in. I don't care if they're new claws or a retextured version the existing claws -- just make them cool.
PM me, and I'll give you my e-mail address.
2) Or, you can put me in contact with someone who is willing to make some claw models and textures.

Thanks for reading -- I hope you're not too disappointed.

Auf gut deutsch:

Der Klauenmod von Diabeliere und Cryo, von dem viele von euch sicher schon einmal gehoert habt hat keinen Moddeler und keinen Texturer und braucht somit Hilfe.
Diabeliere ruft somit alle Modder auf, klauen/Handgemengewaffen zu moddeln/texturieren oder schon im mod vorhandene Waffen zu retexturieren, dami der mod fortgesetzt werden kann.
Wenn ihr interesse habt einfach in den ESF-foren bei Diabeliere melden.
Einziges Kriterium: Es soll cool aussehen.
Wenn weder Diabeliere noch Cryo(der doch afaik sehr bewandert in Sachen 3D/2D-Design ist) modelle/Texturen der Klauen für ihre Mod machen - was machen sie dann? :roll:
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