Leseprobe aus dem TES-Roman "Lord of Souls"

Der Veröffentlichungstermin des "The Elder Scrolls"-Romans Lord of Souls: An Elder Scrolls Novel rückt immer näher, so dass wir euch heute eine Leseprobe präsentieren möchten. Nach dem Roman Die Höllenstadt ist Lord of Souls der zweite Roman der Reihe und erzählt was unter anderem in den 200 Jahren zwischen Oblivion und Skyrim passiert ist.
Wer sich also bereits auf Skyrim einstimmen möchte kann sich die englische Leseprobe durchlesen und am 27. September das ebenfalls englische Buch kaufen.
Ein kleiner Auszug aus der Leseprobe:
Wind opened Colin's eyes, but it was the unfastened window that sped his heart, and the utter lack of sound that sent his fingers to the knife under his mattress. A hand met his there and gripped his wrist, hard. He swung over to kick at the vague shadow, but he was grasped at the ankles as well, and a bag was forced over his head, followed by a return to sleep that would have been gentle if part of him wasn't screaming to the rest that he wouldn't ever wake up.
He did wake again, however. The bag and the cloying scent of somniculous remained, but the drug itself was obviously dissipated. He was lying on a hard but inconstant surface, and he soon recognized by the motion that he was in a boat, on water. His hands and feet were efficiently bound. His captors did not speak, but he could hear their breathing and exertions at the oars. He couldn't make out anything through the sack except light, but he felt the sun on his skin and guessed it was approaching midday...
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