Vorstellung Lakeview Hall


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Lakeview Hall
by namedotnumber
Skyrim » Player homes
Added: 19/09/2017 - 11:52PM
Updated: 19/09/2017 - 11:52PM






Tjoa. Mal wieder ein Lakeview Manor Replacer. Meiner Meinung nach einer der wirklich Guten, vllt sogar der Beste. Da ich 'ne faule Sau bin, gibt es die Beschreibung nur auf Englisch. Wer's Deutsch braucht, kann ja fragen. :p

  • Replaces Lakeview Manor with Lakeview Hall, in a new location!
  • Craft your house, grounds, and furniture from scratch, just like Hearthfire!
  • Farm a generous plot of land. Buy chickens, cows, and goats with or without a steward, and reap the rewards!
  • Full amenities include an outdoor blacksmithing platform and a basement alchemy and enchanting workshop!
  • Customization for all! Mannequins, weapon racks, and plaques galore! Planters, display cases, and shelves on each floor!
  • Meticulously designed, decorated, and detailed. Lore-friendly, practical and immersive. Perfect for a rich adventurer looking to settle down.
  • Supports regular Hearthfire features like stewardship, adoption, and marriage!
  • Fully navmeshed and follower-friendly.

Bethesda's approach to interior design seems to be, "When in doubt, put in a couple of chairs and a table with something on it." There are six seating areas in Breezehome alone. SIX tables crammed into a TINY cottage. I AM THE DRAGONBORN, I DO NOT NEED TO SIT DOWN FOR BREATH EVERY THREE FEET AND HAVE A SNACK. So when I looked up the manors being promoted in Hearthfire, I didn't even build one before deciding I'd rather make my own.

This is the first mod I've ever uploaded, one of the first I've ever built, and definitely the most complicated I've ever attempted. However, I've taken great pains to test it, to integrate it smoothly into Skyrim, and to practice safe modding techniques along the way. It's been cleaned and checked with TES:V Edit. First and foremost, I built it for myself, so please understand that it might not be within my ability or interest to address any bugs you find. That being said, I'll attempt some fixes if requested.

So you're a wealthy adventurer looking to settle down, but who says home ownership can't be adventurous? Lakeview Hall is a treasure of a homestead tucked onto the foothills of the mountains north of Lake Illinata, featuring spectacular views and resources ripe for development. Thanks to ample deposits of clay, stone, and lumber nearby, building a home for you and your family won't prove too much of a challenge, but there's plenty more to discover. Scour the world on a scavenger hunt for the perfect parts so you can build your own:
  • Majestic Skaal greathall with two open loft-style floors!
  • Beautiful grounds with space for a lakeside dock, a generous farm, blacksmithing platform, animal pen, stable, outhouse, and more!
  • Basement alchemy station, enchanting workshop, and study themed after ancient nord crypts and dwemer ruins!
  • Chapel of the Nine Eight Divines!
  • Children's bedroom chockablock with toys and entertainment!
  • Master bedroom with lots of storage, and a fully functional armoire with weapon racks and mannequin!
  • Room for everybody! Your children will play, your spouse will relax, your steward will conduct their rounds, your housecarl will patrol, and your bard will sing every day before gathering 'round the table for a family supper!
  • Kitchen and dining table for a night of drunken revelry with all your friends!
  • Easy commute to Whiterun via the mountain path through Bleak Falls Barrow!
  • Friendly elderly lady neighbor!
  • Modest Steward's Quarters down the hill with space for housecarls and servants!

A) Some Hearthfires scripts are set in motion at the very beginning of the game. For 100% proper operation, begin a new game after installing this mod.
B) Hearthfires and Dragonborn are both MANDATORY.
C) Download the .7z file and open it with Mod Organizer for the least painful and most recommended experience.

Fine, don't listen to me. Since I too am impatient and reckless, I figured out that you can mash this mod into an existing save by making a clean save, uninstalling Hearthfire and all dependent plugins, restarting the game and making another save after waiting in-game for a week, and then installing Hearthfire and this mod afresh so the scripts can be kicked awake. You'll lose any progress made in Hearthfire and its dependent plugins this way. Don't yell at me, I know it's moronic, but you asked me so here ya go. Obviously, don't expect any help if this torpedoes your game.

Please don't uninstall this mod halfway through your game. Like I said, Hearthfires scripts are complicated and deeply integrated into a save from the very start, and I'm a novice who will not even pretend to try to rescue you if things go wrong. Uncheck the box in MO, start a new game, and go on your merry way.

I've tested it reliably with Live Another Life.

This mod alters the north shore of Lake Illinalta near Anise's cabin, disables Lakeview Manor completely, and tweaks many Hearthfires scripts, AI packages, and quest forms relating to house building. Any mod that also attempts to meddle with these things will conflict.

  • Patience is sometimes required. Wait three in-game days before trying to hire a steward (and make sure you have the steward's quarters built). Similarly, wait three days after completing the children's loft before trying to adopt, and then give the kids a couple of days to get to their new home. Don't try to move a spouse into the house right after finishing it.
  • If you buy an animal from the steward, you have to wait for the cell to reset before the animal will appear. This means that technically you can run inside and purchase several over the limit at the writing desk, but this is a waste of money as no extras will appear. Please restrain yourself.
  • After buying the house, a courier may deliver a letter from the steward of Riften on the subject of furnishings, even if you don't own Honeyside. I don't know how to make him stop.
  • After using the writing desk in the master loft, you might be paralyzed. Tap 'jump' to free yourself. I don't know how to fix this.
  • A well-known bug sometimes occurs where the mannequins appear to move and converse. Activating them should freeze them somewhat in place. Now you should only see them move out of the corners of your eyes. I've taken every step recommended on modding forums to minimize this problem and it's out of my hands.
  • The single-weapon weapon plaques will eat your weapons unless they are long, like staffs. I don't know what to do about that.
  • The display cases may not work. I don't know what could help.
  • The children will not play tag or hide and go seek with you outside. I've tried to make this work but I don't know what else to try.

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