Vorstellung Hentai LovelyHouse 2


Hentais LovelyHouse 2

Hi @All

Beim Stöbern auf TESNEXUS habe ich heute Morgen folgende Hausmod entdeckt:

Hentai's LovelyHouse 2
Author: Hentai
Sprache: English

Hentai's Lovely House
The construction is finished

Date: 1/16/2011
Category: House
Authur: HENTAI

Tired seeing the construction sign?
Finally the construction is all finished.
Enjoy your beautiful new house with hentai's delicate works.
The screenshot I have added tells everything, see for yourself.

With this house,
You can sleep.
You can storage your gears.
And.... that's it.

This house is located at somewhere between IC and cheydinhol.
Although anvil city is my favorite, I had to move the house to the spaceous region, cause the house is too big to fit in the small city.
Since a mapmarker will be marked automatically on the map, You wouldn't miss it.

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy the files to your \Oblivion\data directory (Default is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\data\)
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark on the Hentai_Cerenity.esp file.

You don't need to install the previous version.
If you are already using the original one, then just overwrite this files.

Known Issues or Bugs
If you find one, Let me know.

1.0 >> first release
2.0 >> added the second floor

E-male : radio_free@naver.com

Everyone enjoying my mods
Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
The Blender team
The Nifscope team

Tools Used
NIFSkope - http://www.niftools.org/
Blender - http://www.blender.org/

If only you are to make elderscroll oblivion mod, You are free to use everything in my mod.

Darauf haben bestimmt einige von Euch schon gewartet: ;)

Hier noch ein paar Bilder:


Viel Spass damit ...


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich wollts machen ja aber die esp war unclean und irgendwie war da auch der ein oder andere Fehler drin deswegen hab ichs bleiben lassen, aber irgendjemand anderes wollts dann machen...