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Vor enigen Wochen wurde die Mod Airship - Dev Aveza hier vorgestellt. Ich hab diese nun übersetzt und auf dem Nexus hochgeladen!(Der Autor hat mich gebeten die Mod nur dort hochzuladen!)
Die Mod fügt ein Steuerbares Flugschiff ein, auf dem der Spieler auch wohnen kann.
Autor: Deapri
Beschreibung: Fügt ein wünderschönes, auch selbst steuerbares Flugschiff nach Skyrim ein. Indem man auch leben kann.
Aber seht am besten selbst:
Mittlerweile ist Version 1.61 erschienen: Download
Version 1.6
Hopefully resolved the issue where vampire characters were receiving damage in the full interior during daylight hours.
Improved travel system scripts to maintain proper orientation when arriving at the destination.
Altered NPC gear to be more balanced for the average level of obtaining the ship, and toughened up the last NPC a little to make them a little less of a pushover.
Implemented Forzanes new nav meshes which will make the full interior and initial obtaining more follower friendly.
Added water to the tubs in the full interior.
Made the full interior use a dynamic texture change for either hull version. (Original version needed a different frame texture to make this work, sorry folks.)
Reworked the full interior, if updating please remove all items from the interior and save prior to updating.
Implemented a collision workaround to enable actors to remain on deck in the attached to ship mode.
Removed the old book interface, the mod controls will be done entirely in the MCM menu from here on out.
Improved the flight scripts with NoxyGame's modifications to resolve some minor situationally dependant flight stuttering for the ship. (This does not directly effect the player stuttering in the movable on deck mode as that is another issue.)
Added the BAIN Wizard installer, and quick install (one-click) setups for the NMM installer.