[Dawnguard] Bug in der Quest "Dem Echo Nach"



Nachdem ich mein CTD-Problem gerade in den Griff bekommen habe stoße ich auf das nächste Problem: Ich Kann die "Volkihar-Ruinen", die ich wärend der Quest "Dem Echo -Nach" durchquehren muss, nicht betreten. Sobald ich durch die Tür unter der Monduhr gehe wird der Ladebildschirm angezeigt, die Musik läuft weiter und der Rauch ist auch die ganze zeit sichtbar und bewegt sich, allerdings sehe ich keinen Gegenstand bzw. ein Objekt das ich drehen und ansehen kann und auch kein Text dazu. Da es ja anscheinend weiterläuft habe ich das Spiel rund 10 minuten laden lassen ohne das irgendetwas passiert ist.

Hat jemand eine Idee was da los ist oder ähnliche Probleme?
Nutzt du eine eine ENB? Hatte das Problem mit den ewigen Ladebildschirmen auch mal, was an einer nicht richtig installierten ENB lag. Tritt das Problem denn nur bei dieser Stelle auf oder bei allen Ladebildschirmen?
Hallo Rynn!

Ich nutze lediglich den FXAA-Post Process Injector, den ich per hauseigenem Installer installiert habe. Und ja das Problem tritt hier zum ersten mal auf. Ich habe vorhin testweise einen älteren Spielstand geladen, und auch bei diesem funktionierte alle perfekt bis ich an diese Spezifische Tür komme und durch will...
Hallo ElCommodore!

Hier eine Liste meiner installierten Mods:
-SKSE 1.06.05
-FXAA Post Process Injector 2.1

Und hier meine Esp-Dateien in ihrer Ladereihenfolge:
Ich werds eben testen. Ich habe vorher noch nichts von Skyrim-eigenen Fehlerlogs gehört, aber dank google hab ich die Log-Führung aktiviert. Ich teste es eben und schreibe dann, ob es Resultate gibt!

EDIT: Negativ. Es werden keine Logs erstellt, bzw. angezeigt.

EDIT 2: Kann mir bitte irgendjemand bitte kurz die Editor-IDs der Volkihar-Ruinen geben? Ich möchte kurz testen ob ich mich mittels Konsolenbefehl in die Ruinen porten kann.

EDIT 3: Nach erneutem versuchen ist nun doch etwas beim Log rumgekommen, ich hoffe das jemand da irgendetwas herauslesen kann... Die verdammten Smileys kommen übrigens nicht von mir.
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:11PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:11PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:11PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_questbase", missing file?
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_ConfigBase", missing file?
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] Error: Unable to link "SKI_ConfigBase" - the parent of "_WetSkyUIConfig".
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] error: Failed to find variable ::ModName_var used in _WetSkyUIConfig.OnInit()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] error: Failed to find variable ::pages_var used in _WetSkyUIConfig.OnInit()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] error: Failed to find variable ::pages_var used in _WetSkyUIConfig.OnInit()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:21PM] error: Unable to bind script _WetSkyUIConfig to _WetSKConfigQuest (1801BCA8) because their base types do not match
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property xGSxCookedFoodFLST on script xGSxFoodStorageScript attached to (0C002F85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property xGSxRawFoodFLST on script xGSxFoodStorageScript attached to (0C002F85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property xGSxFoodFLST on script xGSxFoodStorageScript attached to (0C002F85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] VM is freezing...
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] VM is frozen
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] Reverting game...
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] error: Unable to bind script _WetSkyUIConfig to _WetSKConfigQuest (1801BCA8) because their base types do not match
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:24PM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property xGSxCookedFoodFLST on script xGSxFoodStorageScript attached to (0C002F85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property xGSxRawFoodFLST on script xGSxFoodStorageScript attached to (0C002F85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property xGSxFoodFLST on script xGSxFoodStorageScript attached to (0C002F85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:25PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:34PM] Loading game...
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:35PM] VM is thawing...
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:35PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function call
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _WetSKConfigQuest (1801BCA8)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:35PM] [dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuestBasedOnLocation([Location < (02004C20)>])
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:35PM] [DCL1VampireTurnPlayerScript <alias Player on quest DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]OnLocationChange()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:36PM] [dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuestVampire()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:36PM] [dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuest() Not starting quest, because QuestState[1] > 0 meaning a radiant quest is already starting or running.
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:36PM] [DCL1VampireTurnPlayerScript <alias Player on quest DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]OnPlayerLoadGame() calling MakeAliasesEyesRed()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:36PM] [dlc1vampireturnscript <DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]MakeAliasesEyesRed()
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:36PM] RNPC: Outside, putting on hood.
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:37PM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. The errors below are harmless.=====
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:37PM] error: File "1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (18000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 80
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (18000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 10
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:37PM] error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (18000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 133
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (18000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 10
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:37PM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:39PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044585)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:39PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044580)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:41PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:41PM] RNPC: Outside, putting on hood.
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:45PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044586)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:55PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:40:59PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044580)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:00PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044585)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:05PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044586)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:08PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:13PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:13PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:15PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044585)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:17PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044586)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:17PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:18PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:18PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:18PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:18PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:18PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:19PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:19PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:19PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:20PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:21PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:21PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:21PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:22PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:22PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:22PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:22PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:23PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:23PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044580)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:24PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:24PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:25PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:29PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:29PM] [DLC1VCMoondialTileScript < (020116C9)>] Opening
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:30PM] error: Cannot call GetValueInt() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (0200B282)].DLC1DawnguardRuneAxeSCRIPT.OnUpdateGameTime() - "DLC1DawnguardRuneAxeSCRIPT.psc" Line 39
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:30PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[ (0200B282)].DLC1DawnguardRuneAxeSCRIPT.OnUpdateGameTime() - "DLC1DawnguardRuneAxeSCRIPT.psc" Line 39
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:32PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:32PM] [DLC1VCMoondialTileScript < (020116CB)>] Opening
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:34PM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:34PM] [DLC1VCMoondialTileScript < (020116CA)>] Opening
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:35PM] [dlc1vcmoondialscript < (020116CC)>] Opening
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:38PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044585)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 25
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:38PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044586)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:43PM] [dlc1vcmoondialscript < (020116CC)>] Opened
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:43PM] RNPC: Engaging follow.
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:43PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:49PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044580)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 36
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:50PM] VM is freezing...
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:50PM] VM is frozen
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:51PM] Saving game...
[01/04/2013 - 07:41:51PM] VM is thawing...
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [DCL1VampireTurnPlayerScript <alias Player on quest DLC1VampireTurn (0200588C)>]OnLocationChange()
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuestBasedOnLocation([Location < (0200357E)>])
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [default2StateActivator < (0200CC11)>] Enabling Collision
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [default2StateActivator < (0200D105)>] Enabling Collision
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [default2StateActivator < (0200D106)>] Enabling Collision
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [default2StateActivator < (0200D11A)>] Enabling Collision
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [default2StateActivator < (0200D9DB)>] Enabling Collision
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [default2StateActivator < (0200DA25)>] Enabling Collision
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuestVampire()
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:21PM] [dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuest() Not starting quest, because QuestState[1] > 0 meaning a radiant quest is already starting or running.
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:22PM] RNPC: Inside, taking off hood.
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:22PM] error: Property BloodFX on script zbloodnpcbleed attached to Active effect 1 on (0200DBBB) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0102DF26) is not the right type
[01/04/2013 - 07:42:24PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00044586)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 33
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Mir ist es, ist aber schon ziemlich her, mal gelungen, indem ich verschiedenen Zeilen aus dem Log, die ich komisch fand (verstehe ja überhaupt nichts davon), gegoogelt habe, einen Fehler herauszufinden.

Wenn ich z.B. diese Zeile google:
[dlc1radiantscript <DLC1Radiant (02004C1C)>]CreateQuest() Not starting quest, because QuestState[1] > 0 meaning a radiant quest is already starting or running.

Bekomme ich diesen Treffer: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/776112-having-a-constant-ctd-problem/

Nur einen Treffer bei Google, das hats auch selten...

Nun ja, es ist natürlich mühsam, aber vielleicht findest Du auf diesem weg heraus, was bei Dir schief läuft. Vielleicht gibt es ja auch jemanden, der Dir sagen kann, welche Zeilen denn nun tatsächlich relevant sind. Dann brauchst Du nur noch die zu googeln.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Like
Reaktionen: Amrazul
Problem gelöst! Nach einigem hin und her, deaktivierungen von Mods ect. funktioniert es nun endlich. Die Lösung: Installation reparieren. Steam hat 2,4 GB runtergeladen und jetzt funktioniert alles wieder. Danke an alle die geholfen haben!