Vorstellung AOS - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim



Nun bin ich mal dran euch eine tolle Mod vorzustellen. Es ist AOS - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim von LoRd KoRn. Wie der Name schon verrät, verändert die Mod viele Sounds in Skyrim die sich viel realistischer anhören. Unter anderem sind enthalten:

-Wenn man schwere Rüstung anhat und läuft, dann hört man sie auch.
-Sämtliche Sounds für Zauber wurden verbessert. Der dicke Feuerball hat jetzt nen fetten Rums.
-Einige Sounds in der Natur werden verbessert.
-Die Waffensounds werden verbessert. Der Bogen hört sich realistischer an und man hört auch wie ein verirrter Pfeil ins Holz trifft.
-Die Sounds vieler Gegner werden verbessert wie z.B. der Dwemer Zenturio hört sich jetzt nach Metall an.
-Sounds für etwas mehr Schall wurden sind auch dabei.

und und und

Es ist sogar ein Patch für die Kompatibilität für Climates of Tamriel als Download verfügbar sowie Patchs für die DLC´s. Seht euch am besten das Video auf Nexus an. Also mich hat es überzeugt!

Link zur Mod (Patch für CoT steht unter den Files)
Link zum DLC Patch

Vhttp://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/44541/?iel Spaß!
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Reaktionen: Nadya und Qualmteufel

nicht den CoT Patch von der Main Site benutzen. Unter dem zweiten Link ist ein aktuellerer zu finden und auch einer für Cot Winter Edition.

Wichtig bei den Patches von der Patch-Site (2. Link):
Loadorder NICHT von Boss machen lassen! Am besten AOS.esp ganz nach hinten und dann alle Patches NACH der AOS.esp..

der CoT Patch von der Main site deckt wohl nicht alle Region-Edits ab und auch kein Dawnguard. Die Patches werden auch nur noch auf der Site unter dem zweiten Link aktuell gehalten. Der Modauthor macht keine Patches mehr selbst. Haben die zwei so vereinbart.

Zu Boss:
empfohlene Loadorder für die Main esp (AOS.esp):
Ganz am Ende und in diesem Fall macht es sogar Sinn. Boss ordnet die AOS.esp relativ weit vorne an. Wenn dann die AOS.esp manuell ans Ende gestellt wird, werden die Patches durch BOSS nicht mehr korrekt eingeordnet und zwar vor der AOS.esp und weil eben ein Patch auch die AOS.esp als Abhängigkeit benötigt und wenn der Patch VOR der AOS.esp geladen wird --> CTD beim Laden des Spiels!
Wie gesagt, alles ans Ende für das optimalste Sounderlebnis:

<Start Loadorder>
.alle esm
.alle esp
AOS_DGDB Patch.esp=1
AOS_COTw-DG Patch.esp=1
AOS_RWT Patch.esp=1
AOS_ELFX Patch.esp=1
AOS_EBT Patch.esp=1
AOS_ICS Patch.esp=1
AOS_WetandCold Patch.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1
<Ende Loadorder>

Quelle für das Alles:
Lest die Foren auf'm Nexus die bei den beiden Links auch zu finden sind :evil:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also ich kann aus dem Post von mditsch nur lesen, das BOSS mit allen Patches vom 2.Link Probleme hat. Außerdem bezieht sich mein Post darauf warum man den Patch aus dem 1.Link nicht nehmen soll.
Trotzdem noch eine Frage dazu. Wenn ich Skyrim mit Dawnguard und Dragonborne benutze (ohne Cot), reicht es dann das hier aus den "Optional Files" zu installieren?


aber trotzdem: stell AOS.esp ganz nach hinten und sehe nach, ob du noch weitere Patches für Mods benötigst:

  • Deadly Spell Impacts
  • Dragon Combat Overhaul
  • ELFX
  • Empowered Magic
  • Enhanced Blood Textures
  • Fire and Ice Overhaul
  • Improved Combat Sounds
  • Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS
  • Realistic Water Two
  • Requiem
  • SkyRe
  • Smooth blade draw and Sheathe
  • Wet and Cold
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: changnam

Version 1.5 ist auf dem Nexus erschienen.

sind im Prinzip nur Fixes von Modfehlern und vor allem von Skyrim Vanilla Audio Bugs, deshalb sollten die Patches laufen, allerdings nur die Standalone-Mod-Patches, natürlich NICHT die merged Patches, die die AOS.esp austauschen! Für diese muss gewartet werden bis MichaelRW ein update bringt oder umstellen auf die Standalone-Mod-Patches.

Ich bemerkte keine Probleme mit den Patches und die Meinung des Modauthors ist auch, dass er es sich nicht vorstellen kann, dass es zu Problemen kommt mit den Standalone-Mod-Patches; begründet in der Art der Fixes und wie die Standalone-Mod-Patches gemacht sind.

Version 1.5 Update now available in Files Section. Requires version 1.4 installed beforehand! Just override AOS.esp

  • *fixed a bug with arrow on shield impacts not playing

    *fixed an issue where Bethesda used walking footsteps on sneaking NPCs and sometimes even sprinting or running, instead of the actual sneaking footstep sounds. (I was mildly shocked when looking at the impact data, after becoming aware of this problem by a video from Gopher)
    Now NPCs use sneaking footsteps when sneaking...duh

    *Mixing and attenuation tweaks for: some water sounds, dwemer contraptions, distant impacts such as blacksmith hammers and pickaxes, distant wolves and deers, dragon wing flaps and more

    *fixed a tavern (can't remember the name :p) using an inappropriate acoustic space, meaning more appropriate reverb.
    Unless glitches or something being weird come up, this might be the last version before 2.0 which will feature a host of new sounds including interior (dungeon) ambiences and weapons.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also bei mir läuft die Mod recht gut.
Was mich allerdings mächtig nervte, waren Soundgeräusche, die sich anhörten, wie Meeresbrandung.
Egal, wo man war, ob im tiefen Wald, oder hohem Berg.
Ich musste immer den Schieberegler unter "Ambiente" auf "0" stellen, um Ruhe zu haben.
Schuld waren daran die Dateien "ambr_wind_forestpine" 1bis4 a+b"
Habe diese nun gelöscht, da ich ihren Nutzen nicht erkenne.
Mittlerweile gibt es dann nun auch schon Version 2.5 auf Nexus: Klick mich

Changelog Version 2.5 und was zuvor in 2.2 geändert wurde:
[h=2]Version 2.5[/h]------------------------------------------------
Changes and Fixes:
- Completely re-worked the way magic effect sounds are implemented, bringing compatibility with mods that add magic effects, but retaining all of AOS' changes to magic sounds in Skyrim, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn as they were in AOS v2.2 (for more technical details, see the Magic Sounds Implementation Changelist, below)
- Added an "Ambience" volume slider for level adjustment of nearly all looped and intermittent exterior and interior environment sounds
- Added interior thunder sounds played during any weather with thunder, heard mostly in structures made of wood or with windows, but not normally underground
- Added conditions so that the interior rain sound should usually be heard where expected, mainly in houses, inns, and shops, but not in most structures with non-wood roofs, such as in Markarth or Solitude
- Added conditions so that when it's raining, some environmental bird and insect loop sounds are quieter and some insects are not heard. However, random ambient bird sounds will still be heard during rain
- Changed the two rain sounds used for Skyrim's rainy weathers to be a little heavier and louder
- Changed the main and morning pine forest ambience loop to sound less "jungle like" with their bird call sounds
- Enhanced the Dragon Frost Breath projectile with AOS' custom frostbite sound
- Enhanced the Firebolt Storm magic effect with AOS' custom Firebolt impact sound
- Applied AOS' edits to Dawnguard's waterfall sounds, and added them to to AOS' "Waterfall & Rapids" sound volume slider
- Fixed incorrect settings for chance of hearing ambient foliage sounds in areas set to the Fall Forest Riften region
- Fixed the Ice Storm spell to use a special sound when dual casting which had not been implemented in AOS v2.1 as intended
- Fixed the Firebolt magic effect to use the "no area" flag as set by Skyrim.esm
- Fixed a number of ice impact effects to use the same non-sound related settings as found in Skyrim.esm
- Fixed all of the arrow impact effects to correctly use their visual impact effects that were accidentially removed by previous versions of AOS
- Reduced the volume of the conjure portal magic effect sound
- Changed fArrowMaxDistance game setting from 2000 to 12288 in case it affects the fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288 tweak many people use
- Added _AOS suffix to EditorIDs of all new Explosion, Hazard, Projectile, Sound Descriptor, and Sound Output Model records added by AOS, for easier identification in Creation Kit and TES5Edit

Installer and Compatibility Patches:
- Added new compatibility patches for:
-- + Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch v16 by prod80, Ayien, and Saerileth
-- + Deadly Dragons v6.3.5 by 3jiou
-- + ELFX Weathers beta v0.5 by anamorfus
-- + Purity v1.0 by Laast
-- + Supreme Storms + Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch
-- + True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone v1.5 (or later) by fadingsignal
-- + Sounds of Skyrim collection (Civilization, The Dungeons, The Wilds) by Cliffworms, for:
--- + 1) for users of SoS without any weather overhaul mod
--- + 2) for users of Climates of Tamriel (weather) by JJC71
--- + 3) for users of Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch
--- + (many thanks to UnmeiX for sharing edits from his mod Weather and Ambience Overhaul)
- Added a "no interior rain sound" option for users who prefer the method of mods that already provide it, such as Wonders of Weather
- Updated Deadly Spell Impacts patch to match a minor change in AOS v2.5
- Updated Realistic Water Two patch for AOS v2.5 compatibility
- Updated SkyRe patch and SkyRe AFTER patches for compatibility with SkyRe v1.3.x and AOS v2.5
- Updated Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade (WAFR) patch for compatibility between WAFR v5.1 and AOS v2.5
- Updated Wet and Cold patch for AOS v2.5 compatibility and confirmed compatibility with Wet and Cold v2.0
- Updated ALL weather mod patches for AOS v2.5 compatibility: Climates of Tamriel, Expanded Skyrim Weather, Natural Lighting and Atmospherics, Pure Weather, RCRN AE
- Rebuilt the Fire and Ice Overhaul (FIO) patch, the Traps are Dangerous patch, and the combination TAD & FIO patch to accommodate changes in AOS v2.5
- Rebuilt the Requiem v1.7.3 & v1.8.x patches for AOS v2.5 compatibility
- No changes were needed for the following compatibility patch plugins: Enhanced Blood Textures, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal.
- All patches were loaded in TES5Edit v1.3.3, cleaned, and checked for errors
- The FOMOD / BAIN installers have been re-worked to be more "user friendly"
- All descriptions and read me text files edited and updated for clarity and accuracy
- All read me text files are now installed into /Skyrim/Data/AOS 2.5 Read Me Files/

AOS 2.5 Magic Sounds Implementation Changelist:
Effect Shaders
- FireFXShaderDUPLICATE001 removed because it is identical to the vanilla FireFXShader record, and updated the reference in the Firebolt magic effect ("FireDamageFFAimed") to refer to the vanilla FireFXShader.

- The following 14 modified vanilla Explosion records have been duplicated into unique AOS records to leave the original vanilla records intact:
+ AlduinFirestormImpactExplosion
+ crGiantSlamExplosion
+ DragonFireballAreaExplosion
+ ExplosionDwarvenSpider
+ ExplosionFireBoltExpert01
+ ExplosionRuneFlame01
+ ExplosionRuneFrost01
+ ExplosionRuneShock01
+ ExplosionRuneMass01
+ ExplosionStormAtronachPowerAttack
+ FireballStormAlduinDeathExplosion
+ FireballStormImpactExplosion
+ FXAtronachFireDeathExplosion
+ MAGIceSpikeVolleyExplosion
- The above 14 Explosion records' EditorIDs were renamed to add the suffix "_AOS".
- The other 11 Explosion records were left as edits to vanilla Explosions because the changes to sounds would still be appropriate if these Explosions are used by for magic effects added by other mods.

FormID Lists
- Added 3 modified Gas Trap FormID lists to include references to AOS' unique FireLg/FireSm Hazard records.

- All 16 AOS unique Hazard records' EditorIDs were renamed to add the suffix "_AOS" (and "DUPLICATE001" removed, if present).

Magic Effects
- Added 123 modified vanilla Magic Effect records (85 from Skyrim.esm/Update.esm, 2 from DG, and 36 from DB) which now refer to at least one of AOS' unique Explosion, Hazard, or significantly modified Sound Descriptor records.

- All 21 AOS unique Projectile records' Editor IDs were renamed to add the suffix "_AOS".

Sound Descriptors
- 2 modified vanilla Sound Descriptors have been duplicated into unique AOS records to leave the original vanilla records intact, because AOS changes their loop type from non-looping to looping:
+ MAGDestructionFireboltDragonProjectile
+ MAGFireboltProjectileSD
- The EditorIDs of all Sound Descriptors unique to AOS were renamed to add the suffix "_AOS".

[h=2]Version 2.2[/h]------------------------------------------------
Changes and Fixes:
- Extensive remix and redesign of all exterior base ambiences and some interiors
- Ambiences are now more dynamic, a bit less windy on average, leaving more room for wind gusts and other ambient sounds as accents
- Tweaked multiple ambients sounds from version 2.0 that didn't play as much as I wanted (elk and fox cries in forests, loons etc.)
- Added a large variety of ambient flies, bees, beetles and mosquitoes to better cover the close range ambiance
- Fall forest (close to Riften) and pine forest now share very little content and have completely different base ambiences for all day times, pine is based on new recordings I made specifically for the mod
- Both forest types now have specific ambiences for morning time (loveley singing birds)
- Forests are now much more quiet and atmospheric during night time
- Forests are now less windy in general (especially pine) and for both forest types the weather has more influence on how windy it is
- Fixed super loud and inappropriate wind in the Falmer valley (Forgotten Vale) from the Dawnguard DLC
- Fixed incorrect data for the conditions when morning bird ambient sounds play in Pine Forest areas
- Tiny spiders no longer share footstep sounds with giant frostbite spiders, they are just silent now
- Foxes and Rabbits/Hares now have new footsteps sounds that are much more natural and subtle compared to vanilla
- Horse hoof attacks don't sound like huge explosions any more, instead use more appropriate sounds
- Various fixes to impact data where some types of attacks didn't have anything assigned for a large variety of surfaces. For example bashing with bows was often silent, same for maces and more (these were vanilla bugs)
- With the new additions and polish AOS now fully covers all interiors and exteriors with a complete redesign of all base ambiences + roughly 400 additional ambient sounds carefully spread throughout different regions and day times, ranging from very close to very far wildlife, wind/air, debris, foliage etc., all fine tuned to be vivid and varied without overpowering gameplay. Ambience has become one of the biggest features of the mod and I am quite pleased with the result now.

Installer and Compatibility Patches:
- added missing Dawnguard region border data to the Skyrim + DG and Skyrim + DG + DB version of the plugin (hot-fix released 13 December 2014)
- Added Wyre Bash BaIn Wizard installer made by Alt3rn1ty with modifications by keithinhanoi
- incorporated all relevant USKP fixes since AOS v2.1 was released (USKP Bugs #12778, 14491, and 17244)
- the four variants of the main AOS.esp plugin now contain correct version number information (eg., "Version: 2.2DG", "Version: 2.2noDLC", etc.)
- Added compatibility patch for Supreme Storms by MannyGT, with two variants - the "regular" version and Climates of Tamriel version
- Added compatibility patch for Expanded Skyrim Weather (ESW) by Raphou112, an update of his AOS patch for ESW to work with AOS v2.2
- Added new combined compatibility patch for ESW - RCRN version -and- RCRN AE
- Removed Dragon Combat Overhaul (DCO) patch because it is no longer needed with version "FINAL" of DCO
- Applied AOS v2.2 changes to the following patches: Natural Lighting and Atmospherics and RCRN AE, Requiem v1.7.3
- Updated Climates of Tamriel 3.1 patch to include AOS v2.2 changes to regional ambient sounds and added AOS changes to CoT's snowstorm weathers
- Updated Pure Weather patch for Pure Weather v2.1 (Legendary), which requires Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs
- Updated Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade (WAFR) patch for compatibility between WAFR v5.0 and AOS 2.2, and masters list sorted according to LOOT-based load order
- Updated Skyrim Redone and SkyRe_AFTER patches for compatibility between SkyRe v1.3.01 and AOS 2.2, and masters lists sorted according to LOOT-based load order
- Updated Wet and Cold patch with one small change from AOS v2.2
- Renamed the "Traps Make Noise" patch option in the AOS installer to "Traps are Dangerous" (TAD) and improved notes to avoid users mistakenly installing it when it is not needed
- Renamed the Traps are Dangerous patch plugin to "AOS2_TAD Patch.esp" for naming consistency
- Updated the Fire and Ice Overhaul (FIO) patch and the combination Traps are Dangerous -and- FIO patch with one small change from FIO v3.2
- No changes were needed for the following patch plugins: Enhanced Blood Textures, Deadly Spell Impacts, Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal, Realistic Water Two, and Traps Are Dangerous
- Modified full AOS installer to present additional options window if user has selected patches for both Guard Dialogue Overhaul(GDO) and Weapons and Armor Fixes - Redone (WAFR), because the WAFR patch includes all GDO patch fixes
- Updated installer notes and patch read me text to reflect load orders based on LOOT
- repacked .rar archive so the BAIN Wizard installer will be recognized and work correctly
- All descriptions edited for clarity

Gruß PRieST47