
  1. S

    Übersetzung Oblivion XP V 4.1.5

    Ah, I see. For now, I'd advise to just work with Suzie Q to integrate it into the DV of Oblivion XP. I am working on a new system for integrating user-made quest mods though. The idea is to have an XML file that defines all quest names, XP rewards, stages etc that will be read in on loading the...
  2. S

    Übersetzung Oblivion XP V 4.1.5

    Hey. If I understand correctly, your plugin file doesn't reference Oblivion XP.esp and neither does it reference thievery.esp. However, only Oblivion XP should be needed for this, this is the reason I'm using IsModLoaded in combination with RunScriptLine - it negates the need for...
  3. S

    Übersetzung Oblivion XP V 4.1.5

    Hey all, Suzie Q asked me to have a look at Fellan's script. What is going wrong is the following: all Oblivion Script arrays are 0-based - this means that you need to start the first entry with 0. Here's what the script looks like if it's fixed: scn zzzObXPthieveryScpt ;this script...