- nor does it shield the steel blue eyes that seem to pierce all they fall upon. In his left hand he carries a massive ebony tower shield on which is emblazoned…8 KB (1.119 Wörter) - 20:21, 29. Apr. 2016
- and whose Shield-Wives were Shanjenen the Echo-Eaten and Jahnsdotter Whose-Name-Stays-in-its-Cradle. There were also the twenty-two Thunder Shield Women ungiven…61 KB (9.568 Wörter) - 03:21, 9. Jan. 2021
- somewhere, if not in the Tower. Ssa'ass is good with battle injuries and there are Temples which know more of the healing arts than the Tower mages. Besides, it's…40 KB (37 Wörter) - 19:18, 28. Aug. 2016
- Beschwörung: Fessle eine gegnerische Kreatur. Kristallturm-Handwerkerin (Crystal Tower Crafter) Hochelf 2 1 1 Spielst du eine Aktion, erhält Kristallturm-Handwerkerin…106 KB (27 Wörter) - 19:57, 23. Dez. 2017
- could be better at the spellcasting and the Tower was the place to learn that. Well, no one goes near the Tower without an invitation. No one! No one would…36 KB (37 Wörter) - 19:18, 28. Aug. 2016
- Kreischende Harpyie (Shrieking Harpy) Harpyie Kristallturm-Handwerkerin (Crystal Tower Crafter) Hochelf Redoran-Vollstrecker (Redoran Enforcer) Dunkelelf Schimmerheim-Händler…81 KB (0 Wörter) - 13:23, 1. Jan. 2017
- enemy creature. Crystal Tower Crafter (Kristallturm-Handwerkerin) Hochelf 2 2 2 When you play an action, Crystal Tower Crafter gains +1/+1. Redoran…119 KB (40 Wörter) - 00:59, 17. Dez. 2016
- King Edward König Edward Chap 5: In the Crystal Tower Band 5: Der Kristall-Turm Inside the Tower, Edward's first impression was of whiteness. Floors…25 KB (37 Wörter) - 19:18, 28. Aug. 2016