Meintest du „the fibel legion“?
- des Ersten Rates The War of the First Council Agrippa Fundilius Text Der Kuchen und der Diamant Der Kuchen und der Diamant The Cake and the Diamond Athyn…33 KB (5 Wörter) - 15:58, 27. Jun. 2017
- Redoran The Hope of the Redoran Text Die Hüter der Klinge Die Hüter der Klinge The Keepers of the Razor Text Die Irrlichtmütter Die Irrlichtmütter The Wispmother…52 KB (22 Wörter) - 15:31, 23. Jun. 2017
- know the rules. Turn the subtitles on, replay Redguard to the prison quest, and, when fighting with Dram, watch the lines of text appearing in the bottom…53 KB (8.162 Wörter) - 00:12, 24. Jul. 2017
- "I can read that." At the mention of the Lords of Misrule, the crew of the Carrick were set to a heavier unease. "’The Virtue of the Little Reward’," Cyrus…80 KB (13.300 Wörter) - 15:21, 4. Jan. 2019