- unstoppable weapon of great might, a weapon which can never be taken from the owner without also taking his mind. The Shehai became Hunding's weapon, and with…24 KB (3.835 Wörter) - 15:02, 22. Jun. 2017
- ferocious combat training, where the soaring and fluid designs of the Altmeri weapons of war—thin and swan necked like their ships— were finally tested. Altmeri…30 KB (4.651 Wörter) - 19:09, 28. Aug. 2016
- Krallen auf Stufe 50 Iron Atronach (Eisenatronach) Daedra 12 12 12 Breakthrough Guard Regenerate Your opponent can't target Iron Atronach with actions…119 KB (40 Wörter) - 00:59, 17. Dez. 2016
- Blutmagiefürst oder Fürst der dunklen Krallen auf Stufe 50 Eisenatronach (Iron Atronach) Daedra 12 12 12 Durchbrechen Wächter Regenerieren Dein Gegner kann…106 KB (27 Wörter) - 19:57, 23. Dez. 2017
- (Night Talon Lord) Vampir Volkihar-Fürst (Volkihar Lord) Vampir Eisenatronach (Iron Atronach) Daedra Thane von Rift (Rift Thane) Nord Edikt von Azura (Edict…81 KB (0 Wörter) - 13:23, 1. Jan. 2017