Meintest du „iron stadt“?
- Krallen auf Stufe 50 Iron Atronach (Eisenatronach) Daedra 12 12 12 Breakthrough Guard Regenerate Your opponent can't target Iron Atronach with actions…119 KB (40 Wörter) - 00:59, 17. Dez. 2016
- Schlüsselwort, das sie haben. Saisonbelohnung November 2016 Stab der Funken (Staff of Sparks) Gegenstand 6 +3/+0 Wenn der Träger angreift, fügt er allen gegnerischen…106 KB (27 Wörter) - 19:57, 23. Dez. 2017
- Schlachtenvogt der Dämmerung (Battlereeve of Dusk) Hochelf Stab der Funken (Staff of Sparks) Gegenstand Studienrektor (Studium Headmaster) Hochelf Vererbter…81 KB (0 Wörter) - 13:23, 1. Jan. 2017
- Tazkad the Packmaster: Changed from 8 cost to 9 cost Dunmer Nightblade: Gives Iron Sword instead of Steel Sword Apprentice's Potion: Changed from 1 cost to…24 KB (3.679 Wörter) - 20:20, 23. Dez. 2017
- attempted and failed to achieve. Even the lowliest Altmer has a disdain for iron, steel, or other materials of the common mainlander, so more exotic ores…30 KB (4.651 Wörter) - 19:09, 28. Aug. 2016
- side of the playmat. A premium Dunmer Nightblade now generates a premium Iron Sword upon death. Ring of Imaginary Might is now generated through cards…80 KB (12.079 Wörter) - 11:12, 10. Mär. 2018