Suchergebnisse für „Iron Boots“

  • tell you: Cyrodiil is an awful place. We have nothing but iron to work with. There's no art to iron armor. I tried using the bones of beasts killed in the…
    2 KB (397 Wörter) - 08:55, 8. Sep. 2016
  • attempted and failed to achieve. Even the lowliest Altmer has a disdain for iron, steel, or other materials of the common mainlander, so more exotic ores…
    30 KB (4.651 Wörter) - 19:09, 28. Aug. 2016
  • side of the playmat. A premium Dunmer Nightblade now generates a premium Iron Sword upon death. Ring of Imaginary Might is now generated through cards…
    80 KB (12.079 Wörter) - 11:12, 10. Mär. 2018