Meintest du „imperial letzte“?
- Anises Brief Anise's Letter Text Anonymer Brief Anonymer Brief Anonymous Letter Text Anonymer Brief Anonymer Brief Anonymous Letter Text Anweisungen Anweisungen…31 KB (5 Wörter) - 13:07, 3. Dez. 2013
- 'Lorkhan' zu tun hätte, einfach deswegen, weil der Name der Stadt mit dem Letter 'L' beginnt.“ Die „Kosmologie“ und „Der Monomythos“, beides Grundlagentexte…2 KB (251 Wörter) - 15:06, 4. Jul. 2018
- und auf der Karte von Solstheim findet sich die Inschrift AN IMPERIAL TERRITORY (Ein imperiales Territorium). Auf der Verpackung von The Elder Scrolls IV:…39 KB (2.084 Wörter) - 21:38, 18. Mär. 2021
- lautet "Brief an die Magiergilde" Letter to the Guild of Mages Vangaril Texte* Brief an Mutter Brief an Mutter Letter to Mother Bruder Piner Text Brief…15 KB (20 Wörter) - 13:41, 3. Dez. 2013
- Brief an Senilias Cadiusus Letter to Senilias Cadiusus Hasphat Antabolis Text Brief an Yngling Brief an Yngling Yngling's Letter Tholer Saryoni Text Brief…17 KB (28 Wörter) - 12:57, 3. Dez. 2013
- Brief (Originaltitel: Caius Cosades' Letter). Der Text wurde von Ken Rolston veröffentlicht und ist auf der Imperial Library archiviert. Caius Cosades' Brief…4 KB (711 Wörter) - 21:49, 24. Feb. 2016
- An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire (Originaltitel: Letter to the Grand Marshall of the Imperial Legion). Brief an den Großmarschall der kaiserlichen…5 KB (707 Wörter) - 17:07, 26. Apr. 2017
- the age of nineteen, he went to the Imperial City to study. There were few Redguards who had been to the Imperial Province at the time, and it may be that…14 KB (2.058 Wörter) - 17:39, 22. Jun. 2017
- must finish and send this letter off. I am being called to a meeting of the Masters of Artaeum. Yours, Gosleigh Gosleigh's letter - 20 Rain’s Hand 20 Rain’s…29 KB (4.853 Wörter) - 15:37, 5. Dez. 2015
- Brief aus An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire (Originaltitel: Jagar Tharn's Letter). Jagar Tharns Brief von Jagar Tharn [[Eine säuberlich gefaltene Nachricht…2 KB (154 Wörter) - 17:53, 17. Mär. 2017
- scholar, has just received a letter from the Architects Guild notifying him that as a former member of the now disbanded Imperial Geographic Society he has…17 KB (2.573 Wörter) - 18:43, 6. Jun. 2017
- Septim. He trusted his last Imperial Battlemage, the power-mad Jagar Tharn, and it nearly destroyed him. His current Imperial Battlemage, Ocato of Firsthold…22 KB (3.315 Wörter) - 14:50, 6. Dez. 2019
- It is an honor for me to write you this letter. Please thank Sinder in my name when he delivers this letter at your door. I am currently lodged in Sadrith…20 KB (3.230 Wörter) - 20:20, 8. Nov. 2015
- Kaiserlicher Bericht über Saarthal Imperial Report on Saarthal Text Kaiserliches Sendschreiben Kaiserliches Sendschreiben Imperial Missive Text Kaputtes Wanderbuch…52 KB (22 Wörter) - 15:31, 23. Jun. 2017
- reached my Tower in the far east. I received a letter from a Master Blade that Uriel Septim, Emperor of Imperial conquered Tamriel, has been assasinated. I…10 KB (1.629 Wörter) - 20:46, 11. Feb. 2017
- It was a sunny day in the Imperial City. Nothing unusual was going on in the Imperial Library, until Xanathar received a letter from a well-known Literary…72 KB (11.544 Wörter) - 16:45, 24. Jan. 2019
- of this letter. To retrieve your reward bring your favorite horse, along with this notice, to the Chestnut Handy Stables outside of the Imperial City. Help…659 Bytes (97 Wörter) - 08:55, 8. Sep. 2016
- guards and handed him a letter, then pointed towards the carriage. The guard brought it to her. The boy waited, eyes wide. The letter was brief and complimentary…11 KB (36 Wörter) - 19:13, 28. Aug. 2016
- 2E 578 Promulgated under the Authority of the Imperial Geographical Society Green Emperor Way, Imperial City, Cyrodiil PRAISE BE TO AKATOSH AND ALL THE…30 KB (4.651 Wörter) - 19:09, 28. Aug. 2016
- and friend to the Scholar's Guild, who had heard tell of the matter. His letter read; „Jobasha must put an end to this imposter. Hasphat Antabolis lives…44 KB (7.087 Wörter) - 11:55, 17. Feb. 2017