Suchergebnisse für „Cure Curse“

  • listen, and anonymously contact the vampires we know wish to end the curse. Ending the curse is possible, but only just. It is very dangerous, but when you are…
    10 KB (1.476 Wörter) - 12:59, 8. Mär. 2019
  • Antabolis Text Hinweis für Pestheilungs-Tränke Hinweis für Pestheilungs-Tränke Cure Blight Potion Notice Joldan Text Itermerels Notizen Itermerels Notizen Itermerel's…
    17 KB (28 Wörter) - 12:57, 3. Dez. 2013
  • cursed, even unto their make, in a similar manner as the Dawns of Mnumbrial, a cure and redemption still beyond our means. Those born under the Signs of the…
    32 KB (5.126 Wörter) - 10:04, 18. Aug. 2016
  • Saved from sacrifice by the master before my fealty to Hircine was sworn, my curse of birth extends to my reachman name of Gargrell. the master is always quick…
    30 KB (4.651 Wörter) - 19:09, 28. Aug. 2016