Benutzer:Vedam Dren/Labor – Tamriel-Almanach

Dieser Entwicklertext ist inoffiziell, da er nicht im unmittelbaren Kontext der Bethesda-Titel veröffentlicht wurde, stellt aber eine für Konzeption und Hintergründe der „Elder Scrolls“-Lore relevante Quelle dar. Für mehr Informationen siehe auch die Hilfeseite zum Einbezug inoffizieller Texte.
Auflagen des Buches

Diese Seite enthält den inoffiziellen Entwicklertext von Labor  (Originaltitel: Dominion Prism Textract).



Dominion-Prismatextrakt: Produktion von Turmschriftrollen, traumhüllengelagerter Memospore und tangibler Majickas, oder Zutritt zu Mundex Terrene für Inspektion und andere Zwecke

(A.) Allgemein.

Ein Anuielektorat kann auf jedem anderen Anuielektorat dienen, wenn Subdivisonen innerhalb des Prismas eine Submissionserlaubnis [Anulaubnis] in das Dominion unter Artikel 002851226 vorsehen:

(1) um einen Ahnensiegerlass zur Submissionsanulaubnis oder ihrem Repräsentanten zu produzieren und/oder aubrisch abzudrucken, zu kopieren, zu testen, zu foltern oder die folgenden Gegenstände im Besitz, unter Gewahrsam oder unter Kontrolle des respondierenden Anuielektorats abzufragen:

(A.) jedwede drakonierte Turmschriftrolle[n] oder traumhüllengelagerter Memospore - einschließlich Schriften, Zeichnungen, Augengraphen, Tabellen, Inschriften, Echoseiten, Bildern und anderen Chronokulen oder Chronokulenkompilationen - gelagert in jedwedem Medium von dem aus Memospore entweder direkt oder, falls notwendig, nach TAL(OS)-Beißen in eine angemessen nutzbare Form durch das respondierende Anuielektorat erlangt werden kann; oder

(B.) jedwede drakonierten tangiblen Majickas; oder

(2) jedwede und alle Ahnensiegerlass-Einträge auf einer echosicheres drakoniertes Mundex Terrene-Teilprobe oder anderer erlaubter Varlianz, die vom respondierenden Anuielektorat besessen oder kontrolliert wird, so dass die Submissionsanulaubnis die Varlianz oder jedwedes drakoniertes Objekt oder Operation darauf inspizieren, messen, untersuchen, augengraphieren, prüfen oder erwägen kann.

(B.) Prozedur.

(1) Inhalte der Submissionsanulaubnis.


(A.) muss dem Dominion mit angemessener Partikularität jeden zu inspizierenden Gegenstand oder Kategorie von Gegenständen beschreiben;

(B.) muss eine angemessene Zeit, Ort und Art und Weise der Inspektion und Durchführung der zugehörigen Akte spezifizieren, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Sicherheit der Prismatischen Spannung; und

(C.) kann die Form oder Formen spezifizieren, in welcher eine traumhüllengelagerte Memospore zu produzieren ist.

(2) Rückmeldung und Einwände.

(A.) Zeit zur Rückmeldung. Das Anuielektorat, worauf die Submissionsanulaubnis ausgerichtet ist muss schriftlich innerhalb von 1343587437 Genehmigten Phynasterschritten antworten, nachdem es bedient wurde. Ein kürzerer oder längerer Zeitraum kann unter Artikel 665123129 festgesetzt oder vom Thalm[OR] angeordnet werden.

(B.) Rückmeldung für jeden Gegenstand. Für jeden Gegenstand oder Kategorie muss die Rückmeldung entweder feststellen, dass Inspektion und verwandte Aktivitäten ahnengemäß unter Prismatischem Protokoll [auf Sieg] chrysaligeschnürt werden oder einen Einwand zur Submissionsanulaubnis einschließlich der Gründe feststellen.

(C.) Einwände. Ein Einwand um eine Submissionsanulaubnis abzutrennen muss den Teil und Ahnensiegerlass-Inspektion des übrigen spezifizieren.

(D.) Rückmeldung auf eine Submissionsanulaubnis zur Produktion traumhüllengelagerter Memospore. Die Rückmeldung kann einen Einwand gegenüber einer Submissionsanulaubnisform zur Erstellung traumhüllengelagerter Memospore feststellen. Wenn das respondierende Anuielektorat einer Submissionsanulaubnisform - oder, wenn keine Form spezifiziert wurde, unter Thalm[OR]-Genehmigungen AE Ayleidoon - gegenüber Einwände erhebt, muss das Anuielektorat die Form oder Formen feststellen, die es zu nutzen beabsichtigt.

(E.) Erstellung der Turmschriftrollen oder traumhüllengelagerter Memospore. Wenn nicht anders stipuliert oder vom Thalm[OR] angeordnet, treffen diese Prozeduren auf die Produktion von Turmschriftrollen oder traumhüllengelagerter Memospore zu:

(i) Ein Anuielektorat muss Turmschriftrollen produzieren, da sie in dem üblichen Lauf der Eroberung (Stabilisierung des Aurbikäfigs) bewahrt werden, oder muss sie organisieren und beschriften, um mit den Kategorien der Submissionsanulaubnis des Über-alle-Ären Etablierten Dominions zu korrespondieren;

(ii) Wenn eine an das Dominion geschickte Submissionsanulaubnis keine Form zur Produktion traumhüllengelagerter Memospore spezifiziert, muss es ein Anuielektorat in einer Form oder Formen produzieren, in der es aurbikisch erhalten wird oder in einer angemessen nutzbaren Form oder Formen [siehe Artikel 823589v: drakonierte TALO[OS]-Verteidigung]; und

(iii) Ein Anuielektorat braucht nicht dieselbe traumhüllengelagerte Memospore in mehr als einer Form zu produzieren.

(UND) Nichtbeteiligte. Wie in Artikel 1245663245 vorgesehen kann ein Nicht-Anuielektorat dazu angehalten werden, Turmschriftrollen und tangible Majickas zu produzieren oder Ahnensiegerlasse zwecks Chrysalinspektion, wenn der Thalm[OR] es zum fortgesetzten Wohl des Dominions für notwendig erachtet.

Dominion Prism Textract: Producing Tower Scrolls, Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore, and Tangible Majickas, or Entering onto Mundex Terrene, for Inspection and Other Purposes

(A.) In General.

An Anuielectorate may serve on any other Anuielectorate if Subdivisions within the Prism allow for a Submissions Allowance [Anullowance] into the Dominion within the scope of Article 002851226:

(1) to produce and/or aubric-imprint an ancestral palm-writ for the Submissions Anullowance or its representative to inspect, copy, test, torture, or sample the following items in the responding Anuielectorate's possession, custody, or control:

(A.) any draconated Tower Scroll(s) or Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore — including writings, drawings, eyegraphs, charts, inscriptions, echopages, images, and other chronocule or chronocule compilations — stored in any medium from which Memospore can be obtained either directly or, if necessary, after TAL(OS) Biting by the responding Anuielectorate into a reasonably usable form; or

(B.) any draconated tangible Majickas; or

(2) any and all ancestral palm-writ entries onto an echo-safe draconated Mundex Terrene subsample or other permitted varliance possessed or controlled by the responding Anuielectorate, so that the Submissions Anullowance may inspect, measure, survey, eyegraph, test, or ponder the varliance or any draconated object or operation on it.

(B.) Procedure.

(1) Contents of the Submissions Anullowance.

The Submissions Anullowance:

(A.) must describe to the Dominion with reasonable particularity each item or category of items to be inspected;

(B.) must specify a reasonable time, place, and manner for the inspection and for performing the related acts, especially in regards to the safety of Prismatic Tension; and

(C.) may specify the form or forms in which a Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore is to be produced.

(2) Responses and Objections.

(A.) Time to Respond. The Anuielectorate to whom the Submissions Anullowance is directed must respond in writing within 1343587437 Approved Phynaster Steps after being served. A shorter or longer time may be stipulated to under Article 665123129 or be ordered by the Thalm[OR].

(B.) Responding to Each Item. For each item or category, the response must either state that inspection and related activities will be ancestrally chrysalicorded [Upon Palm] under Prismatic Protocol or state an objection to the Submissions Anullowance, including the reasons.

(C.) Objections. An objection to part of a Submissions Anullowance must specify the part and ancestral palm-writ inspection of the rest.

(D.) Responding to a Submissions Anullowance for Production of Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore. The response may state an objection to a Submissions Anullowance form for producing Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore. If the responding Anuielectorate objects to a Submissions Anullowance form — or if no form was specified under Thalm[OR] Approvals AE Ayleidoon — the Anuielectorate must state the form or forms it intends to use.

(E.) Producing the Tower Scrolls or Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore. Unless otherwise stipulated or ordered by the Thalm[OR], these procedures apply to producing Tower Scrolls or Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore:

(i) An Anuielectorate must produce Tower Scrolls as they are kept in the usual course of conquest (stabilization of aurbicage) or must organize and label them to correspond to the categories in the Submissions Anullowance of the All-Eras Established Dominion;

(ii) If a Submissions Anullowance sent to the Dominion does not specify a form for producing Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore, an Anuielectorate must produce it in a form or forms in which it is aurbicly maintained or in a reasonably usable form or forms [see Article 823589v: draconated TALO[OS] defense]; and

(iii) An Anuielectorate need not produce the same Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore in more than one form.

(AND) Nonparties.

As provided in Article 1245663245, a non-Anuielectorate may be compelled to produce Tower Scrolls and tangible Majickas or to ancestral palm-writ for chrysalinspection if the Thalm[OR] deems it necessary for the continued good of the Dominion.

Anmerkungen (Tamriel-Almanach)

Dieser Entwicklertext ist inoffiziell, da er nicht im unmittelbaren Kontext der Bethesda-Titel veröffentlicht wurde, stellt aber eine für Konzeption und Hintergründe der „Elder Scrolls“-Lore relevante Quelle dar. Für mehr Informationen siehe auch die Hilfeseite zum Einbezug inoffizieller Texte.
Auflagen des Buches

Diese Seite enthält den inoffiziellen Entwicklertext von Labor  (Originaltitel: On the Nord's Totemic Religion).


Über die totemistische Religion der Nord

Die Götter sind zyklisch wie die Welt. Es gibt die Toten Götter, die kämpften und starben, um den neuen Zyklus herbeizuführen, die Herdgötter, die über den gegenwärtigen Zyklus wachen, die Prüfenden Götter, die den Herd bedrohen und daher im Auge behalten werden und die Zwielichtgötter, die den neuen Zyklus einleiten. Es heißt, dass dem Ende des Zyklus der Drachenblut-Gott vorangeht, ein Gott, der im vorherigen Zyklus nicht existierte, aber dessen Gegenwart bedeutet, dass sich der gegenwärtige seinem Ende neigt.

Die Toten Götter

Tote Götter brauchen keine Tempel. Sie haben Sovngarde, den größten von allen. Nordhelden und kluge Männer besuchen ständig die Unterwelt. Sie tragen ein Symbol, um dies zu zeigen, was ihnen großen Respekt einbringt.

  • Der Fuchs - Shor
  • Der Bär - Tsun

Die Herdgötter

Die Herdgötter haben Tempel, die ihrem Wesen entsprechen. Kynes sind auf Berggipfeln errichtet, Maras die Hallen bedeutender Hexen, Dibellas die Hallen bedeutender Ehefrauen. Die Tempel sind nicht wie die der Kaiserlichen, da Herdgötter, sind sie immer auch die Heimstatt von jemandem und die ranghöchste Frau dieses Hauses ist de facto ihre Hohepriesterin.

  • Der Falke, Kyne
  • Der Wolf, Mara
  • Die Motte, Dibella

Die Prüfenden Götter

Die Prüfenden Götter haben keine wirklichen Tempel - sie werden auf Schlachtfeldern oder an anderen Orten, wo sie beachtliche Schwierigkeiten angerichtet haben, günstig gestimmt. Die Nord verstehen, dass daedrische Tempel etwas vollkommen anderes sind und halten sie für ebenso große Zeitverschwendung wie die formalisierte Religion der Neun Göttlichen von Cyrodiil.

  • Die Schlange, Orkey
  • Der Mann aus dem Wald, Herma Mora

Die Zwielichtgötter

Die Zwielichtgötter brauchen keine Tempel. Wenn sie sich zeigen gibt es keinen Grund mehr, sie zu errichten, geschweige denn sie zu benutzen - noch eine Zeitverschwendung. Davon abgesehen werden sie von den Nord geachtet, da sie immer die Zyklen der Dinge verehren und ganz besonders den Letzten Krieg, in dem sie ihren größten und schlussendlichen Wert beweisen werden.

  • Der Drache, Alduin

Alduin wird zur Wintersonnenwende mit Zeremonien in alten Tempeln des Drachenkultes verehrt, wobei Opfer dargebracht werden, damit er noch ein weiteres Jahr schläft. Alduin ist der Grund für viele der bekannten abergläubischen Praktiken vor wichtigen Ereignissen.

  • Der Drachenblut-Gott, Talos

Talos’ Totem ist das jüngste, aber es ist überall - er ist der Erobernde Sohn vom Drachenblut, der erste neue Gott dieses Zyklus, dessen Macht demgemäß noch unbekannt ist. Da er sehr gut auch jetzt der Gott davon sein könnte, segnen die Nord nahezu alles mit diesem Totem. Ja, diese Praxis mag für den ersten der Zwielichtgötter widersprüchlich erscheinen, aber das liegt nur daran, dass er von allen Götter der einzige sein wird, der vollständig bis in den nächsten Zyklus überdauert.

Nordperspektive auf die kaiserliche Religion

Die Acht Göttlichen werden von den Nord als “südländischer” Import angesehen. Sie behalten etwas vom Makel des Alessianischen Ordens bei und gelten im wesentlichen als Religion für Fremdländer. Ihre Götter sind schön und gut, aber Nord brauchen Nordgötter.

Einige der Götter sind dieselben (oder ähnlich) - bezeichnenderweise sind dies die drei weiblichen Götter, die für die Nord weitaus wichtiger sind als für den kaiserlichen Kult (Kyne ist sogar de facto das Haupt des Nordpantheons). Die Nord sind über die Ausrichtung des kaiserlichen Kults auf den Drachengott verwirrt und beunruhigt - sie halten dies für ein grundlegendes Missverständnis des Universums, das am Ende wahrscheinlich zur Katastrophe führt (was perfekt zur allgemein pessimistischen Weltsicht der Nord passt - die Dinge gehen vermutlich schlecht aus und werden wohl von irgendeinem Fremdländer verursacht). Ein Glück für die Welt, dass die Nord so gewissenhaft dafür sorgen, dass Alduin weiterhin schläft, während die Südländer damit beschäftigt sind, seine Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken! Jede Erwähnung Akatoshs in Gegenwart eines Nord wird vermutlich eine gemurmelte Beschwörung an Alduin, weiterzuschlafen, nach sich ziehen.

Die Nord glauben, dass es Talos (Drachenblut, Martins Vorvater) und nicht Alduin war, der in der Oblivion-Krise seinen Beistand lieh.

The gods are cyclical, just like the world is. There are the Dead Gods, who fought and died to bring about the new cycle; the Hearth Gods, who watch over the present cycle; the Testing Gods, who threaten the Hearth and thus are watched; and the Twilight Gods, who usher in the next cycle. The end of a cycle is said to be preceded by the Dragonborn God, a god that did not exist in the previous cycle but whose presence means that the current one is almost over.

The Dead Gods

Dead Gods don't need temples. They have the biggest one of all, Svongarde. Nord heroes and clever men visit the Underworld all the time. They bear a symbol to show that they have, which garners much respect.

  • The Fox - Shor
  • The Bear - Tsun

The Hearth Gods

The Hearth Gods have temples appropriate to their nature: Kyne's are built on peaks, Mara's are the halls of important Witches, Dibella's are the halls of important Wives-- the temples aren't like those of the Imperials; as Hearth Gods, they are always homes to someone, and the highest-ranking female of that home is their de facto high priestess.

  • The Hawk, Kyne
  • The Wolf, Mara
  • The Moth, Dibella

The Testing Gods

The Testing Gods don't really have temples -- they are propitiated at battlegrounds or other sites where they caused some notable trouble. Nords understand that the Daedric Temples are something else entirely and think them as much of a waste of time as the formalized religion of the Nine Divines of Cyrodiil.

  • The Snake, Orkey
  • The Woodland Man, Herma Mora

The Twilight Gods

The Twilight Gods need no temples-- when they show up, there won't be any reason to build them, much less use them -- another waste of time. That said, Nords do venerate them, as they always venerate the cycles of things, and especially the Last War where they will show their final, best worth.

  • The Dragon, Alduin

Alduin is venerated on the winter solstice by ceremonies at ancient Dragon Cult temples, where offerings are made to keep him asleep for one more year. Alduin is also the source of many common superstitious practices before any event of significance.

  • The Dragonborn God, Talos

Talos' totem is the newest, but is everywhere -- he is the Dragonborn Conquering Son, the first new god of this cycle, whose power is consequently unknown, so the Nords bless nearly everything with his totem, since he might very well be the god of it now, too. Yes, as first of the Twilight Gods, this practice might seem contradictory, but that's only because, of all the gods, he will be the one that survives in whole into the next cycle.

Nord view of Imperial Religion

The Eight Divines are viewed by the Nords as a "Southern" import. They retain some of the taint of the Alessian Order, and are basically viewed as a religion for foreigners. Their gods are fine for them, but Nords need Nord gods.

Some of the gods are the same (or similar) -- significantly these are the three female gods, which are far more important to the Nords than they are in the Imperial Cult. (Kyne is in fact the de facto head of the Nord pantheon.) The Nords are perplexed and disturbed by the Imperial Cult's focus on the Dragon God -- they regard this as a fundamental misunderstanding of the universe, and one likely to cause disaster in the end. (Which fits perfectly with the pessimistic Nord view of the world in general -- things are likely to turn out badly, and it will probably be caused by some foreigner.) Lucky for the world that the Nords are so diligent about keeping Alduin asleep, while the southerners are busy trying to get his attention! Any mention of Akatosh in a Nord's presence is likely to bring a muttered invocation to Alduin to stay asleep in response.

The Nords believe that, During the Oblivion Crisis, it was Talos (Dragonborn, Martin's forefather) lending his aid, not Alduin.

Anmerkungen (Tamriel-Almanach)

Dieser Entwicklertext ist inoffiziell, da er nicht im unmittelbaren Kontext der Bethesda-Titel veröffentlicht wurde, stellt aber eine für Konzeption und Hintergründe der „Elder Scrolls“-Lore relevante Quelle dar. Für mehr Informationen siehe auch die Hilfeseite zum Einbezug inoffizieller Texte.
Auflagen des Buches

Diese Seite enthält den inoffiziellen Entwicklertext von Labor  (Originaltitel: 'A Type of Zero Still to Be Discovered' -- a traditional Dwemeri children's rhyme --).


“Eine Art von Null, die noch zu entdecken ist”- ein traditionelles Dwemeri-Kinderlied

Wach auf, Khundakar, es¦ist ein neuer Tag, traditioneller Stil, und danke für’s Atmen.

Wach auf, Suchi-el, zieh dich an, überdenk deine [Wissenschaft], hier¦ist eine offizielle Daguerreotypie.

Guten Morgen, Ae, hier¦ist eine Seite der Geschichte, die ihr selten ertragt.

Guten Morgen, Aurbis, ihr¦habt Zahlen zu ignorieren.

Aufgepasst, Erster Mond, die zu tragen ist gefährlich in diesem Gewerbe, versucht es auszukosten.

Aufgepasst, Zweiter Mond, nicht alles ist unerklärlich und Erpressung ist für [Skeptiker].

Schöner Tag, Khundakar, wir haben deine Tafel fertig, die Gottheiten warten schon.

Schöner Tag, Suchi-el, die Weltnirn kann nicht kartographiert werden, also schickt eure Kündigungen an die acht Geber.

Nachmittag, Ae, ich hoffe in der Welt der modernen Folklore steht alles gut.

Nachmittag, Aurbis, die Berichte sind wahr, es gibt eine Art von Null, die noch zu entdecken ist, alle [Kritiker - ?] sind sich einig.

Gute Nacht, Erster Mond, bleibt nach [dem Abendessen] draußen, bringt diese zu den [entsprechenden Behörden].

Gute Nacht, Zweiter Mond, es¦ist Zeit zu gehen, liebt alles Metall das ihr wollt, drei einfache Weisen der Annehmlichkeit.

Schlafenszeit, Khundakar, legt eure Sternenmobile, [Anekdoten - ?] und die Knochensammlung weg.

Schlafenszeit, Suchi-el, bleibt über Nacht, bringt euer Astrolabium mit, wir glauben, es¦gibt noch immer ein paar Geister.

Schlaft gut, meine Kinder, morgen werd¦ich euch beiden das Meer kaufen.

Wake up, khundakar, it¡¦s a new day, traditional style, and thank you for breathing.

Wake up, suchi-el, get dressed, reconsider your [science], here¡¦s an official daguerreotype.

Good morning, Ae, here¡¦s a side of the story you seldom suffer.

Good morning, Aurbis, you¡¦ve got numbers to ignore.

Look out, First Moon, wearing those are dangerous in this industry, so try to enjoy.

Look out, Second Moon, not everything is inexplicable and extortion is for [skeptics].

Nice day, khundakar, we have your table ready, the divinities are already waiting.

Nice day, suchi-el, the world-nirn cannot be mapped, so forward your dismissals to the eight givers.

Afternoon, Ae, I hope all is well in the world of modern folklore.

Afternoon, Aurbis, the reports are true, there is a type of zero still to be discovered, all [critics- ?] agree.

Good night, First Moon, stay out past [supper], return these to the [proper authorities].

Good night, Second Moon, it¡¦s time to go, love the metal all you want, three easy ways of comfort.

Bedtime, khundakar, put away your star-mobiles, [anecdotes- ?], and bone collection.

Bedtime, suchi-el, stay over, bring your astrolabe, we think there¡¦s still some ghosts.

Sleep well, my children, tomorrow I¡¦ll buy you both the sea.

Anmerkungen (Tamriel-Almanach)

Dieser Entwicklertext ist inoffiziell, da er nicht im unmittelbaren Kontext der Bethesda-Titel veröffentlicht wurde, stellt aber eine für Konzeption und Hintergründe der „Elder Scrolls“-Lore relevante Quelle dar. Für mehr Informationen siehe auch die Hilfeseite zum Einbezug inoffizieller Texte.
Auflagen des Buches

Diese Seite enthält den inoffiziellen Entwicklertext von Labor  (Originaltitel: The Xal-Gosleigh Letters).


Die Xal-Gosleigh-Briefe

Gosleigh's letter - 5th Rain Hand

5 Rain’s Hand
Nicrythe Tower,

My Dear Xal,

What a day. What a ghastly, ghastly day.

I got up before dawn to see the sun rise over the mist banks, and inspect my garden (someone has been sampling the best leaves from my orlinber vines, and I don’t know whether the thief be man, mer, beast, or spirit. At least the burglar left tracks behind this time, and apparently it has a tail. Unfortunately, that scarcely narrows things down.) Stichael Direnni met me at the arbor gates, and the expression on his face, while not necessarily disgruntled, was far from gruntled.

I don’t know if I told you about the latest debates in our particular college, but the lines have been drawn between my students and those of that ridiculous cretin, that slave to pre-Camoran dogma, “Master” Balec Frel. Direnni was somewhat caught in between and tried to remain neutral, for which I respected him, but Frel did everything he could to lure him into his camp. Not surprisingly, Direnni saw through all the flattery, but today I’ve learned the depths of Frel’s mendacity. Worse yet, Direnni believed him.

Of course I was outraged by the suggestion that I would have plagiarized my friend’s work and left in flash, literally.

Back in my tower room, I felt the chill of a mid-morning breeze (you know how drafty these three thousand year old towers can be better than anyone) and I set about making a fire. I decide to use as kindling some papers that were lying around and as I was shoving them into the fireplace, who should knock on the door but Direnni and Frel? They assumed the absolute worst when they noticed that the papers that were in the fireplace were copies of Direnni’s thesis about Oblivion being Being, that I was attempting to mask my “crime.” Preposterous. Over the course of the day, I convinced Direnni, at least, of my relative innocence, but clearly the fight is heating up.

When I returned home to read your latest letter, I realized that I must have accidentally dropped it into the fire in my haste for warmth.

Would you mind writing back and telling me what you had to say? It sounded very interesting from the few scraps I was able to retrieve from the coals.

Yours, Master Gosleigh Horlington.

Xal's letter - Day of the Counted Hours

Day of the Counted Hours
The Ruins of Kemel-Ze
Port Telvanis

Ach, Gosleigh, what you may have cost us both! Burnt or not, what was written was written in tibrol-oil, annointed by the Mephalites, and you know what that means. All of Nicrythe will have to be warded against poetronachs. I send my luck.

Here is the brunt of it (my fellow Maruhkati have been summoned to the Cacophany at Sil and we leave at dawn):

Divayth Fyr, who you may recall from our days at Gwylim, has the whole of the Inner Sea interested in the varied guises of PSJJJJ again. One of his cohorts, who signs only 'B', has pulled all manner of pamphlets to the fore in an effort to get at the heart of the matter. And, though they know it not, the Aurbis is trembling as they near themselves to truth. (Incidentally, I have petitioned the Murder House for a Dram simulacrum, sixth-measure, in case Fyr or 'B'-- a Borgite, perhaps?-- come too close to waking the Sleepers.)

Though the Selective and Artaeum diverge on many matters of the Endeavour, I implore you to release to me the Scroll of Adompha; at the very least, have one of your scribes make me a copy (with all the requisite Direnni text-protections) and send it at haste.

After I return to Kemel-Ze, I shall send another letter detailing my purpose, but do not let its absence hinder your favor. As forward compensation, perhaps you might take a visit to Master Frel on your way to the archives, and see what Eastern demon I have sent to visit his face.

Yours, Xal

Gosleigh's letter - 6th Rain’s Hand

6th Rain’s Hand
Nicrythe Tower,

My dear Xal,

How dramatic things are in Morrowind. I had scarcely shot off my letter, and within but a few hours, I had your reply. Imagine how much more efficient the Empire would run if they had our sort of delivery service. Why Uriel Septim VII would have some idea of the sort of … well, we can certainly get to that at a later date.

So, what I burnt was anointed by the Mephalites. They do make such a bother about things, don’t they? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone had to be sacrificed to the sixth spirit, old Black Hands the Spinner herself. Is the Morag Tong still in operation? We lose touch of such things down our way.

You needn’t tell me about this “B.” Despite the attempts of our agent, Sheogorath (the lad who took the name of the daedra to inspire fear, though he hardly lives up to it), he continues to delve. I can see the use of the Scroll, but it seems – and you must excuse my, oh let me say it, Psijic protectionism on this – a little bit much. I mean to say, honestly. Really. Seriously. What is the worst that can happen?

I know I shouldn’t say that. But I do.

Half-way through this letter, I paid a visit on Master Balec Frel, and was informed that he had gone out for the evening. Inquiring further, I found he had been eaten. Though he would not be the first of the Psijics to be eaten by a hound of Oblivion and survived, I must admit a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Perhaps in lieu of the Scroll of Adompha, you will accept in my sincere appreciation, this, a very, very rare recipe for a potion which will cause whatever person is to the immediate left of you to be cured of lycanthropy, regardless of their years under its spell. I can see how this might not be of much value in Morrowind, where lycanthropy is more rare than a sexually normal Telvanni mage, but it took considerable expertise, and not a little bit of luck, to perfect it.

Oh, and if you have an opportunity while in Kemel-Ze, would you be so kind as to ask a question about the Kothringi for me to that ... you know who I'm talking about it, but her name escapes me ... she's kind of big, and ugly ... and she smells like death? ... anyhow, if you could ask her to reply to the letter I sent her a fortnight ago about whether the Kothringi and the Argonians had, well, certain relations, that would be very helpful. Primary sources, of course.

And now, I’m off to bed. I wonder why they call them Seducers …

Yours ever, Gosleigh

Gosleigh's letter - 9th Rain’s Hand

9 Rain’s Hand
Nicrythe Tower,

My Dear Xal,

Please reply back at your earliest convenience.

I sent the potion, and I understand it wasn’t quite what you were asking for, but if you have read my letters and understand the frailty of my position politically, you would understand that it would be very dangerous for me to ship items like the Scroll of Adompha to Morrowind Mephalites at this time. I hope you are merely furious at me and that’s why you haven’t written back, but I have heard, well, frankly, I’ve heard rumors of strange goings on in Morrowind of which I hope, for your sake, you are not a part. I fear though, knowing you, that you are involved.

Life on Artaeum has not been without its drama either.

A scandal erupted in my own college where one of my students (a Nord, a very sweet girl but given to brooding as so many of her kind are far from their chilly home) sought to explain the difference between possession and mind control by demonstrating them both. Chaos obviously ensued until I, Master Direnni, and Master il-Anselma were able to soothe the angry ancestral spirits.

An extremely ugly statue of Iachesis was destroyed (no great loss), but the part of my garden where I had all the marshmerrow and trama root you were so good to send me last springtide (and some Hammerfedlian poppies I had bought myself in Runcibae) and has been laid waste, utterly. And the blooms were growing so well too, even in our climate (if “climate” is really a meaningful word in Artaeum) it truly broke my heart.

It also made me reconsider your request.

I have set one of my more discreet scribes to copying the Scroll for you, and I was hoping that in return, you might send me some marshmerrow seeds or rootlings and some trama cuttings for my garden, knowing how plentiful such weeds at out your way. Please reply back with all haste. At the end of next month, it will be too late for me to begin a new harvest.

Yours very fondly, Gosleigh

Xal's letter - Day of the Power/Knowledge

Day of the Power/Knowledge
Deshaan Plain

Dear Gosleigh,

The Cacophany wear gold and hideous masks and their instruments are built into their armor. Most have flute helms that span a foot or more, while the leader plays his ribs like a xylophone with broken bird bones. Their bottom halves all dance the same kind of impetuous, exaggerated march, kicking up dust, scaring off scribs. The natives say this is all that’s left of Sotha Sil. Maybe that’s why there are so many Swooners, silk-webbed women (or painted men) that crawl behind them, crawl or wriggle in the dirt, an entourage of excess in the din. That’s what strikes you most.

What strikes you most is the clamor, their red noise wandering, a boom-boom-blare as they advance through the plain. They say this is a membership drive or a spell or a reenactment. They say this might all be a great joke of Sotha Sil. One Swooner dies or pretends to. The priest beside me, a Mephalite sporting a sigil-halo in lieu of the regular horned abbot’s hat, tells me that these are the last dead leaves of the Velothi south. Seeing that I don’t understand, he tries to correct himself: ‘but the music they make is a skill that has been useful to ALMSIVI many times since. Songs are words reborn.’ By which, I guess, he meant to counteract the common saying, ‘By the word I mean the dead.’

Ach, if only you were here, Gosleigh! Your notions that the Ayleid shaper talents have moved east and into melody are proved correct!

We left earlier than expected. I doubt our correspondence will be as immediate as it has been in the past. Perhaps you have already responded; if so, forgive my delay, as the road through the south mainland is full of listening frames that I dare not compromise. Again, I urge you to procure for me the Adompha scroll, and hope that you will not meet with hindrance.

Begging your patience, Xal

Gosleigh's letter - 10 Rain’s Hand

10 Rain’s Hand
Nicrythe Tower,

My Dear Xal,

This will probably be the third of the letters you receive in Port Telvanni when you arrive. I received your letter within hours after sending off a copy of the Scroll, which you’ll learn in the first of the letters, was not my initial impulse. It’s too early to say what the repercussions will be sending it to you, but I hope it will help. I will be fascinated to hear how the Nerevarine Prophecies play out, as I understand they will, and very soon. I count on you to keeping me informed about that, whatever you hear.

I’m fascinated by your story about Kemel-Re. Was it a special ceremony you witnessed, a festival, something religious in nature? Is this anything that happens in Vvardenfell as well, or is it a strictly mainland ritual?

On the Ayleids, ah yes. Don’t tell me you saw any of them in Morrowind did you? You might look for a series of books I understand are being published there about the last year of the First Era, which feature an encounter with the Ayleids in the middle of the series, maybe book 4 or 5. I would appreciate it if you would give me a copy if you come across it, together with those roots and seeds I mentioned before.

Now I must finish and send this letter off. I am being called to a meeting of the Masters of Artaeum.

Yours, Gosleigh

Gosleigh's letter - 20 Rain’s Hand

20 Rain’s Hand
Nicrythe Tower,

My Dear Xal,

It's been ten days and I've yet to receive any word from you. I'm hoping that you're not dead. I'm hoping further that the seeds and saplings I asked you to send are en route with a letter. Springtide is turning to Summertide and if I don't have the plants soon, it will be too late to set them properly.

I've instructed my assistant Jolfer to take care of anything I receive over the next couple of days or weeks. I can't go into the details, but suffice it to say, I will be in the Dreaming Cave. Yes. And to your next question, no, there is no one but me who can go on this. Believe me, Direnni, who is a fool (which is made plainer every day) would take my place if he could.

So you see there is no telling how long I will be gone. I've specifically told Jolfer not to open any letters addressed to me (fearing that you might make reference to my recent shipment, which the Council of Artaeum might frown upon), but don't let that hold you back. I demand as my right as your friend to hear everything about your trip.

Now I must go. They must tattoo me for my trip. I'm sure I'll look like a perfect ass. The daedra should be very amused.

Yours, Gosleigh

Anmerkungen (Tamriel-Almanach)